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[原創] 4 months in Macau....

4 months in Macau....

... and I've tried almost all the 'famous' saunas and bath houses.

Here's a summary of my own personal preference...

For bath house
Best service - Darling 2
Best looking girls - Darling 1

For Sauna
Best value for money - Golden Pool
Best hardware - Rio
Most expensive - Rio
Most 'erotic' - East Spa Club (cos the girls will shower for you )
Cheapest 'Shuang Fei' - Supreme Sauna
Worst service - 18

Overall, my favourite I have to say is Darling 2. The girls are actually not bad, in fact some are quite pretty. The only problem is location, I always have to look around before I go in, so as not to meet my staff or colleagues who stay around there. 

For sauna, I like Golden Pool, it's quieter and the girls selection is good. For sauna, in future, I'll only go for Vietnamese, Chinese girls are lazy and always rushing, my experiences with China girls is always -- they will just lie there and let you do the work. 

The above are my experiences and I'll gladly share with the brothers here. 

相關搜索目錄: SPA



I've played in Macau for the past 3 - 4 years and I've to say I disagree with most of your comments.

D1 MM are really not that good nowadays........best looking? Are u kidding me?

Well, guess everyone's taste is different


回復 1# 的帖子

18 is really geting bad now. Even Boss is better .


Boss? Really? How many MM they've to choose from?

Where'll be your top recommendation fro SN?


原帖由 Firejack 於 2008-8-9 13:36 發表

I've played in Macau for the past 3 - 4 years and I've to say I disagree with most of your comments.

D1 MM are really not that good nowadays........best looking? Are u kidding me?

Well, guess everyone's taste is different
Different strokes for different folks..... One man's meat is another man's poison. 


每人眼光不同, 好難一概而論.
硬件就真係利澳, 18就無去好耐, 因為客太多, 服務麻麻.
D1就好少去,因為不喜歡搞完即走, 同時佢而家多了祖國, 越泰少了很多.


Yes, C Hing.  I never tried bath house (both D1 and D2) although 4 years station in Macau but only Sauna.  Because want to relax and stay at rest room.




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