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IF you have......

IF you have......

HK$ 4,000 spare cash  and one afternoon , How do you spend ..........to get a relax day??????


Depends on what the time frame is (after lunch or late afternoon and how long would you like to spend) and what you want, how would you consider as "relax"

One suggestion would be going to Kobe Sauna for $2K, have a brief massage and a good let out.

Jordan or Mongkok nc do have girls available early afternoon, you can drink and play dice with them, flirt the girl, bring her out, or even "doing that" on site. Budget for these places are also much less than $4K.

If you want to go for the higher end, go to TST NC late afternoon, stay in the room for an hour or two then bring the girl out, that would be slightly less than $4K.
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


Dear Auriqa00,

What is time period of " late afternoon' and " early afternoon"?
What BG do you suggest in Kobe?




原帖由 VITA 於 2008-8-1 13:39 發表
Dear Auriqa00,

What is time period of " late afternoon' and " early afternoon"?
What BG do you suggest in Kobe?


TST NC would have better girl report after 5 pm. Some places like 俏佳人 or 富都會 won't even open before that. While some Mongkok NC would open as early as 11am.

For BG at Kobe, you can refer to the Sauna Forum, or just simply go there and choose the girls by looking at their photos from the computer. With the price tag of almost $2,000 for full service, the average BG's quality at this place is surely the best.
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


Another Question

If I go to TST NC , What Club & Mummi do you suggest if I don't mind the money?

Of course, Not more than $ $,4,000.




俏佳人 or 富都會 do open by 2pm for the early tea dances.  Some chicks start early & finish early, by 9pm, just pretend working as an ordinary office clerk.  But, there are less customers & less chicks between 2pm to 5pm.  More chicks will turn up after 6pm especially those having the formal day time job.


What do I need to pay attention if I go NC by myself only?

[ 本帖最後由 VITA 於 2008-8-1 14:17 編輯 ]


If I go NC but 無叫酒, Do they show black face?
Also, I am a non-smoking and I mind girls smoking.
Can Girls stop smoking in front of Me?
Have you ever call the Golden  girls to meet outside after first meeting in the NC?


Make sure what do you want before visiting any place.  Out for the drink, comfort & tender or escort service.  My rule of the thumb is "three strikes you are out".  If I'm not happy after three trial clocks, then I will leave no matter how the mamasan persuade me.  I'll simply pay in cash as the bill should not be expensive.  Don't use credit card as they will try holding you up.  Always be strong & in the upper hand.

If you are new commer at a particular place, always asks for the details before sitting down.  Take a note on the time (starting, duration & ending) as some of them are very tricky.  If the trial clock deems too long & the mamasan fails to call, then press the button & ask for the mamasan.

After all, use common sense just like visiting other new restaurants or shops.

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


more tips

No problem if you only have beer. It is very usual to have beer at places like 俏佳人 or 富都會.

The girls should ask for your permission in order to smoke.  If she forgets then you can tell her to stop, in a polite way.  If she insists, then make a complain to the mamansan.  She will & should handle this kind of situation.  The girls shouldn't make any phone conversation as well.  Their job is to escort the customer.

"call the Golden  girls to meet outside after first meeting in the NC?"  Try you luck, just like normal dating.  Obviously, you have to ger her phone number as a starter.


May I know more---if

Make love with local girls , DO they provide BJ?

[ 本帖最後由 VITA 於 2008-8-1 15:32 編輯 ]


原帖由 idl 於 2008-8-1 14:08 發表
俏佳人 or 富都會 do open by 2pm for the early tea dances.  Some chicks start early & finish early, by 9pm, just pretend working as an ordinary office clerk.  But, there are less customers & less chick ...

So 富都會 opens at 2 pm now!!! I remembered I once got there at 5:10 pm and people were just sweeping the floor, only one hostress was putting her make-up on there and the mami has not yet report to work.

I've been to 俏佳人 around 5 pm and there're very limited choices.
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


原帖由 VITA 於 2008-8-1 14:52 發表
If I go NC but 無叫酒, Do they show black face?
Also, I am a non-smoking and I mind girls smoking.
Can Girls stop smoking in front of Me?
Have you ever call the Golden  girls to meet outside after  ...
Doesn't really matter to drink or not. Especially for Tea Dance, girls would really welcome not to drink.

You're the boss there, it's up to your discretion of whether let the girl smoke or not. But for the TST place, usually they won't smoke if you're not smoking. This has been instructed by mami when they start working there.

You mean "GOLDEN" girl that are not suppose to go out with customers? If so, they won't go out in the first instance, what would you think they would go out later on? But if you're referring to the girls you bring out for this time, you can just simply drop down her phone no and most of them would welcome you to call and set up any meeting elsewhere later.

相關搜索目錄: Dance
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


原帖由 idl 於 2008-8-1 15:01 發表
Make sure what do you want before visiting any place.  Out for the drink, comfort & tender or escort service.  My rule of the thumb is "three strikes you are out".  If I'm not happy after three trial  ...
For places like 俏佳人 or 富都會, you don't have to worry about 呃鐘 at all. As they'd prefer you to make up your choice asap. Trying another girl only charge for about $40, they'd rather have every customer picked the girl as early as possible so that they don't have to bring in more girls. As once you've picked the girl, they will start charging the package price. Say if you arrive at 7 pm and still can't find a girl by 8 pm or later, there's a very good chance that you'll give up. As even though you like a girl later on, you may not be willing to spend $1,500 to sit the girl for one hour (tea dance stops at 9:30 pm) before bringing her out. Or else, if you can't find any girl at the end, the package can't be charge and they will only get a few hundred from you.

Once I couldn't find a girl after 3 rounds, the mami brought in 3 girls at once for me to pick. Hoping to settle my table asap.

相關搜索目錄: Make up Dance
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原帖由 VITA 於 2008-8-1 15:20 發表
Make love with local girls , DO they provide BJ?
Though I have met a majority of them from 俏佳人 do, but there's no guarantee that ALL of them do.

This is a trick question! It's kind of embarass to ask as soon as you meet (before mami asking table). I would say if during the encounter, you can ask her to do so. I think that should be ok, after all, $1,500 is considered to be the high end service.

But I'm not sure if many of them would do it without dum dum. Though some of them did provide such service, I believe that there're still many of them don't.

After all, different girl has different bottom line. There may be a girl working at Jordan charging $800 won't provide BJ, wet kiss, and not allow to touch her lower part. While there's a local girl in Mongkok who can be fingering, wet kiss and BJ without dum dum for the price of $300.


[ 本帖最後由 auriga00 於 2008-8-1 17:31 編輯 ]
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


Thanks Auriga00,

Which hotels we go to if I choice FTClub or TKYan?
Which CLub I will find it convenient to and I don;t want to meet by other friends on streets?


原帖由 VITA 於 2008-8-1 17:40 發表
Thanks Auriga00,

Which hotels we go to if I choice FTClub or TKYan?
Which CLub I will find it convenient to and I don;t want to meet by other friends on streets?
For 富都會, usually take the taxi to Jordan 志和街聖地牙哥酒店, which is right behind Eaton Hotel on the quiet side street facing 拔萃女書院

If you go to 俏佳人, there's a Victoria Hotel right beside it. That area is usually quiet. If you're afraid to meet anyone when stepping out of the place (I did, but that was a girl I met at 富都會 ) you can take the right instead after going out from the elevator to pass through the back alley to 漆咸圍.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


"This is a trick question! It's kind of embarass to ask as soon as you meet"

I always play fair & approach it straight away.  If I'm happy with the girl, then I will ask during the trial "is there anything that you don't do?" to see her answers.  If satisfy then I'll keep her, otherwise won't waste both's time.  In the mean time, I will not force her to do anything that she doesn't promise.  I pay & I don't want to see a long, unhappy face.

You will feel happier if she provides more services in the room than said.


Sometimes, I always dream somthing my wife can't do but the girl can.
Maybe, it is one of the reason I tried other girls!
Sometimes, My mind come with such picture that .....
Have you ever tried face sperming with NC girl?
Have you ever try anal sex with NC girl and Put your thumb into her anal when you did from the back, --doggie type?

I am just query that but not a must action?


white sheep

原帖由 auriga00 於 2008-8-1 09:18 發表

For places like 俏佳人 or 富都會, you don't have to worry about 呃鐘 at all. As they'd prefer you to make up your choice asap. Trying another girl only charge for about $40, they'd rather have eve ...
You know the place well doesn't mean that cheating by the mamasan would not happend.  

On one occasion, I visited the TST NC by myself.  Arrived by 3 pm, settled immediately with the first chick.  At 5 pm, the mamasan told me to cut the service as the "early tea" ends.  Then I got two new chicks by 5:30 pm (I asked for two), again settled immediately with both.  I checked by 7:30 pm & the bill was $3317

"3 girls at once for me to pick"
Sounds like getting the mushrooms in mainland, not quite the norm in Hong Kong.

相關搜索目錄: Make up


$3317 including street clock or not?

Did you order Wine this time?

相關搜索目錄: Wine




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