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[原創] Hello dear brothers I need your help

Hello dear brothers I need your help

Dear brothers,

Thanks for great information in this forum. As a beginner, I learned a lot!

I have a problem now. As I wish to visit 俏佳人 or 冨都, I want to know their earliest time of service because I need to leave at around 6pm.

All I want is to have some good memory with some relative high quality girl and if it is possible to visit before 6pm, is there any club with relative high quality girl please?

I could be able to afford more financially.

Thank you for your valuable advice all brothers!



以我所知老俏&富記都是荼仔從 18:30開始.,如果要 18:00前交人.,只有旺角塲
因為 D 陀地日头有嘢做,又或者未瞓醒


回復 1# 的帖子

I have arrived there before 6:30 p.m., and they are still not ready.


Thx Bro dd345aa,

I understand that is the time pattern of NC and should have no luck to have something before 6pm...

I had thought of going to Macau for the very early Tea ticket (should start at 2pm) but I cannot bear the 3 hr travel(2hr for sea travel + 1 hr travel to Sheung Wan), though the quality is good and altogether cheaper.

Will see if I have chance to extend my time limit to 9pm or not later...

Thanks again!


Thx 7-siu, appreciate your advice!


其實俏記6:00 前都有囡仔返,不過真係好少,要睇彩數囉, 因為佢之前應該有個早茶時間, 係4:30p.m. - 6:00p.m. $ 8XX 檯錢... r唔知而家仲有冇... 不過要高質就一定要等 7:XX 過後喇!





Thx information Smigiggs and NCG!


Leaving before 6? I'd suggest you going to 新花都
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


回復 9# 的帖子

i had experience to 俏記 for early tea. Not alot of selections, around 10. Special package about $600 but all girls looking for you to bring her out so that they can make $, they are not willing to sit in room for drink or K. Hope that helps.


Thx auriga00 and super123123 Ching!

About 新花都, auriga00 hing, is it the one at 尖沙咀東部加連威老道96號希爾頓大廈三樓?
As I don't drink at all and most probably go out with the girl before 4pm, is it a good place to go still?
And lastly, what's the closest and most convenient hotel to go afterwards?

Thank you very much again!


Just saw some girls in the webpage of 新花都, not my cup of tea...
Will wait and see.


原帖由 catsinhats 於 2009-7-6 12:09 發表
Just saw some girls in the webpage of 新花都, not my cup of tea...
Will wait and see.
They have over 200 girls there, forget about those old pictures .

When talking about  girls,  I don't know any other NCs  that can  have such  wide varieties that you can choose from.  If you don't have a specific type of girl in mind and do not want to preset youself to go out with a girl , why not try once ?


Thx Foresthill Ching.

Tried Fairlxxy today and left before 5:30pm, price's quite cheap coz I don't order any alcoholic drink at all (~$600). Saw 2 girls and I believed they are at least above-average to those I saw at streets. I went out with one of them.

It's a bit pity that the girl seems in a hurry but at least I had a memorable moment.

Thx all again for the information, might go there sooner or later


You may want to try Club Uno, where U can take advantage on the room in the Regal Hotel for $500 and girls start coming in after 3:00PM . Choices may be limited to 5 or 6 only.






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