原帖由 hkman1109 於 2010-12-13 17:04 發表 
ching, pls continue.
Seems some brother here keen to know more, okay, let me tell the whole story from head to tail.
The very first time I met her was some time in July this year, I was alone in a popular bar at Shenzhen, usually I like to sit at the bar counter if go there without friend, because I got familiar bartender over there, they can always arrange a seat for me even there is full house, so I did the same at that night. No long ago a girl came in alone too, she is around at her mid twenties, average looking but has a good upper figure, the bartender arranged her to sit beside me, she looks fell strange to the bar, and asking bartender how to order the drinks. I was ordered a dozen beer at that night, so I politely offer her a bottle of beer, but she says her friend is coming so she ordered half dozen of beer. We have casual chat while she is waiting her friend, as what I guessed she is from another northen city of China and having a short vavation here.
After awhile, her friend - a western guy - came in, so we chat friendly and play the dies together, I found the girl speaks quite well English, I was told she is a primary school teacher, and the western guy is from USA but they just ordinary friend, they saty till around 1am and tell me they are leaving first, so I exchange the phone number with the girl befire they leave.
To be continue ....