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[疑難] Thailand - Bangkok

Thailand - Bangkok

Will be going to Bangkok very soon and looking forward to visit the MP there.  Any BRO has good suggestion?




回復 #1 fififafa 的帖子



回復 #3 clac 的帖子

Where is Utopia?  Can't find their web page..


回復 #2 hymen 的帖子

Thank you!

Any bro tried to take pictures in MP?  Or this is not allow at all??  I want to report with pictures if I can.


回復 #4 fififafa 的帖子

最好搭的士去,MRT在Phra Ram9 3號出口向Rama IX Rd. 東面走(地圖右邊)幾個街口,在一個十字路口向左望(轉角有一間本地餐廳),地圖上方,就會看到Utopia的大名,轉左再直走就到.要走15至20分鐘,路不好走,也可以在Phra Ram9 3號出口搭的士,很怏就到.



i just back from Bkk 2 days ago...5 days staying but going to Poisedon 2 times..

1st 415 pm..not good looking gals to choose
2nd 630 pm...lots of gals so better to go after 630 pm

1st time i pick one 2000 bt.....good service istay around 1 hr 45 mins
2nd time  pick 2500 bt ...pretty and execellet services....i feel  like being rape hohho

all gals body are super good my opinon no need to go 3rd fl to get sideline & model..u can get one  from 2000, 2200 or 2500 bt even u are picky! but rem to pay 300 bt after their good job.

y gals told me their most frequent customers are Japan, then korea..we HK only 5th!


回復 #6 clac 的帖子

Thank you! This is one of my major target this time : )


回復 #7 Toesters 的帖子

Thanks for the tips, just wondering how much better are the ones on the 3rd floor... it's my first time to visit MPs...
Luckily I am staying there for a few weeks.... hopefully I can try each famous MP at least one time.
HK only #5?? well... I guess it's because most of the bros are 救國 soldiers or we are LOYAL to our own kind  : )


Poisedon may not be the best, but it is convenient and famous.  More importantly, wont ripe you off.  My must go MPs


u can go to 3rd flor to check the sideline model b4 u pick the gals on 2nd floor.

i hve gone to 3rd fl during my 1st time, not many gals and u wont know their price until u hve to ask their mami, the gals range from 2900 bt to 7500 bt some may even cost more, in my opinion their look ar a bit pretty and slim body but they can only serve u for 90 mins and u wont get the services that u may hve in 2000, 2200 or 2500 bt ( mami tells me )

honestly  if u hve been play Thai Msg many times u can try model ...if not   2000 to 2500 are enough law..cheap and good


the best is Amerstertam, and then Poseidon, however, one bear in mind is that avoid using Credit Card in Sauna, unlike Macau or Seoul that is quite safe, my card actually have been stolen the code and using in bangkok recently, fortunatlely the card center spot it and call me to confirm , keep aware brother

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


Thank you for all the useful informaton!  So, I wont be using my credit card and I will for sure to try Amerstertam, Poseidon and Utopia.

I recently found in the webpage:  http://www.bangkoktonight.com/
Under the massage section, there are links and MAP of many MPs.

相關搜索目錄: Credit card
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If I can try them all, for sure 腳軟...
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Heard from expatfriends (who live in Bkk) that Riviera is good. Nice service. It's near the "bangkok Hospital.

I was 2 weekends ago in Bangkok.
Mostly I spend my time at "paht Pong" Had a nice time. Picked up a girl for 2500 baht for the whole evening and took her to my hotel. Girl was ok, nice service. Not like Macau service ;) but what can you expect for these rates.
Overall it was ok.


Riviera is very Considerate, if I am 腳軟, I can just simply go to the Bangkok Hospital  

If I can find anyone I like, can I just leave?  Will I get into any trouble?


He he Bangkok Hospital is an expensive private Hospital, so it's gonna cost you a lot when you end up in there
But I think you won't get in any trouble. My friend told me that the atmosphere was nice. I haven't been there yet. But the neighberhood is quite safe.


Hi gus, do you know what the easier way to go to Riviera?? Can I take BTS?? Thanks.


回復 #7 Toesters 的帖子

good info.


Riveria is in New Petchburi Road, BTS not pass thru there, can only take taxi or bus..


i heard ppl say Colonze 2 is also quite good. they hve "Father" can speak cantonese so its quite convenience

Colonze Link:      http://colonze2.1.vg/

Utopia link:     http://www.utopiabkk.com/default_e.htm

Poisedon Link:  http://www.poseidon2000.com/

should try next time!

I ve already 腳軟 i last 2 days.....even traffic for almost 1 hr b4 i reach there but seem time goes fast  hhaahhah


回復 #21 Toesters 的帖子


Had not tried Amsterdam?  Anybody tried it and please give more info such as price, address ..  Thanks



Hmmm I tried Amsterdam red light district in Holland before, but not the Amsterdam in Bangkok.


Thanks for all the suggestion...  I guess my DESTINY is Bangkok Hosptial instead

Bro garylock, check this link out, http://bangkok2night.com/massage/
The price is listed there.

In fact, I have more questions... I read other brothers did 2Q or 3Q per visit... is there any extra charge?


Bro Toesters, 1 hr in Taxi or by walking?  Seems far away...




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