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¥[ Àé 07 º© ´å ¡V ­» ´ä ¯¸

¥[ Àé 07 º© ´å ¡V ­» ´ä ¯¸

This year with a Chinese version, for brothers that prefer not to read English! ¡K by the way, I tried to write this introduction using the Chinese writing pad that I bought in HK, but it¡¦s just too hard ¡V had to struggle with every single word¡K so finally resorted to using the translation software that came with it¡K obviously the translation is less than perfect, so refer to English if it doesn¡¦t make sense to you¡K Here we go:

¤µ¦~¦³¤¤°êªºª©¥»,©ñ«K¤£³ßÅw¾\Ū­^»yªº¥S§Ì¡I¶¶«K´£¤@¤U¡A§Ú¹Á¸Õ¼g³o­Ó¤¶²Ð¨Ï¥Î§ÚÁʶi­»´äªº¤¤¤å¤J¦rª©¡A¦ý¬O¤ÓÁ}Ãø¤F,¤£±o¤£¾Ä°«¨C¤@­Ó¦r¡K³Ì«á³£¨Ï¥Î­^»yªºÂ½Ä¶³nÅé¨Ó¡K¤£¬O§¹µ½ªº, ¦pªG¤£©ú¥Õ, ½Ð¬Ý­^¤å¡G

Would like to thank ¿ß¥S for his great BG recommendations & also attempting to improve on the translation!


»B »A ´ò:
- a bit chubby with saggy tits
- 1st BG I had at this place; figured I¡¦d get a ¡¥pork chop¡¦ but she¡¦s alright
- she pulled 2 massage tables together to give us more room,
- all in all, not too bad; had some time left from Part 2 & she gave me a free HJ; ran out of time before we could finish
- cost: $578+20(locker)+10(front desk) with a $150 coupon from ¥Í 菓 ³ø

-§Ú¦b³o­Ó¦a¤è¦³ªº²Ä¤@ BG¡F ·Q¹³§Ú¡¦d±o¨ì¤@ºØ¡¥½Þ¦×¬å±¼¡¦¦ý¬O¦o¡¦s alright
-Á`°_¨Ó»¡¡A¨Ã«D¤ÓÁV¿|¡F ±q²Ä2»P³¡¥÷ªº¬Y®É¥ª¦o§â¤@¦Û¥ÑªºHJµ¹§Ú¡F
-¯Ó¶O¡G ¨Ó¦Û¥Íªº$150Áʪ«¨éªº$578+20(locker)+10(front®Ñ®à)¡H ³ø

- small & petite, quite young but not very good looking, a pair of 33As or Bs but very soft & mushy
- one of the more popular BGs here; used to work in karaoke bar
- provides very good service: licked me up with a killer ¬rÀsÆp(suspected something was coming when she meticulously wiped my ass clean with wet napkins);
- when she asked me to flip over, apparently to give me some head, I had a very sensual feeling between my legs all of a sudden ¡K looked down & saw her blowing me ¡¥bare back¡¦!
- told her to put a condom on but she was quite surprised ¡K ¡¥protection for me as well as you, as I don¡¦t know who you had before me & likewise, you don¡¦t know who I had before you¡¦, I explained;
- still perplexed , she put a rubber on anyway & we moved to some good, hard & exiting hot action
- tried all positions, cowgirl, missionary & doggie¡K finally finished with her on top of me
- later learned from other BGs that she¡¦d would go all the way without! Perhaps a blessing for some brothers but a concern for others!

-§ó¦h¦b³o¸Ì¬y¦æªºBG¤§¤@¡F ³Q¨Ï¥Î¦bkaraoke°s§a¶¡¤¤¤u§@
- »Q§Ú¤@±þ¤â¬rÀsÆp(ÃhºÃ¬Y¼ËªF¦è·í¤p¤ßÁlÁlÀ¿¥h¼éÀ㪺À\¤y)®É¨Ó¦o §Úass²M¼ä¡F
- ·í¦o­n§Ú¥Î«ü»´¼u¶W¹LÅãµM§â¬YºØÀYµ¹§Ú®É, §Ú¬ðµM¦³§Úªº»L¤§¶¡ªº¤Q¤À¦×·Pªº·P¨ì¡K»P¬Ý¬Ý¨£¦o§j§Ú¡¥»rÅSªº­I­±¡¦¡I
- ¤p»P¼b¤p¡A¤Q¤À¦~»´¦ý¬O¨Ã«D«Ü¦nªº¬Ý¡A
- ¤@Âù33As©ÎªÌBs¦Ó¬O¤Q¤À¬X³n»P³n½k½k
- §i¶D¦o±N¤@­Ó³±²ô®M©ñ¦b¡¦tª¾¹D§Ú§A¦P¼Ë¦a¦b§Ú»P¤§«e¦³½Ö·í®É¡A
¦o¬°¤F§Ú³QÅå©_¤Q¤À¡K¡¥«OÅ@ÁÙ¦³§A¤W¦ý¬O, ª¾¹D§A§Ú¦b§A¤§«e¦³½Ö¡¦¡A§Ú¸ÑĶ
- ¤´µM§x´b¡A¦o±N¤@ºØ¾ó¥Ö©ñ¦b¤WµL½×¦p¦ó»P§Ú­Ì·h°Ê¨ì¤@¨Ç§Q¯q¡A Á}Ãø»Pªºµ²§ô¼öªº¦æ°Ê
-±q¨ä¥¦BGµy«áÀòª¾¦o¡¦d±N¤@¸ô¤W¥h¨S¦³¡I ©Î³\¡A¤@¨Ç¥S§Ìªº¤@¯¬ºÖ¦ý¬O¹ï¨ä¥L¤Hªº¤@ºØ¾á¼~¡I

- medium height (about 5¡¦6¡¨) with flat chest; really shows when she lays on her back (they¡¦re like fried eggs)
- drawn by her frequent appearance in magazines & decided to keep her a try; she looks good with her face blurred
- chatty & giggles a lot
- unfortunately provides really bad service¡K doesn¡¦t do anything; pretty much just lays down like a ¡¥dead fish¡¦;
- would not repeat her for sure!

-°ª«×(¤j¬ù5¡¦6¡¨)¡F ½T¹êÅã¥Ü¦o¦ó®É©ñ¸m¦b¦oªº­I­±(¥L­Ì¡¦¦A¹³ªo·Îªº³J)
-³z¹L¦oÂø»x»P¤¤ªºÀWÁcªº¥X²{©ì©Ô¨M©w«O«ù¦o¤@ºØ¹Á¸Õ¡F ¦o¬Ý§Q¯q¦oªºÁy§Ë¦Ã
-¿ò¾Ñ¦a¡A´£¨Ñ½T¹êÃaªº¦øªA¡K¡¦t°µ¥ô¦ó¨Æª«¡F ¬Û·í¹³¤@¡¥¦º³½¡¦¤@¼Ë¶È¶È©ñ¤U¡F

- good looking chick with a nice body; tried to book her pretty much as soon as I got off the plane but only managed to do so on my last week¡K keeper called her in from home¡K  she told me that was ¡¥away¡¦ for a while
- supposingly offers good service but I didn¡¦t get that¡K would not allow me to touch her pussy let alone do other things described by brothers here
- we had a good conversation going ¡K  she even showed me her personal pics on her phone
- perhaps she was just eager to get to her other clients as her phone rang a few times & she boosted that she was booked solid for the day
- nevertheless she¡¦s still a pretty girl if you want to give it a try
- they were packed at that time & led me downstairs to other rooms which were poorly ventilated & ¡¥fragile¡¦ (you could literally overhear the room beside you)

- ¤@­Ó¦nªº¨­Å骺¦nªº¬Ýchick¡F ¹Á¸Õ¹w­q¦o¬Û·í³\¦h¤@¥¹§Ú¤U­¸¾÷¦ý¬O¶È¶È³]ªk¤W¬P´Á¦b¤W³o¼Ë°µ§Ú¡K¬Ýªù¦b¤¤±q¦o§i¶D§Ú¬O¡¥¤@·|¨àªº®a®x¡KºÙ¬°¦o¡¦
-°²³]´£¨Ñ¦nªº¦øªA¦ý¬O¡¦t±o¨ì§Ú¡K ±N¤£¤¹³\§ÚIJ¨ì¦oªº¿ß«}§ó¤£¥Î»¡°µ¨ä¥¦¦b³o¸Ì³Q¥S§Ì´y­zªº¨Æ±¡
-©Î³\·í¦oªº¹q¸Ü¦¸»P¥´¹q¸Ü¤@¨Ç®É¡A ¦o¶È¶È´÷±æ¨Ó¨ì¦o¨ä¥¦ÅU«È¦o±À¶i¦o¦³¤Ñ³Q¹w­q©TÅé
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- short Vietnamese/Chinese girl with long hair; shares an apartment with #99 in Mongkok
- another BG that I wanted badly ¡K keeper called her in from home for me
- she didn¡¦t disappoint, just that she¡¦s not a good conversationalist or not in a (chat mood), so our session was kinda ¡¥dry¡¦

-ªøªºÀY¾vùÒ¤ò¥æ´ª«ªºµu¶V«n»P¤¤°êªº¤k«Ä¡F ¦bMongkok¤¤§â¤@©Ò¤½´J»P#99¬Û¦@¥Î
-¨Ï¦o¥¢±æ¡A¶È¶È¦o¡¦s¦Ó¤£¬O¦nªº¥æ½ÍªÌ©ÎªÌ¨Ã«D¦b¤¤a (²á¤Ñ¤ß±¡)¡A¡A³o¼Ë§Ú­Ìªº·|ij¦³ÂI¨à¡¥°®Àꪺ¡¦

Overall Comments:
- Quality of BG is the best among all saunas that I visited on this trip but this place badly needs a renovation big time!
- can¡¦t understand how they could possibly justify a without-coupon price of over $700 with facilities that they have now, especially in a building packed with Saunas like °¶ µØ !
- You get a $100 coupon on your way out for your next visit (disguised as for a restaurant with the same name for your protection)
- speaking of coupons, looks like it varies with each visit¡K normally I¡¦d pay with a $1,000 bill but I think I got short-changed on a couple of occasions as I hurried out. Advice: count your change!
- Staff is friendly & quite willing to book or call BGs in from home for you even if you¡¦re a newbie!

- BGªº«~½è¬O¦b§Ú¦b³o¦¸®È¦æ¤W¦s¨úªº©Ò¦³®á®³¯D¤¤¶¡ªº³Ì¦nªÌ ¦ý¬O³o­Ó¦a¤è¤£¦n»Ý­n¤@ºØ­²·s¤jªº®É¶¡¡I
-¯à²z¸Ñ¥L­Ì¦p¦ó¯à¬°¥H¥L­Ì²{¦b¦³ªº³]¬I ¦³¥i¯àÃÒ©ú¥¿½T¶W¹L$700ªº¨S¦³Áʪ«¨é»ù®æ¡A¤×¨ä¦bÀ½º¡¤F¹³°¶µØ¤@¼Ëªº®á®³¯Dªº¤@®y«Ø¿vª«¤¤¡I
-§A¬°¤F§A¤U¤@¦¸¦s¨ú(¬°¤F§Aªº«OÅ@°°¸Ë¦P¼Ëªº¦WºÙ¦Ü©ó¤@®aÀ\À]) ±o¨ìÃö©ó§Aªº¥X¸ôªº$100Áʪ«¨é
-½Í½×Áʪ«¨é¡A¬Ý°_¨Ó¶H¥¦¥H$1,000±b³æ¥¿±`ÀHµÛ¨C¤@¦s¨ú ¡KÅܤÆI¡¦d³ø¹S¦ý¬O§Ú·Q·í§Ú»°ºò®É¡A§Ú¦b´X­Ó³õ¦X¤WÅܱoµu§ïÅÜ¡C «Øij¡G ­pºâ§AªºÅܤơI
-¤H­û¤Í¦n»P¤Q¤ÀÄ@·N¬°¤F§A±q®a¹w­q©ÎªÌºÙ¬°¤¤ªºBG§Y¨Ï§A¡¦¦A¤@ newbie¡I

ªF ´ò:
- a little short with a pair of cup Cs that are starting to sag
- playful & aggressive; held me tight as soon as I walked into the room &started ©â ¤ô me like crazy
- I immediately avenged by playing with her tits & pussy¡K she then challenged me to a game of ¼Æ ¤ò with her!
- Not bad for a 1st visit to this place, huh!

-¹x¥Ö& ¤@¥¹§Ú¹³¤@¼Ë¨«¶i©Ð¶¡&started©â¤ô§Ú¡A¦©¯d§ÚÄYºòºÆ¨g

- another aggressive BG but with smaller tits; 33A maybe; quite tall by Chinese standard
- talkative & provides good service (sorry, that¡¦s all the info I had saved on her in  my palm)

-¥t¤@­Ó¿n·¥ªºBG¦ý¬O¸û¤pªºtit¡F 33A¤]³\¡F ¥Ñ¤¤°êªº¼Ð·Ç¤Q¤À°ª

to be continued...


¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ²M¼ä Âø»x «Ø¿v Áʪ«


#119 (twice)
- medium height; average looks; nice tits & ass,
- foul mouthed & blunt; would share just about anything & everything with you¡K told me that she was in Australia banging °­ ¨Ð for quite a while & made tons of money; easily 100 to 200 grand a month (as opposed to 30 to 40 here in HK & that¡¦s if you work really hard)¡K Aussies like ¡¥eating pussy¡¦ more than sex & some her friends couldn¡¦t stand it¡K she obviously doesn¡¦t care as there¡¦s money, money & money!
- She only spent half of the normal time in Part 1 & pulled my shorts; started playing with my dick & all the sensitive areas;
- Followed with a good BJ & got on top of me; rocked me really hard until she was tired & asked me to mount her
- I was really excited by this time & I fucked her mercilessly until I came
- She quickly cleaned herself up & returned in record time¡K she continued to tell stories of her Australian adventure while I played with her tits
- At one point she got up & offered to give me a bonus HJ, since I was such a ¡¥good boy¡¦; ¡K I countered with a BJ which she complied without a hitch
- She may not be the best looking BG but we have to give her credits as it¡¦s 1st time in a long time that I could come twice (although with difficulty) in an hour & a half¡K don¡¦t forget, I¡¦m an old guy¡K ha ha!

-¤¤µ¥ªº°ª«×¡F ¥­§¡ªº¬Ý¡F ¦nªºtit»Pass¡A
-»êżªº¤f&®t¤£¦h¨C¥ó¨Æ¡K §i¶D§Ú¦o¦b²rÀ»ªº°­¨Ðªº¿D¤j§Q¨Èªº§â¥ô¦ó¨Æª«»P»P§A±N¬Û¦@¥Î¤Q¤Àa·í»P®É¿úªº°µªº¾·¡F ¹³¦Y¦hÁwªº¡¦¶W¹LºØ©Ê»P¤@¨Ç¦oªºªB¤Íªº¡¥ ¤@¼Ëªº®e©ö¦a100¨ì200²±¤jªº¤@­Ó¤ë(»P30¨ì40¬Û¤Ï­»´ä»Pªº¦b³o¸Ì¡¦ ¦pªG§A½T¹ê§V¤O¤u§@ )¡K¿D¤j§Q¨È¡¦t §@¬°¨º¸Ì¡¦s¿ú¡A¿ú»P¿ú©Ó¨ü¥¦¡K¦o©úÅã¦a¡¦tª`·N¡I
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-¸òÀH¦nªºBJ»P¤W¨®§Úªº³»ºÝ¡F ½T¹ê§V¤O·nÂ\§Ú¡Aª½¨ì¦o¯h­Â»P¦w¸m¦o­n§Ú
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-¦b¤@­ÓÂI¦Û±q§Ú¬O³o¼Ë¤@ºØ¡¥¦nªº¨k«Ä¡¦¡A¦oÅܱo¹Á¸Õ§â¤@¬õ§QHJµ¹§Ú»P¡A §Ú¤ÏÀ»¦o¶¶±q¨S¦³ªº¤@ BJÂÚ¶\
-¦o¥i¯à¤£¬O³Ì¦nªº¬ÝBG¦ý¬O§Ú­Ì§@¬°¥¦¤£±o¤£µ¹¦oªº«HÅA¡¦s ¤@¬qªøªº®É¶¡¤¤ªº²Ä¤@¬q®É¶¡§Ú¯à¦b¤¤¨Ó¨â¦¸(ÁöµM§xÃø¦a)¡¦t§Ñ°O¤@¥b¨C­Ó¤p®É»P ¤@ªº³Ã¥ë¡Kha ha¡I

- On my 2nd date with her, she was even more aggressive
- Quickly removed her clothes as well as mine, as soon as the usher left our room & put on the latex protection
- with me sitting by the side of the massage table, her hands on my shoulders & legs wild open, she climbed up, guided my dick into her virgina & going in & out with such ferocity that I was like her rocking chair
- again, she exhorted herself quickly & we proceeded with more normal positions
- missionary, doggie & a cowgirl finished
- like my 1st visit she returned in no time at all & hurriedly started another BJ
- the funny part is that her sister called & they started to yap in their native language (I think it¡¦s ¤j ½¬ ); what she did was to suck me when her sister was talking & jerk me with her hand when it¡¦s her turn to speak¡K just amazing how she switched so seamlessly from listening & sucking to talking & jerking without missing a single stroke! What a co-ordination!
- I burst into laughter too while recalling & writing this part
- I shot my load while she was beating me off, so I guess it was just a HJ then?
- I did it again, twice in an hour & a half! I¡¦m so proud of myself!
- Anyway, if you¡¦re looking for someone with good service in parts 1 & 2, she¡¦s not it¡K  but if all you want is Part 2, she¡¦s one of the best!

- ¤@¥¹¤Þ®y­û¨Ï§Ú­Ìªº©Ð¶¡»P³Q©ñ¦b½¦¨Å«OÅ@¤W¡A¨³³t²¾¥h¦oªº¦çªAÁÙ¦³§Úªº¡A
-§¤¦b«ö¼¯®à¤lªº®ÇÃä¡A³¥¶}±Òªº¦oªº¤â§ÚªºªÓ»P»L¡A ¦o§â§Úªºdickª¦¤W¡A«ü¤Þ¨ì¦b»P¤¤¥H§Ú¬O¹³¦oªº·n´È¤@¼Ëªº³o¼Ë¤¿´c¥hªº¦oªºvirgina»P¤¤
-¶Ç±Ð¤h¡A¤@ cowgirl§¹¦¨¦Y§¹ªº¤pª¯¨à»P
-·Æ½]¥i¯ºªº³¡¥÷¬O¦oªº©j©fºÙ¬°»P¥L­Ì¶}©l¨ì¥L­Ìªº¥»±Ú»y (§Ú·Q¥¦¡¦s¤j½¬)¤¤ªºyap¡F ¦o°µªºªF¦è·í¦oªº©j©f½Í¸Ü»P®É¡A ¬O§l¨ú§Ú·í¦oÅܦ¨®É¡A»P¦oªº¤â¤@°_²r©Ô§Ú¥¦¡¦s»¡¶È¶ÈÅå¤Hªº¡K¦o¦p¦¹¦p¦ó±qÅ¥»PÂà´«µLÁ_¦¨¬°²r©Ô¨S¦³ªº½Í¸Ü»P§l¨ú¿ò¥¢¤@¦¸³æ¤@ªº¥´À»¡I ¦h»ò¤@ co±Æ¦¨µ¥¯Å¡I
-·í¦o¥´À»§Ú®É¡A§Ú®gÀ»§Úªº¸Ë¸ü¡A¦]¦¹§Ú²q¥X¥¦¶È¶È¨º®É¬O¤@ HJ¡H
-§Ú¨â¦¸¦b¨C­Ó¤p®É»P¦A°µ¤@¹M¡A¤@¥b¡I I¦p¦¹¹ï§Ú¦Û¤v·P¨ìź¶Æªº¡¦m¡I
-µL½×¦p¦ó¡A¦pªG§A¡¦¦A·j´M¦³¤H¦nªº¦øªA³¡¥÷¦a1»P2¡A ¦o¡¦s¥¦¡K¦Ó¬O¦pªG©Ò¦³§A·Q­n²Ä2³¡¥÷¡A¦o³Ì¦n¡¦s¤§¤@¡I

- nice & firm cup C, about 5¡¦5¡¨, claims she¡¦s 28 & from Canton but looks more like mid 30¡¦s
- she was also called in from home & left immediately after her session with me
- nothing special, standard Part ½ service
- recommended by locker boy

¦n»Pªº¨c©TªMªMª¬µ²ºcªMª¬ª«C¡A¡A5¡¨±q¦{­n¨D¦oªº¤j¬ù5¡¦¡¦s 28»P¦ý¬O¹³¤¤¶¡ªº30¡¦s ¤@¼Ëªº¬Ý§ó¥[
-¥ô¦óªF¦è¯S®í¡A¼Ð·Çªº³¡¥÷¡H ¦øªA

- another service oriented BG recommended by front desk
- short, average looks with long curly hair
- French kissed me from my head down to my toes & even licked the sole (of both feet) for quite a while
- Great BJ & ¬rÀsÆp; started with cowgirl, switched to missionary, doggie & finished with my favourite position, cowgirl again
- apparently #119 saw me walked out with her after our session & suggested that we do a ¡¥double fly¡¦ next time as they are good friends & partners

-ªk»y±q§ÚªºÀY¨ì§Úªº¸}³k»P¿Ë§k¤U¨Ó§Ú¬Æ¦Ü»Q¿W¤@ (¨â­^§`)ªÌ¬°¤F¤Q¤Àa·í®É
-¥¨¤jBJ ±qcowgirl¶}©l¡AÂà´«¦¨¬°¶Ç±Ð¤h¡A¤pª¯¨à»P§¹¦¨§Úªº¯S§O³ß·R¦ì¸m¡A¦A¤@¦¸cowgirl
-¦b§Ú­Ìªº·|ij»P«Øij§Ú­Ì°µÂùªº¤@¡¥¤§«á¡A ÅãµM#119¬Ý¨£§Ú»P¦o¤@°_¥X¥h·í¥L­Ì¬O¦nªºªB¤Í»P¦X§@ªÌ®É¡A¤U¤@¦¸­¸¦æ¡¦
-ªk»y±q§ÚªºÀY¨ì§Úªº¸}³k»P¿Ë§k¤U¨Ó§Ú¬Æ¦Ü»Q¿W¤@ (¨â­^§`)ªÌ¬°¤F¤Q¤Àa·í®É
-¥¨¤jBJ ±qcowgirl¶}©l¡AÂà´«¦¨¬°¶Ç±Ð¤h¡A¤pª¯¨à»P§¹¦¨§Úªº¯S§O³ß·R¦ì¸m¡A¦A¤@¦¸cowgirl
-¦b§Ú­Ìªº·|ij»P«Øij§Ú­Ì°µÂùªº¤@¡¥¤§«á¡A ÅãµM#119¬Ý¨£§Ú»P¦o¤@°_¥X¥h·í¥L­Ì¬O¦nªºªB¤Í»P¦X§@ªÌ®É¡A¤U¤@¦¸­¸¦æ¡¦

- nice small tits, maybe 32B, medium height
- playful & friendly
- another recommendation by locker boy


Overall Comments:
- lots of BGs although quality is not as good as »B »A ´ò but you can still find some nice ones here
- they normally have 20 to 30 to choose from & that¡¦s just the time that I usually went (4-5 pm)¡K probably have more at night
- big lobby & shower area; facilities nice & cosy; just that rooms are too dark with lights off
- staff friendly, helpful & willing to book or call BGs in from home even for newbies!
- One of the BGs told me that she¡¦d get a $20 bonus for a ¡¥markdown¡¦ & more at month end if she reaches a certain number¡K perhaps explains why they have no problems being dragged from home to work?
- They show you the BG list as you sit down in the lobby & let you pick from it¡Knot just assign the next available like most places I went to (in previous years) if they don¡¦t know you
- all this for a mere $588 (if you don¡¦t tip them)! I usually leave $20 & $10 for locker & Front desk respectively & they are happy as hell
- Easily my favourite sauna of the trip! I guess I can refer to it as my ¶º °ó  too like some of you as I went there 8 times in 4 weeks

-¥L­Ì¥¿±`¦³20¨ì30±q»P¨º¡¦s¤¤¿ï¾Ü¶È¶È®É¶¡§Ú³q±`¥h( 4-5 pm )¡K§ó©]¶¡¦³¥i¯à¦³
-¤jªº¥ð®§«Ç»P²O¯D°Ï°ì¡F ¦nªº³]¬I&¶È¶È©Ð¶¡¬O¹q¿Oªº¤Ó¶Â·t
- BG¤§¤@§i¶D§Ú¦pªG©Î³\¦o¨ì¹F¤@©wªº¼Æ¦r¡A ¦b¤ë¬°¤F¤@¡¥markdown¡¦»P§ó¥[±o¨ì$20¬õ§Q¦o¥½ºÝ¸ÑĶ¬°¤°»ò¥L­Ì¨S¦³±q©ì¦²¤u§@ªº°ÝÃD¦^®a¡H
-·í§A§¤¤U¦b¥ð®§«Ç»P¤¤®É¡A¥L­Ìµ¹§A¬ÝBG²M³æÅý§A±q¥¦¿ï¾Ü¡K ¤£¶È¹³§Ú¥h¦pªG¨ì(¦b«e¤@¦~)¡¦tª¾¹D§Aªº¤j¦h¼Æ¦a¤è¤@¼Ë¤À°t¥i¨Ñ¨Ï¥Îªº¤U¤@¥L­Ì
-¹ï¤_¶È¶Èªº©Ò¦³³o¤@¤Á$588 (¦pªG¡¦t½­Ë¥L­Ì§A)¡I §Ú³q±`¬°¤F¦³Âꪺ¦sª«Âd­Ü®wºÞ²z¤H»P«e­±®Ñ®à§@¬°¦aº»¤À§O¦a»PÂ÷¶}$20»P$10¥L­Ì¬O°ª¿³ªº
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to be continued...


¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ®gÀ»


ª÷ ¨F :
- cute little BG; quite young;  32A breasts;
- standard Part 1 service; quite good with Part 2 as well with a bonus BJ thrown in for time remaining  

-º}«Gªº¤pBG¡F ¤Q¤À¦~»´¡F  32A¯Ý³¡¡F
-¼Ð·Ç²Ä1³¡¥÷¦øªA¡F ¤]¤@¬õ§QBJ²Ä2³¡¥÷ªº¤Q¤À§Q¯q¦³¾l¤Uªº®É¶¡§ëÂY¦b¤¤

- recommended by keeper (see below) & supposingly their best BG
- while her service is good, she simply doesn¡¦t have the credentials of ¡¥trump card¡¦ grade BG
- short, nice body but just OK looks

- slightly chubby, flat-chested; talkative; not too bad looking & overall OK service

µy¶êÁy¡A¥­½c¤l¡F ¦h¨¥¦h»y¡F ¨Ã«D¤ÓÁV¿|ªº¬Ý»PªºÁ`ªº¨Ó»¡«Ü¦nªº¦øªA

Overall Comments:
- Of the 3 Saunas that I visited in °¶ µØ, this has got to be the best as far as facilities go; not quite as big & comfy as ªF ´ò but it¡¦s really nice & clean; probably due to a recent renovation
- Understood from keeper that it¡¦s owned by the same guy as»B »A ´ò; he actually double-shifts for the both places: daytime at ª÷ ¨F & »B »A ´ò at night
- I found this out when I asked for  #21¡K he advised that there¡¦s no such BG there & I was probably thinking of the place upstairs¡K he then recommended #38, ª÷ ¨F¡¦s trump BG that presumably measures up to #21
- Reasonably priced at $598 with a $100 coupon from ¥Í 菓 ³ø  (looks like they¡¦ve stopped issuing it now)
- Not sure about the BG¡¦s quality as never got any of those suggested by ¿ß ¥S; ªF ´ò  had become my favourite joint by this time¡K  I think it¡¦s probably good anyway.
- Staff is friendly & helpful; that goes for all places I visited on this trip; a big change from last year, if you recall my experience at ª÷ ´ò

-§Ú¦b°¶µØ¤¤¦s¨úªº3®á®³¯D¡A³o¤w¬O³Ì¦nªÌ´N³]¬I©Ò¥h¡F ¨Ã«D¤Q¤À§@¬°ªF´ò§@¬°¤j»Pªºcomfy¦Ó¬O¥¦½T¹ê¦nªº¡¦s ¦³¥i¯à¦]¬°¤@ºØ³Ìªñªº­²·s
-±q¬Ýªù²z¸Ñ¥¦³Q»P»B»A´ò¦P¼Ëªº³Ã¥ë¾Ö¦³ªº¡¦s¡F ¥L¨â¦a¤èªº¹ê»Ú¤W¥[­¿ÅÜ´«¡G ¦bª÷¨F»P»B»A´ò¤¤ªº¥Õ¤Ñ©]¶¡
-·í§Ú­n¨D±o¨ì#21¡K®É¡A§Ú§ä¨ì³o­Ó¥LÄU§i ¨S¦³³o¼ËBG§Ú¦b¨º¸Ì¦b¨º¸Ì»PµM«á¦³¥i¯à«ä¦Ò¤W¼Ó¦a¤è¥L±ÀÂË#38ªº¡K¡Aª÷¨F¡¦s¤ýµPBG¤j·§¦a´ú¶q¨ì#21
-¦X²z¦a¼Ð»ù¬°$598¨Ó¦Û¥Íªº$100Áʪ«¨é¡H ³ø  (¬Ý°_¨Ó¶H¥L­Ì¡¦°±¤î²{¦bµo¥X¥¦)
-¨Ã«D©ú½T§@¬°BG¡¦s«~½è±q¤£±o¨ì¥ô¦ó³Q¿ß¥S«Øijªº¨º¨Ç¡F ªF ´ò  ¨ì³o¤@¦¸´¿¸g¦¨¬°§Úªº³Ì³ß·Rªº±µ¦XÂIµL½×¦p¦ó§Ú·Q¥¦ªº¡K¦³¥i¯à¦nªº¡¦s¡C
-¤H­û¤Í¦n&¨º¥h§ä§Ú¦b³o¦¸®È¦æ¤W¦s¨úªº©Ò¦³¦a¤è¡F ±q¥h¦~ªº¤@ºØ¤jªºÅܤơA¦pªG§A¦bª÷´òºM¾P§Úªº¸gÅç

ª÷ ÀÜ »Õ :
- a pair of man made 34Cs; not pretty at all; certainly overrated in my opinion; does not live up to the reputation reported by some brothers
- don¡¦t be fooled: the pic (showing her face) that ¥Í 菓 ³ø  or other magazines published recently is not genuine at all; she simply does not look like that in person
- however, to be fair with her, she¡¦s quite dedicated to her role & provides good service; especially that price

¤@Âù¤H°µ34Cs¡F ¨Ã«D¬Û·í¥þµM¡F ¨Ì§Úªº·N¨£¥²µM¹L°ª¦ô­p¡F ¤£¹F¨ì³Q¤@¨Ç¥S§Ì³ø§iªº¦WÁn
-¡¦t³Q·M§Ë¡G pic (Åã¥Ü¦oªºÁy)¨º¤@ÂI¥Í¡H ³ø  ©ÎªÌ¨ä¥¦Âø»x¥Xª©¥þµM³Ìªñ¤£¬O¯u¥¿ªº¡F ¦o¤£¿Ë¦Û²³æ¦a¬Ý°_¨Ó¶H¨º¤@ÂI
-µM¦Ó¡A¬O¦oªº³ÕÄý·|¡A¦o¤Q¤À©^Ämµ¹¦oªº¨¤¦â»Pªº¡¦s´£¨Ñ¦nªº¦øªA¡F ¤×¨ä¨º¤@ÂI»ù®æ

- was gonna take keeper¡¦s suggestion & book #118 but took her instead for her height (caught a glimpse of her while she was sending a customer off); what a mistake!
- She was too hard in Part 1¡K used her feet (instead of her hands)¡K still don¡¦t know why or how I got talked into this (as I normally prefer a ¡¥soft¡¦ massage)

-¬Ogonna®³¬Ýªù¡¦s«Øij»P®Ñ#118¦ý¬O¬°¤F¦oªº°ª«× (¿h¨£¦oªº®É¶¡¦o¬£»º¤@¦W«È¤á)´À¥N±a¦o¡F ¦h»ò¤@­Ó¿Ü»~¡I
-¦o¤Ó§V¤O³¡¥÷¦a1¡K¨Ï¥Î¦o­^§`(´À¥N¦oªº¤â) ¤´µMª¾¹D¡K§Ú¬°¤°»ò©ÎªÌ¦p¦óÅܱo½Í¸Ü¦¨¬°³o­Ó(·í§Ú¥¿±`¹çÄ@ ¤@¡¥¬X³nªº¡¦«ö¼¯®É)

Overall Comments:
- BG quality is quite frankly not up to par; lobby is not big but quite clean & comfy; problems with water heater if the place is packed (not hot enough & water pressure sucks!)
- Reasonably priced at $548 (no coupon required)
- Staff is friendly & helpful;
- If only they could improve on BG quality & availability, this would not be a bad selection

- BG«~½è¬O¤Q¤À©Z²vªº¨Ã«D¨ìpar¡F ¦pªG¦a¤è³Q¥]¸Ë(¨Ã«D¼ö¤ôÀ£¤O¨¬°÷»P§l¨ú¡I)¡A¥ð®§«Ç¤£¬O¤j¦ý¬O¤Q¤À²M¼äªº&¤ô¥[¼ö¾¹ªº°ÝÃD
-¦X²z¦a¼Ð»ù¬°$548 (¨S¦³Áʪ«¨é­n¨D)

ºñ ©É ®q :
- new BG, only 3 months on job (trained right here)
- a big girl but not really fat
- we went into overtime to finish but they didn¡¦t charge me for that
- not a bad choice

-·sªºBG¡A¶È¶È¦b¤u§@ (¦b³o¸Ì°V½m¥¿½T)¤Wªº3­Ó¤ë
- ¤@­Ó¤jªº¤k«Ä¦ý¬O¨Ã«D½T¹êªÎ­D

- rather tall BG with firm 34 breasts;
- quite ¡¥wild¡¦; good service but she¡¦s planning to retire soon

-¤Q¤À¡¥³¥ªº¡¦¡F ¦n¦øªA¦ý¬O¦o«Ü§ÖÃã¥hªº¡¦s­p¹º¨î­q

Overall Comments:
- I¡¦d put this place in the same league as ªF ´ò ; big lobby & shower area; facilities nice & cosy; just that rooms are too dark with lights off
-  lots of BGs & again quality is probably not as good as »B »A ´ò but you can still find some nice ones here
- about 30 to choose from (they show you the BG list & let you pick from it)¡K probably have more at peak time
- staff friendly, helpful & willing to book or call BGs in from home even for newbies!
- Slightly more expensive than ªF ´ò  at  $638 & location is quite a bit off Nathan Road
- Keeper Maggie looks very much like Bowie, formerly of Sunny Island; talks like her too. Can anybody confirm they are the same person?

- I¡¦d±N³o­Ó¦a¤è©ñ¦b»PªF´ò¦P¼ËªºÁp·ù¤¤¡F ¤jªº¥ð®§«Ç»P¤j¶qµ¹°Ï°ì¡F ¦nªº³]¬I&¶È¶È©Ð¶¡¬O¹q¿Oªº¤Ó¶Â·t
-¦A¤@¦¸Àu½èªº³\¦hBG»P¦³¥i¯à¤£©M»B»A´ò¤@¼Ë§Q¯q ¦Ó¬O§A¤´µM¯à¦b³o¸Ì§ä¨ì¤@¨Ç¦nªº¨º¨Ç
-±q(¥L­Ìµ¹§A¬Ý²M³æ»PÅý§A±q¥¦¿ï¾ÜªºBG )¡K¤¤¿ï¾Üªº¤j¬ù30¦b°ª®p®É¶¡§ó¥[¦³¥i¯à¦³
-¬ÝªùMaggie«D±`¹³ªøÂy¤M¤@¼Ë¬Ý¡A±q«e¶§¥ú¥R¨¬ªº®q¡F ¹³¦o¤@¼Ëªº½Í¸Ü¤]¡C ¦³¤°»ò¤H¯à½T»{¥L­Ì¬O¦P¼Ëªº¤H¶Ü¡H

¦y ¨F ©C:
- A pair of nice 34A/Bs; offered a bonus BJ after Part 2 but didn¡¦t have time to finish
- Ken ­ô is long gone but ¤j May & locker boy still there & both remembered me from last year
- Couldn¡¦t recognized any BGs from the list so I just took May¡¦s suggestion
- Used to be my favourite joint from previous trips but not any more;
- It¡¦s not bad but somehow I got tired of it
- Cost: $746+20(locker)+10(front desk); same as before

¤@Âù¦nªº34A»PBs¡F ¦b²Ä2³¡¥÷¤§«á³Q´£¨Ñ¤@¬õ§QBJ¦ý¬O¡¦t¦³®É¶¡§¹¦¨¦Y§¹
-ª¾Ãѽd³ò­ôªø¤´µM¦b¨º¸Ì»P³Q¥h¡A ¦ý¬O¤j¤­¤ë»P¦³Âꪺ¦sª«Âd­Ü®wºÞ²z¤H¨k«Ä±q¥h¦~¨â­Ó³£°O±o§Ú
-¯Ó¶O¡G $746+20(locker)+10(front®Ñ®à)¡F ¦P¼Ë¥H«e§@¬°
- ¤@Âù¦nªº34A»PBs¡F ¦b²Ä2³¡¥÷¤§«á³Q´£¨Ñ¤@¬õ§QBJ¦ý¬O¡¦t¦³®É¶¡§¹¦¨¦Y§¹
-ª¾Ãѽd³ò­ôªø¤´µM¦b¨º¸Ì»P³Q¥h¡A ¦ý¬O¤j¤­¤ë»P¦³Âꪺ¦sª«Âd­Ü®wºÞ²z¤H¨k«Ä±q¥h¦~¨â­Ó³£°O±o§Ú
-¯Ó¶O¡G $746+20(locker)+10(front®Ñ®à)¡F ¦P¼Ë¥H«e§@¬°

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ²M¼ä Âø»x Áʪ«


­ì©«¥Ñ ¥[Àé ©ó 2007-3-11 10:39 µoªí
ª÷ ¨F :
- cute little BG; quite young;  32A breasts;
- standard Part 1 service; quite good with Part 2 as well with a bonus BJ thrown in for time remaining  

-º}«Gªº¤pBG¡F ¤Q¤À¦~»´¡F   ...

¥i§_ pm §Ú¨C¶¡ªº address, ­ø³q¥s§Úªð´ä¥ý¬d¶À­¶



­ì©«¥Ñ rtsang88 ©ó 2007-3-12 03:12 µoªí

¥i§_ pm §Ú¨C¶¡ªº address, ­ø³q¥s§Úªð´ä¥ý¬d¶À­¶

¦pªG ...
±o, ¨S°ÝÃD,¤j®a³£«Y¥[Àé... let me know at that time & I'll send the addresses to you... who knows, maybe they're not that good by then & there can be some new ones?...


'Would like to thank ¿ß¥S for his great BG recommendations '

You are welcome.
But my disclaimer: the following bone girls were not my recommendations:
»B »A ´ò#16,ªF ´ò#98#111#48ª÷ ¨F #77 ª÷ÀÜ »Õ :#99#30 ¦y ¨F ©C:#26

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2007-3-12 10:18 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


'was gonna take keeper¡¦s suggestion & book #118 '

I have tried 3/F 118 before. This is the only choice I would recommend from 3/F. Pretty, though with small tits. I am going to release a report on her later.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ rtsang88 ©ó 2007-3-12 03:12 µoªí

¦pªG ...
¥ÍªG³ø¤£¬O¤é³ø, ¬OÂø»x¡uªo‹ö¡vªºªþ‹ï.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Âø»x
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Good Report but sounds like you are very rush and needed to complete your mission in this trip...


thank you report!! C Hing...


wow very extensive, thank you


Thanks for your report


thanks for sharing your good details SN reports


thanks for the report.......and i like your chinese version......so funny.....heehee........


Thanks for your information.


­ì©«¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2007-3-12 10:25 µoªí
'was gonna take keeper¡¦s suggestion & book #118 '

I have tried 3/F 118 before. This is the only choice I would recommend from 3/F. Pretty, though with small tits. I am going to release a re ...

God's mill grinds slow but sure.


¦hÁ¿ߥS... looks like I really ¨«咗Ä_!  ...oh well, next year is only 9 months away....  anyway, I agree with your description of the place (& the other 3 upstairs) as well -  ¦n¤¤ªÖ§r!




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