原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-12-20 09:50 發表
先排我大髀肉少少損左, 照去桑,金 黃 葡 萄 球 菌 俾左個瘡我, 睇了一次W生再覆診兩次W藥費共750就好返了.
Tai '9' walk, so never go to play with scar
tonight 冇運.........................lucky discovered earlier
Goto sau. The MM say why my foot so bad smell after TEO, she smell my foot, and herself, and the towel, no founding.... and i search whether any dead mouse around, also no... then I smell her sister,,, shit........tai '9' walk..... dead salty fish there........xyz&^%^....all interest lost and gone....
no duck complain, just treat as bad luck and pay 'BIG' money to play 1 hr non-standard VEGI, but lucky is that no touch with her, and no finger probe, otherwise if fingers have scar, then PK