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[原創] 老太監 - Change name to avoid diaster + first report in KY

老太監 - Change name to avoid diaster + first report in KY

First of all, thanks for some ching concern on why I have to change the ID…

Actually, it is not only just I changed my ID, but also, I will have my future report mainly in English instead of 50/50 on English and Chinese in the past...

It is because one main issue - My Tiger

Ok, let me tell the story in detail.

I know many of chings have MM in China, no matter they are your GF, Wife, Tiger, SexPartner, LunchBox, 沉船 or 包養.

Not matter what, I know that some ching are so generous to their MM and tell/show/teach them almost everything.

But I have to say, it is not wise to tell the MM that someone will post the report plus picture and schedule to the internet.

Not only that, that ching also give the address to the MM to visit.

Even worse, since our forum is being blocked by China Government very intensively, that ching even teach the MM how to install some application to bypass the block…

Haha… and my Tiger (official Tiger, got my zoo certificate in 2006), know such a lucky MM.

That MM told my wife about all these stuff and instruct my tiger on how to install and visit those forum in HK (including this one)
** I have to say that ching did a very good job, he not only teach his MM how to install and set up those bypass application, but the MM could even strong enough to teach others to install (as my wife is completely a computer idiot)

My tiger read through some detail and suspect some of the report and comment after by me…

Luckily, as the hints by 7-siu previously that if you wanna have a safe steal eat, you have to 搭棚 as early as possible…

So, I could get away with this this time… but the fact is… I have to change my ID and use english for all of my future comment and report…

Once again, thanks for this mysterious c hing's help and if you are reading this, thanks but no thanks!!
I have decided my new chinese nick name as well - 李連英, a honry man with no dick…

老太監 - first report in KY
Work exhaused for the last week… want to have a some relax action after the half day work on Sat…

As usual, reserved a room with KY manager… and reservered a OL I admired previously (but not tried yet)
Arrived in 1530, find out that it is full of c hing…
Luckily, since I am a regular customer, I could have my room quickly (sorry other c hing)
But the bad news come, that OL is not ready until 1600, cause she is off duty very late the night before…
And she original applied for annual leave… Ah Yee help me to call her back urgently…

Ok, just have a look with other MM, only mark down some number for future reference but didn't pick…
(It is not polite as I have asked them to call the OL back)

On 1600, OL arrive… taller than me (I am typical chinese size), thin, white, and good smile…
As usual, one shot before bath…
Then, it comes the best part… the bath took us 40 minutes… and it is very good, not just the ISO bath service, but she even use a small brush to clean my feet very detail…
After the bath… we go back to bed for another action… she is so wild and she jump on me and sit on me very hard… I got the feeling that I am being rape by her…

Finish the second and clean up, it is already 1815… yes, you heard it right, 2 hours and 15 mins in total, compare to the normal 1 and half hour.

I fly to the train station afterward and catch up the train…

Arrive back to SZ at 1850

Overall Comment:
Pro: Superior service standard, good looking(original short hair very attractive, long leg, good attitude and talkative
Co: Small Boops, room waiting is still an issue if you are not regular customer


一个既超時又超激嘅超值享受! 正!


回復 #1 Retav 的帖子

So, bros, please be careful when you are posting reports in this forum.  Please don't be so 大模施樣 or 奉旨 that all the people who read this forum are those who are really having fun in China!  They may be somebody that you don't want him or her to know about what we have discussed here.

Luckily, this time is only tiger, but next time may be GA!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-14 10:56 發表
So, bros, please be careful when you are posting reports in this forum.  Please don't be so 大模施樣 or 奉旨 that all the people who read this forum are those who are really having fun in China!  T ...
Think I have to change my Name from time to time also...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-4-14 11:04 發表

Think I have to change my Name from time to time also...



回復 #5 icheng609 的帖子

係唔係可以就咁轉名而唔影響啲閱讀權限呀?? 你知啦, 我儲咗成年先有今時今日嘅成績呀!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-14 11:10 發表
係唔係可以就咁轉名而唔影響啲閱讀權限呀?? 你知啦, 我儲咗成年先有今時今日嘅成績呀!!


Me... I have asked if I could forward my 閱讀權限 to this new account.. but the answer is... no...

Have to start all over again!!

And I really don't mind to let GA to read the report... this is a business that started since there is men and women... no one else in the world could really destroy it... only if there is just one sex in the world...

The problem is... many CDROM here are so kind or 沉得太勁 to tell almost everything to their girl... it really making us very dangerous...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-14 11:17 發表
Me... I have asked if I could forward my 閱讀權限 to this new account.. but the answer is... no...
Have to start all over again!!
And I really don't mind to let GA to read the report... this ...
Yes, that is the problem for some Ching to forget the basic principles...

No matter how deeply one sinks, must remember the basic rules..like a soldier..when captured tell only your name and rank..nothing else..


回復 #9 Haidada 的帖子

Right, never ever attempt to betray your fellows for exchanging any benefits! There is absolutely no mercy on this aspect from your tigers!!  


Think have to forget the limits and just start all over again...for me i think I will re-start soon..


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原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-4-14 11:26 發表
Think have to forget the limits and just start all over again...for me i think I will re-start soon..
Restart for what? changing partner?


May be he is talking about change to a new ID and restart the level again...

But if your situation is not like me... having a tiger in China or your tiger in HK does not know much about Forum... it should be fine...


warm hints.....i better remember that.....
thx so much......
2 hours and 15 mins.....wow.....OT......it's a great time....


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I don't have much good report la... as I passed the responsibilities to try new place and report to brothers to icheng...

for me, I will just report if I really experienced some fantastic stuff...

But yes... please keep in mind that some ching really tell their MM too much about HK stuff...

And I could see, in the past, some c hing will just emphasize how much they earn if they wanna sink a girl, but now, they will "share" many online information to MM in order to please them...


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Agree that brothers should not tell the ladies (whoever they are) too much. I once had a male's colleague who told our female colleague about some of the steal eat tactics.. I want to kill him...  pity to my female's colleague's husband..

For us, no need to panic. There are some basic "rules" that we should adhere to

1) do not disclose the full name of the place, use coding
2) change your date/timing of your trip a bit
3) not to disclose the mami's/contact names in public
4) do not use your real name on this type of forums..
5) even if you use real names, do not use the same "false" name to post other replies in the same/different forums on something less sensitive (e.g. football forums, interest forums) as they are all traceable by a simple search function

We have to understand that whatever we do, the risk is still there. But we should all try best to avoid those or otherwise, do not play lor...  


原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-4-14 12:01 發表
Restart for what? changing partner?
Actually I am quite 長情。。i think。
but still change partners everyday when lunch box not here..


I rarely visit the same MM twice... coz i really want to try some new fresh and avoid sinking...


I enjoy kind of interaction rather than the excitement of new faces..
I keep switching until I find a right one and I will stick to it...need to see the same MM for sometime before she will have feelings on you..


Yes... agree... but as I can't have such connection for SMS and phone call... so... everytime... I will just pick the new one... only if a tried MM come out again and if the previous experience is real good, then I will pick her again...


I only re-cheuk the girl once in a blue moon..............


回復 #24 icheng609 的帖子

But that's not your style when you're frequent customer of HL!


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