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 35 12



開條 thread for 自己,自我滿足一下


08 第一擊 之 冬裡回春,踏沉霉

YMT 尾境伯屍 (代號 for address)
It turned out that there were 2 women there at the time
There were 3 rooms, Nos. 2, 8 and 9 respectively, with only 1 bathroom/toilet
The women ...   
Focused my attention on massage ... well ... to be fair, it's ok (just ok, not excellent or impressive)
Problem is ... overall duration (including Part 2) was only 60min (由入閘至出閘)   
and Part 2 ... 不提也罷 !!! (chok chok chok without any heart at all)  

A bad start for year 2008
  • 白貓兒 威望 +60 原創內容 2008-1-21 22:34
  • 白貓兒 體力 +60 原創內容 2008-1-21 22:34


08 第Я擊 之 好運齋來,柔痕「精採」  

To re-balance my psychological imbalance (see above),
I decided to go to sauna, and paid a re-visit for 丘LIN衫, as I missed her part 2
Massage ma ... 都叫做有掌力 ... 不過不失啦
Part 2 ma ... that was

and then ...
Overall, comfortable feeling
she's gentle

not a bad choice - if once for a while


08 第三擊 之 海盟柔閒,素餐清淡

Too busy recently ... headache, shoulder pain ...
Wanted to try C.K., but she's not available
well ...
no big deal
paid a revisit to the "Spa"
All I want is some relaxation time - my head was going to explode  

It turned out to be GiGi who served me
um ... I think my comment is more or less the same as jimmy's
massage   there's room for improvement
2-session massage ... the most impressive part is oil massage on my chest and belly, which lasted for quite some time

She's eager to make customer comfortable, since she told me this:
"點樣按你才會舒服D呀 ? 你講啦 ! 我可以按呀 ..." (我心諗 ... 衰野 of course , but then she finished off the sentence) "... 好D架"   (我心諗 ... 難為正邪定分界?!)

though I've got some "reaction"
in the end, it's pure massage for 2 sessions

相關搜索目錄: SPA


08 第四擊 之 美兆阿左,無妨安哥

Initially, I wanted to be "adventurous" - Bowling A 死易日屍, try to look look how big she could be ... and see whether there would be surprises about her massage skill ...
however, when I got there, she's not available ... um ... em ... maybe next time

and then, here came the difficult question: where else I could go to have some relaxation?
at first, I thought of going towards JD direction
but then, I recalled jimmy's report about a place at 保玲詩 ... well, may as well give it a try  

Found the entrance of the building, got in and up, and reached the door
um ... to my immediate left was an ordinary residential unit, with its inner wooden door wide open ...
anyway, I pressed the door bell of my target place ... and ... DINGDONG (wow, how come the sound was so loud )
waited for a few seconds, and door opened, and I got in

The place ... um ... quite alright
they were playing some traditional Chinese pure music (a bit odd ... I think Spa music or kind of indian or thai feel may be better  )
first, took off the shoes at the reception, changed into slippers, and got into a room
undressed myself, got into washroom, took a shower (um ... the toilet/bathroom was quite spacious, with a separate and distinct shower cubicle away from the 馬桶 )
Got back into the room, wore the pants, and lied down on the bed

BG came in ... um ... look ok woh (from my perspective ), 細細粒,有D女人味
massage started, and I said I could withstand great force
so ... here came the 大力金鋼指 !!  
hard pressed on my neck, my shoulders, my head, and around my 太陽穴 !! (Ooooops, so painful, but so relieving !! 骨精既 dilemma )
she then asked me whether I'd like to have BB oil or aromatic oil for massage, and I opted for BB oil (as I didn't want to be smelly)
however, she persuaded me to opt for aromatic oil, alleging that it's good for my health ... well ... I seldom said no, and so, that's the deal - many thanks for an extra $80 buds for a bottle of aromatic oil ... (I see, that's the reason why she sell me aromatic oil instead of BB oil ...)
Other than this little incident, the massage was great  
she spent quite long time on my head to relieve my headache, and that's what I badly in need at the time
Other than ordinary and great massage, nothing else happened, and time's up  

Paid at reception, and the lady-in-charge asked me whether I'd like to buy coupons ... (um ... all of a sudden, I recalled jimmy's remark about this coupon matter) ... I said no la ... the lady did not hard press for that, though she remarked may be next time   (um ... I think they would hard-sell coupons whenever I got there)

Price is $300 for massage (for two and a half sessions, um ... they were quite flexible on the duration, it's up to you to decide the duration, and price would be charged proportionately) + $80 for aromatic oil (which could be used again when I get there next time, as they would keep it for you - at least that's what they said)

相關搜索目錄: SPA


What are your talking about ?


五哥呢排都好勤力 OT 喎~~


原帖由 superheman 於 2008-1-21 15:44 發表
What are your talking about ?
鬼影 of course 講鬼話
it's just that I want to be a bit more subtle when writing my adventures
I'm 膽小如 rats


原帖由 魔鈴娘 於 2008-1-21 16:56 發表
五哥呢排都好勤力 OT 喎~~
鬼叫 I've got a bad start for year 2008 !! (good answer, huh?! )


原帖由 phantomman 於 2008-1-21 18:04 發表

鬼叫 I've got a bad start for year 2008 !! (good answer, huh?! )
I've got a good start right on 1 Jan, but now it is plummeting like the stocks index!


原帖由 phantomman 於 2008-1-21 15:40 發表
08 第四擊 之 美兆阿左,無妨安哥

Initially, I wanted to be "adventurous" - Bowling A 死易日屍, try to look look how big she could be ... and see whether there would be surprises about h ...
又一個“四哥同盟會”兄弟既informative and interesting賽後報告。


08 第五擊 之 無所事事,再踏海怡

thought of having some relaxation
but for no reason, didn't want to go to GFS
all of a sudden, SC came to my mind
Ooops !
haven't been to there for quite some time
might as well paid it a visit to see what it looks like after renovation

I was surprised when I got there - I was recognized by the cashier, the locker guy, the waitress, and of course Wai Gor ... I was greeted and welcomed by all of them the feeling was like 返鄉下 and greeted by all the 鄉里

Shower place has been renovated, and it looks much better than before
floor tiles, wall tiles
all gave me a feeling of cleaniness
though the colour code is not my cup of tea (but it's purely a matter of personal taste)
as to the towels, I thought they were alright woh ... 乾淨呀

I told Wai Gor I wanted to have a BG with force
and he recommended #38 (out of 4 BGs who were said to be available at the time)
anyway, I didn't care much
to be honest, I don't really trust Wai Gor's recommendation, haha

Got into the room, and #38 looked familiar to me ... and then I recalled I did her once ... (but it must be months and months and months ago)
other than that vague memory, no other information about her registered in my mind (which means that I was not particularly impressed about her skill when she did me on last occasion)
So be it ...

Massage started
and ... force was ok, when she was massaging my back
but then, the force became lesser and lesser ...
oil massage ... nothing special, not particularly impressive
some time afterwards, she got out to fetch the hot towels, but I'm afraid this little task took her quite some time ...

then she massaged my legs, and up and up and up ... and
Ooops ! FIRE !!
I haven't even turned round !! (probably my problem not in good fit condition, maybe )

Massage continued, and I specifically asked her to press on my head (I've got serious headache, and besides, her massage on my legs was ... well ... I would say ... forget it)
OH !
to my surprise, the massage on my head was pretty good !
to the point
I enjoyed it pretty much
and that added back some points for her

3 sessions of massage finished
price was $5XX (can't recall the exact figure right now)
still not a bad choice in CWB
  • 白貓兒 威望 +30 精品文章 2008-2-1 08:04
  • 白貓兒 體力 +30 精品文章 2008-2-1 08:04


原帖由 phantomman 於 2008-2-1 01:06 發表
08 第五擊 之 無所事事,再踏海怡

thought of having some relaxation
but for no reason, didn't want to go to GFS
all of a sudden, SC came to my mind
Ooops !
haven't been to there for quite some ...
Thanks brother for the report.  I like this Sauna but the very dirty towel is the reason that I didn't go there in the past 3 years.  I read your comment that their towels are ok, just exactly how ok is it?  Would like to hear more on that part as hygiene is the top most important thing for me.

Thanks brother!




原帖由 cdlover 於 2008-2-1 13:23 發表

Thanks brother for the report.  I like this Sauna but the very dirty towel is the reason that I didn't go there in the past 3 years.  I read your comment that their towels are ok, just exactly  ...
for the 2 towels that I have used
I didn't notice any holes, nor stain
really not bad woh


原帖由 joeyyung 於 2008-2-1 13:28 發表
really that difficult to understand ?
if so, sorry about that la ...


原帖由 phantomman 於 2008-2-1 07:28 發表

really that difficult to understand ?
if so, sorry about that la ...
nothing just for fun, bro


恭喜五哥開 thread 怕五哥丟失了, 將"同盟日報"有關d 五哥 news 抄過來, 五哥不需要太客氣!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


同盟日報根據少少的客觀現實, 老作一頁頁同盟記錄!

獨食秘書身有屎, 報警斷正賴硬野

案 件 編 號 :五公子709394
案 情 透 露 ,被 告魅影五公子早晨報警備案, 聲稱自己o係公司飲醉左冇返屋企. 警方懷疑五公子捏造真相,  拘捕被告,他在警誡下稱因不想大人疑心,故偽造上述虛假故事.

五公子: 麥警員! 呢鍍大劑,  昨夜 o係公司飲醉左, 訓到而家至醒, 冇返屋企 tim, 幫我和大人備案, 否則大人一定話"你去咗邊個女人度過夜". 大人實炸形鬧死…..(哂命)鬼叫我古古惑惑有很多C鐘揼骨奇遇事件.
麥警員: 公司都可以飲醉?! 我唔信. 你琴晚去左邊度過夜, 幾銀? 幾多Q? 從實招來!
五公子: 堅呀! (咀嚼香口膠, 缺乏眼神交流)
五公子: ………….
麥警員: 有冇女秘書陪??
五公子: 有女秘書陪! 但我今次沒有機會咸濕她 woh! 她冇戴 bra仲要攪到我一路飲一路抺鼻血!
麥警員: 今次冇? 上次呢?
五公子: 唔好意思~突然局部性失憶
麥警員: 數下o的雪茄齊唔齊喎, 有無少到幾支?
五公子察 看 …….大聲嚷道: 真係要寫個「服」字!咩野你都知! 今次”獨食秘書身有屎, 報警斷正賴硬野”
麥警員: 唔使客氣…小弟花「朵」刑偵麥迪文並非得虛名架播!………….將犯人收監等候宣判!
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 精品文章 2008-2-1 23:55
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 精品文章 2008-2-1 23:55
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


"傷體船" B5號: 我比人沉緊呀!

【 本 報 訊 】

同盟會 一 艘高速 "傷體船" B5號 2007 由香港中環開往香港上環途中 , 在香港 "私底下" 水域懷疑撞到一塊合金製品 "講心唔講金", 船頭損毀 , 當時船上乘客 及 船員食食下飯, B5 和 "講心唔講金"撞擊出現劇烈震動 ("you-know-what-action-I'm-talking-about ",  B5號大聲發佈"我比人沉緊呀!"

事後 B5號 "傷體船" 慢駛折返同盟碼頭要諗計怎樣修理!幸好暫時沒有受傷.

船上大部份 八 掛乘客要求 B5號全部詳情, 某乘客四哥: "我都知大家都唔開心的,但係∼∼∼∼∼老.四.想.知!!!!!"

B5號給予 安 排 派 發 一 張 可 {建基於非金錢利益上的特殊交心關係} 的兌換券 。 八 掛乘客覺 得 「 掃 興 」 陸 續 散 去 !
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 精品文章 2008-2-1 23:56
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 精品文章 2008-2-1 23:56
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


全球大股災 B5去公海

【 本 報 訊 】

全球大股災 ,港股越跌越深, 不少同盟 brothers 頓時坐艇, "傷體船" B5號 因比人沉緊! 已經由 Victoria Harbour 沖了去公海,儘管有坐艇問題, B5 跟著"認真面對生命,冷眼笑看人生" 原理, 坦率接受公海旅行, 宣稱不會被一塊"講心唔講金"絆倒. 聽說使多樣化, 從事經營蟹農 business.

B5充滿感情地唱出: 逝去中資如何留我住,半點 H股遺留恕不易,更多悽悽慘慘的遭遇,我不知道~~~X*%$a%#!

hey   青年人要努力  
休悲愴   休悽涼  
hey   良朋   情長  

P.S. B5之後回函隨附


在公海浮沉的日子尚算安穩,勿念 !

  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 精品文章 2008-2-1 23:56
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 精品文章 2008-2-1 23:56
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-2-1 16:47 發表
恭喜五哥開 thread 怕五哥丟失了, 將"同盟日報"有關d 五哥 news 抄過來, 五哥不需要太客氣!
matt matt, 你真有我心啊 !!!!!


08 第六擊 之 好運籮蔔,誘人風格

Basic information about this carrot can be found in the relevant thread:
http://forum.timway.com/f/viewth ... page%3D1#pid3800160

Some more personal feeling and details in here.
Before I got into the room, I met her just outside the room (as she's also entering into the room at the time)
So, I could have a glance of her under full light
My first impression is ... wow, quite nice looking woh
besides, overall looks like my cup of tea woh

She helped me to undress
she looked at my face, and then suddenly, she said to me: "好男仔啊"
of course, I'm a man (definitely not a shemale) is it really that surprising for me to look like 男仔?!
I didn't respond, as I didn't know how to respond
and then she repeated once again: "你好男仔啊"
is it really something that needed to be emphasized so much?! I'm a MAN of course !! and then, 3 seconds afterwards, I realized what she's saying ...
讚我"靚"仔下話?! OMG ... I almost burst into laughters when I finally realized this ... (but in fact, 我唔係靚仔, I know where I stand )

When doing the "you-know-what-I'm-talking-about", her style was quite different from what I've experienced from most others ...
Really difficult to describe
(and I don't want to be explicit either)
I've got a chance to look at her face closely (in very dim light of course)
her eyes ... 幾精伶 ... seems to be pillow-talking to me
my overall feeling is thus: 誘人風格
somehow sounds like a mistress of mine ...
difficult to describe, but you'll know it when you see it

[ 本帖最後由 phantomman 於 2008-2-2 12:54 編輯 ]
  • messenger 威望 +20 I enjoy the way your description on her. 2008-2-3 01:27
  • messenger 體力 +20 I enjoy the way your description on her. 2008-2-3 01:27


原帖由 phantomman 於 2008-2-1 01:06 發表
08 第五擊 之 無所事事,再踏海怡

thought of having some relaxation
but for no reason, didn't want to go to GFS
all of a sudden, SC came to my mind
Ooops !
haven't been to there for quite some ...


原帖由 greenmail 於 2008-2-2 20:11 發表

in fact, I started off with sauna
since then, I've kept going to sauna regularly
later, I started to go for USB (but still I was going to sauna regularly as well ), then sometimes 141 (but still I was going to sauna regularly and USB as well )
it's just that recently, I began to lose interest to open big with USB/141/BGs in sauna
as a result of which there're fewer and fewer USB attracting my attention and arousing my interest
I began to explore upstairs 足浴店 (but still I was going to sauna regularly as well, and occasionally USB )

but one point I must clarify:
I haven't tried K壓夜總會 ah !!
that's matt matt ONLY

regarding your question "大場好咩?"
my answer is yes
but that's too simple an answer
the style of playing is different
and it's not fair to make direct comparison by simply saying sauna is better than USB
it depends on what u want at a particular time on a particular occasion
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 精品文章 2008-2-3 08:31
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 精品文章 2008-2-3 08:31


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