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[原創] Ate a "sucking pig" accidentally

Ate a "sucking pig" accidentally

I was transit at a northern China city this Tuesday,  and having drinks in a popular bar with a girl that I met earlier in Shenzhen, she follows me to my hotel afterword, surprisingly I found her is a virgin!


really ???????/lucky gentleman!!!!!!!!!!


The first time I met her was in Sxxx bar Shenzhen at July, she is a primary school teacher in her mid twenties (I couldn't remember her actual age) and she was having summer vacation there, I met her few times during her stay in SZ, we went for dinner and then have drinks in several places, but she always keep her bottom line strictly, so I didn't expect she loosen her bottom line in her hometown!


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2010-12-11 21:33 發表 The first time I met her was in Sxxx bar Shenzhen at July, she is a primary school teacher in her mid twenties (I couldn't remember her actual age) and she was having summer vacation there, I met her  ...


原帖由 LaMancha 於 2010-12-11 14:06 發表

That's what I'm thinking too, so I was quite wild on the bed, ends up she keep saying I hurt her and finally I understand what she meant when I saw the bloodstains on the bed sheet.


Try more !


Never look back and no regret


原帖由 9NgDap8 於 2010-12-13 10:20 發表
But the point is that I never expected she is a virgin and she didn't tell me upfront! If I knew it then I may not 忍心 as well. I will write more detail later when I have time about how I meet her for the past few months.


ching, pls continue.


still keep contact ?


原帖由 sawyer123 於 2010-12-14 04:58 發表
still keep contact ?
Of course I still keep in contact with her, just received her SMS today says it will have snowing in their city soon.


原帖由 hkman1109 於 2010-12-13 17:04 發表
ching, pls continue.
Seems some brother here keen to know more, okay, let me tell the whole story from head to tail.

The very first time I met her was some time in July this year, I was alone in a popular bar at Shenzhen, usually I like to sit at the bar counter if go there without friend, because I got familiar bartender over there, they can always arrange a seat for me even there is full house, so I did the same at that night. No long ago a girl came in alone too, she is around at her mid twenties, average looking but has a good upper figure, the bartender arranged her to sit beside me, she looks fell strange to the bar, and asking bartender how to order the drinks. I was ordered a dozen beer at that night, so I politely offer her a bottle of beer, but she says her friend is coming so she ordered half dozen of beer. We have casual chat while she is waiting her friend, as what I guessed she is from another northen city of China and having a short vavation here.

After awhile, her friend - a western guy - came in, so we chat friendly and play the dies together, I found the girl speaks quite well English, I was told she is a primary school teacher, and the western guy is from USA but they just ordinary friend, they saty till around 1am and tell me they are leaving first, so I exchange the phone number with the girl befire they leave.

To be continue ....


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2010-12-15 02:44 發表
After awhile, her friend - a western guy - came in, so we chat friendly and play the dies together, I found the girl speaks quite well English, I was told she is a primary school teacher, and the western guy is from USA but they just ordinary friend, they saty till around 1am and tell me they are leaving first, so I exchange the phone number with the girl befire they leave.
師兄好波! 為國爭光!


Good, keep on to say more!!!


I called her two days later to date her for a dinner, she promised immediately without any hesitate, so we went to a famous street in Shenzhen which selling the seafood and she enjoyed the dinner verymuch.

When we walk out from the restaurant, she naturally hold my arm walking on the street for objectless, I ask her whether interested go to another famous pub in Coco Park (some brother may know it too), she got no objection at all. That bar usually is very crowded, so it is no exception on that night too, but we finally settle down at a corner of bar counter, we sit side by side there, we chat about her work and her life in her hometown, occasionally, I hold her waist or put my palm on her thigh, she reacts with kissing my face genteelly, but, after few rounds of drinks and follow the music dancing beside the bar counter, she seems melt into the atmosphere,she kiss my face and then move to my lip, ends up we have had wet kiss there…. but I stop it after awhile because I fell quite embarrassing since we are sitting on the bar counter, the bartenders and other customers can see us clearly. After that we have some more drinks, and we stand beside the bar counter instead of sitting on the stool, she was facing to bar counter and I hugged her from behind,so you can imaging that my little brother is against her butt, and I put my hands on her belly but slipping inside her waist of the skirt (she was wearing a jeans skirt), from the position people can’t really see what I’m doing because the bar counter blocked her front part of lower body, and the both left and right blocked by other people, so my hands keep slipping down and down while I’m kissing her ear back ….


Good experience sharing.
Waiting for your writing.


Greatly appreciate your sharing, keep on


how was then ???




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原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2010-12-20 03:08 發表
I called her two days later to date her for a dinner, she promised immediately without any hesitate, so we went to a famous street in Shenzhen which selling the seafood and she enjoyed the dinner very ...


Went to the city that girl live with and just came back yestaerday, will share more later ......
原帖由 亞波羅 於 2011-1-15 15:05 發表
how was then ???




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