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[疑難] 天津-塘沽 anything good to try?

天津-塘沽 anything good to try?

hello all big brothers~

小弟 is now in 天津-塘沽 for a long time, I want to ask if any big brothers know any good place to try try, or if there are any big brothers who are also here and would like to meet up to go play play~ thank you all ar~ i have been here for one month la and stilll no guts to try anything ar
thanks for all you help la~


You in the best city in North China

All bath house have services. Open a room and get the girls cheap.

have fun!


All bath house have the servie. go to the sn attached to the hotels. usually after bath you can pick the MM at the rest place, rmb 150. but service so so.
you may go the Karaoke, 1,3,6, or 2,5,8.
Try the development area, TEDA, and there are more and better places. go to the big K and you wont be cheated


thank you big brothers~~

thank you hoclub and haidada big brothers

actually this is 小弟's first time ever to ask for fun fun ar~~ so I do not have much courage to go yet ar.
how is the security in here? some people warn me  “po李史", either real or fake, and also some robbery or kidnap~
what should i pay attention to for my own personal safety?
also, Haidada big bother you say 150rmb, is it 1 q? how about inifite q?

what do you mean by karaoke 1,3,6, or 2,5,8?
yes i will try the TEDA!




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