definitely she is not my cup of tea, 但人喺失落時, 但求在個人抱一抱, 有個洞小一小. 比少少想像空間 brother 們 she is quite look like anna yau(休海敏), 佢講野seems 有啲文化, her 氣質 is quite elegant, it seems that 佢果種 hi-end斯文feel非北姑果種 low-end 既斯文能比.......
first of all,each of us take off clothes 一齊沖梁, she is 5'2", very bonely(or some brother may regard as slim) and have 3 tatoos on her body
each bicept one tatoo and one tatoo at her back, nipple is medium brown colour. obviously she is not 18 / 22 , 但又未去到中囡 , objectively speaking 28-29 yrs old. ball is real (及手33b) and 啲肉 is elastic and tender. 化左好淡既, 同淡香水
part 1 吹
-- 功力 nothing special, no fun, 但認真態度值得加許 ( from my experience some 陀地唔同客吹, i really suspect 佢喺咪陀地)
part 2 做
-- as she is small build , 下面 ok啦, not too loose lor. 可以試吓唔同既position cuz she is very light, 任得你舞啦.
, 所以區史我越做越投入, i cannot control myself from bite her, lick her body. as a prostitute, she did not allow me to kiss her face . but i have been too excited to push her arm down and 强吻她. 她實在在太藥質簽簽了, 她柔弱的掙扎, 反而 make me more excited. it seems like raping somebody........喺呢個時候, 佢竟用'收縮'既包魚偷集我細佬, 夾左一野(好有力水).
i shooted unexpectedly!
according to my 習慣, i won 主動地 ask 141'name, 我放低 錢 and then take a bath then gone
--佢收 450
--佢床尾有 hi-fi 播歌黎做幾好feel
(sorry 1. this report is nth related to the topic 大羅, 風滿, 高 2. my feeling towards this 141 gal is only my 個人feeling, i dunno whether other brother may feel that this 141 is bullshit
本帖最後由 John_John 於 2007-1-4 06:18 PM 編輯 ]