¥[ Àé 07 º© ´å ¡V » ´ä ¯¸
This year with a Chinese version, for brothers that prefer not to read English! ¡K by the way, I tried to write this introduction using the Chinese writing pad that I bought in HK, but it¡¦s just too hard ¡V had to struggle with every single word¡K so finally resorted to using the translation software that came with it¡K obviously the translation is less than perfect, so refer to English if it doesn¡¦t make sense to you¡K Here we go:
¤µ¦~¦³¤¤°êªºª©¥»,©ñ«K¤£³ßÅw¾\Ū^»yªº¥S§Ì¡I¶¶«K´£¤@¤U¡A§Ú¹Á¸Õ¼g³oÓ¤¶²Ð¨Ï¥Î§ÚÁʶi»´äªº¤¤¤å¤J¦rª©¡A¦ý¬O¤ÓÁ}Ãø¤F,¤£±o¤£¾Ä°«¨C¤@Ó¦r¡K³Ì«á³£¨Ï¥Î^»yªºÂ½Ä¶³nÅé¨Ó¡K¤£¬O§¹µ½ªº, ¦pªG¤£©ú¥Õ, ½Ð¬Ý^¤å¡G
Would like to thank ¿ß¥S for his great BG recommendations & also attempting to improve on the translation!
»B »A ´ò:
- a bit chubby with saggy tits
- 1st BG I had at this place; figured I¡¦d get a ¡¥pork chop¡¦ but she¡¦s alright
- she pulled 2 massage tables together to give us more room,
- all in all, not too bad; had some time left from Part 2 & she gave me a free HJ; ran out of time before we could finish
- cost: $578+20(locker)+10(front desk) with a $150 coupon from ¥Í 菓 ³ø
-§Ú¦b³oÓ¦a¤è¦³ªº²Ä¤@ BG¡F ·Q¹³§Ú¡¦d±o¨ì¤@ºØ¡¥½Þ¦×¬å±¼¡¦¦ý¬O¦o¡¦s alright
-Á`°_¨Ó»¡¡A¨Ã«D¤ÓÁV¿|¡F ±q²Ä2»P³¡¥÷ªº¬Y®É¥ª¦o§â¤@¦Û¥ÑªºHJµ¹§Ú¡F
-¯Ó¶O¡G ¨Ó¦Û¥Íªº$150Áʪ«¨éªº$578+20(locker)+10(front®Ñ®à)¡H ³ø
- small & petite, quite young but not very good looking, a pair of 33As or Bs but very soft & mushy
- one of the more popular BGs here; used to work in karaoke bar
- provides very good service: licked me up with a killer ¬rÀsÆp(suspected something was coming when she meticulously wiped my ass clean with wet napkins);
- when she asked me to flip over, apparently to give me some head, I had a very sensual feeling between my legs all of a sudden ¡K looked down & saw her blowing me ¡¥bare back¡¦!
- told her to put a condom on but she was quite surprised ¡K ¡¥protection for me as well as you, as I don¡¦t know who you had before me & likewise, you don¡¦t know who I had before you¡¦, I explained;
- still perplexed , she put a rubber on anyway & we moved to some good, hard & exiting hot action
- tried all positions, cowgirl, missionary & doggie¡K finally finished with her on top of me
- later learned from other BGs that she¡¦d would go all the way without! Perhaps a blessing for some brothers but a concern for others!
-§ó¦h¦b³o¸Ì¬y¦æªºBG¤§¤@¡F ³Q¨Ï¥Î¦bkaraoke°s§a¶¡¤¤¤u§@
- »Q§Ú¤@±þ¤â¬rÀsÆp(ÃhºÃ¬Y¼ËªF¦è·í¤p¤ßÁlÁlÀ¿¥h¼éÀ㪺À\¤y)®É¨Ó¦o §Úass²M¼ä¡F
- ·í¦on§Ú¥Î«ü»´¼u¶W¹LÅãµM§â¬YºØÀYµ¹§Ú®É, §Ú¬ðµM¦³§Úªº»L¤§¶¡ªº¤Q¤À¦×·Pªº·P¨ì¡K»P¬Ý¬Ý¨£¦o§j§Ú¡¥»rÅSªºI±¡¦¡I
- ¤p»P¼b¤p¡A¤Q¤À¦~»´¦ý¬O¨Ã«D«Ü¦nªº¬Ý¡A
- ¤@Âù33As©ÎªÌBs¦Ó¬O¤Q¤À¬X³n»P³n½k½k
- §i¶D¦o±N¤@Ó³±²ô®M©ñ¦b¡¦tª¾¹D§Ú§A¦P¼Ë¦a¦b§Ú»P¤§«e¦³½Ö·í®É¡A
¦o¬°¤F§Ú³QÅå©_¤Q¤À¡K¡¥«OÅ@ÁÙ¦³§A¤W¦ý¬O, ª¾¹D§A§Ú¦b§A¤§«e¦³½Ö¡¦¡A§Ú¸ÑĶ
- ¤´µM§x´b¡A¦o±N¤@ºØ¾ó¥Ö©ñ¦b¤WµL½×¦p¦ó»P§ÚÌ·h°Ê¨ì¤@¨Ç§Q¯q¡A Á}Ãø»Pªºµ²§ô¼öªº¦æ°Ê
-±q¨ä¥¦BGµy«áÀòª¾¦o¡¦d±N¤@¸ô¤W¥h¨S¦³¡I ©Î³\¡A¤@¨Ç¥S§Ìªº¤@¯¬ºÖ¦ý¬O¹ï¨ä¥L¤Hªº¤@ºØ¾á¼~¡I
- medium height (about 5¡¦6¡¨) with flat chest; really shows when she lays on her back (they¡¦re like fried eggs)
- drawn by her frequent appearance in magazines & decided to keep her a try; she looks good with her face blurred
- chatty & giggles a lot
- unfortunately provides really bad service¡K doesn¡¦t do anything; pretty much just lays down like a ¡¥dead fish¡¦;
- would not repeat her for sure!
-°ª«×(¤j¬ù5¡¦6¡¨)¡F ½T¹êÅã¥Ü¦o¦ó®É©ñ¸m¦b¦oªºI±(¥LÌ¡¦¦A¹³ªo·Îªº³J)
-³z¹L¦oÂø»x»P¤¤ªºÀWÁcªº¥X²{©ì©Ô¨M©w«O«ù¦o¤@ºØ¹Á¸Õ¡F ¦o¬Ý§Q¯q¦oªºÁy§Ë¦Ã
-¿ò¾Ñ¦a¡A´£¨Ñ½T¹êÃaªº¦øªA¡K¡¦t°µ¥ô¦ó¨Æª«¡F ¬Û·í¹³¤@¡¥¦º³½¡¦¤@¼Ë¶È¶È©ñ¤U¡F
- good looking chick with a nice body; tried to book her pretty much as soon as I got off the plane but only managed to do so on my last week¡K keeper called her in from home¡K she told me that was ¡¥away¡¦ for a while
- supposingly offers good service but I didn¡¦t get that¡K would not allow me to touch her pussy let alone do other things described by brothers here
- we had a good conversation going ¡K she even showed me her personal pics on her phone
- perhaps she was just eager to get to her other clients as her phone rang a few times & she boosted that she was booked solid for the day
- nevertheless she¡¦s still a pretty girl if you want to give it a try
- they were packed at that time & led me downstairs to other rooms which were poorly ventilated & ¡¥fragile¡¦ (you could literally overhear the room beside you)
- ¤@Ó¦nªº¨Å骺¦nªº¬Ýchick¡F ¹Á¸Õ¹wq¦o¬Û·í³\¦h¤@¥¹§Ú¤U¸¾÷¦ý¬O¶È¶È³]ªk¤W¬P´Á¦b¤W³o¼Ë°µ§Ú¡K¬Ýªù¦b¤¤±q¦o§i¶D§Ú¬O¡¥¤@·|¨àªº®a®x¡KºÙ¬°¦o¡¦
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- short Vietnamese/Chinese girl with long hair; shares an apartment with #99 in Mongkok
- another BG that I wanted badly ¡K keeper called her in from home for me
- she didn¡¦t disappoint, just that she¡¦s not a good conversationalist or not in a (chat mood), so our session was kinda ¡¥dry¡¦
-ªøªºÀY¾vùÒ¤ò¥æ´ª«ªºµu¶V«n»P¤¤°êªº¤k«Ä¡F ¦bMongkok¤¤§â¤@©Ò¤½´J»P#99¬Û¦@¥Î
-¨Ï¦o¥¢±æ¡A¶È¶È¦o¡¦s¦Ó¤£¬O¦nªº¥æ½ÍªÌ©ÎªÌ¨Ã«D¦b¤¤a (²á¤Ñ¤ß±¡)¡A¡A³o¼Ë§Ú̪º·|ij¦³ÂI¨à¡¥°®Àꪺ¡¦
Overall Comments:
- Quality of BG is the best among all saunas that I visited on this trip but this place badly needs a renovation big time!
- can¡¦t understand how they could possibly justify a without-coupon price of over $700 with facilities that they have now, especially in a building packed with Saunas like °¶ µØ !
- You get a $100 coupon on your way out for your next visit (disguised as for a restaurant with the same name for your protection)
- speaking of coupons, looks like it varies with each visit¡K normally I¡¦d pay with a $1,000 bill but I think I got short-changed on a couple of occasions as I hurried out. Advice: count your change!
- Staff is friendly & quite willing to book or call BGs in from home for you even if you¡¦re a newbie!
- BGªº«~½è¬O¦b§Ú¦b³o¦¸®È¦æ¤W¦s¨úªº©Ò¦³®á®³¯D¤¤¶¡ªº³Ì¦nªÌ ¦ý¬O³oÓ¦a¤è¤£¦n»Ýn¤@ºØ²·s¤jªº®É¶¡¡I
-¯à²z¸Ñ¥L̦p¦ó¯à¬°¥H¥L̲{¦b¦³ªº³]¬I ¦³¥i¯àÃÒ©ú¥¿½T¶W¹L$700ªº¨S¦³Áʪ«¨é»ù®æ¡A¤×¨ä¦bÀ½º¡¤F¹³°¶µØ¤@¼Ëªº®á®³¯Dªº¤@®y«Ø¿vª«¤¤¡I
-§A¬°¤F§A¤U¤@¦¸¦s¨ú(¬°¤F§Aªº«OÅ@°°¸Ë¦P¼Ëªº¦WºÙ¦Ü©ó¤@®aÀ\À]) ±o¨ìÃö©ó§Aªº¥X¸ôªº$100Áʪ«¨é
-½Í½×Áʪ«¨é¡A¬Ý°_¨Ó¶H¥¦¥H$1,000±b³æ¥¿±`ÀHµÛ¨C¤@¦s¨ú ¡KÅܤÆI¡¦d³ø¹S¦ý¬O§Ú·Q·í§Ú»°ºò®É¡A§Ú¦b´XÓ³õ¦X¤WÅܱoµu§ïÅÜ¡C «Øij¡G pºâ§AªºÅܤơI
-¤Hû¤Í¦n»P¤Q¤ÀÄ@·N¬°¤F§A±q®a¹wq©ÎªÌºÙ¬°¤¤ªºBG§Y¨Ï§A¡¦¦A¤@ newbie¡I
ªF ´ò:
- a little short with a pair of cup Cs that are starting to sag
- playful & aggressive; held me tight as soon as I walked into the room &started ©â ¤ô me like crazy
- I immediately avenged by playing with her tits & pussy¡K she then challenged me to a game of ¼Æ ¤ò with her!
- Not bad for a 1st visit to this place, huh!
-¹x¥Ö& ¤@¥¹§Ú¹³¤@¼Ë¨«¶i©Ð¶¡&started©â¤ô§Ú¡A¦©¯d§ÚÄYºòºÆ¨g
- another aggressive BG but with smaller tits; 33A maybe; quite tall by Chinese standard
- talkative & provides good service (sorry, that¡¦s all the info I had saved on her in my palm)
-¥t¤@Ó¿n·¥ªºBG¦ý¬O¸û¤pªºtit¡F 33A¤]³\¡F ¥Ñ¤¤°êªº¼Ð·Ç¤Q¤À°ª
to be continued...
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