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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-19 11:29 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¯ù
  • jetspermman Åé¤O +10 good report ... innocent girls ! 2008-6-19 11:48
  • jetspermman «Â±æ +10 good report ... innocent girls ! 2008-6-19 11:48


§Ú²Ä¤@ !!!
¦n¤@­Ó ¼s华¾t°¨ ~~~!!!


§Ö¨Ç¼g®I: ¤ô¤â¸Ë¤k¥Í¬ï着®ÕªA·Fªº²Ä¤@¦¸ ...........


­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-6-19 11:38 µoªí
§Ö¨Ç¼g®I: ¤ô¤â¸Ë¤k¥Í¬ï着®ÕªA·Fªº²Ä¤@¦¸ ...........
«Y³¯¦~¨Ƴâ.............. ¤S­ø«Y国¤º­·¤ë¡A Â÷ÃD«§¡H¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-6-19 11:37 µoªí
§Ú²Ä¤@ !!!
¦n¤@­Ó ¼s华¾t°¨ ~~~!!!
·íµM¡A ´ä¼Ö©h·Ý«D§A²öÄÝ°Õ¡I


¦b¦¹ÂÔ¥Nªí "ºë" ·ù·|... ¤ñ µìµì §A  5 ­Ó "ºë"    !!!

"ºë" "ºë" "ºë" "ºë" "ºë"      !!!


¼s‰X¾t°¨ --- ¦Ñ¤ÓºÊ?? No Thanks...
¦Ñ¤ÓºÊ?? Yes... I am...

Didn't visit KY for quite sometimes, but it didn't mean that my adventure stop...

Re-visit KY is kinda like a new adventure... at least, new uniform

Somethings have been changed since my last visit
1) White Princess Outlook changed to new school uniform with short skirt and long black socks
2) Blue ¯]¤ù short skirt changed to Black  ¯]¤ù short skirt with black socks
3) OL now have ¶Âµ·Äû as well...
4) Nurse is still the same
5) the Shower gel changed to a low smell one... (good for steal jump ching)

I picked a 22 girl claims she is from ¥|¤t (so many MM claims they are from ¥|¤t nowaday)
Tested her with the knowledge of uniform, know that she should arrive here less than half year... (only know 2 generations of uniform)

Pink lin but have a ¤p¤p¤p¨{ßv... White skin... Soft and smooth skin...

Action with the uniform on for half hour... one thing have to say, for those c hing like uniform... i got the same feeling with Froggie... really get back the feel when I was a student long long time ago...

it is up to the standard afterward... this times, I also finished late and got several call from the reception to ask us to finish quickly...

overall, I still have good standard of serviec in KY so far...

** remarks: They also have a new task... pull some hot water into the dum dum... and use it roll over all my body... me and the MM laugh so loud to play with that thing... but to the fact... not much feeling about it... don't know who has such a stupid brain to think of such idea...


now... after reading your report....
I really don't know where to go for my next trip.......

the hospital in the legend in city P ?

or take an adventure to the TV sn at DL ???


I never been to TV... not fair to judge...

But KY keep the standard quite well (also to my experience only) (some c hing reported their poor experience in KY)


Then... µìµì... your judgement ....
as you are the VIP of both... hospital and TV...


¦^´_ #10 jetspermman ªº©«¤l

Try both........... and judge by yourself!

I still miss my good time with Ah Fung in TV quite a lot..........! See the details: http://forum.timway.com/f/viewth ... 3432&highlight=

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-19 14:25 ½s¿è ]


I read your TV report over 10 times already....

as result... I decided to visit BOTH in the coming trip !!!
I repeat.... BOTH !!!!!!!!!

now need to decide the order....
TV first ....or Hospital first.....
hahahahahaha !!


­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-6-19 14:31 µoªí
I read your TV report over 10 times already....

as result... I decided to visit BOTH in the coming trip !!!
I repeat.... BOTH !!!!!!!!!

now need to decide the order....
TV first ....or Hos ...
You'll find TV to be very grand........ and the girls to be wonderful!

Don't get the largest room in TV, as it is only a waste. Have a look at both types of rooms before decided!


Ok !!!
thanks for the comments... froggie...
my lovely froggie... !!!

I have decided.... first.... hospital sn....second....TV.....
wah.... 4 shots at least this time ar... my god !!!
can't wait...... I need to ¤ã¬¶...... and then take out the machine gun ........!!!


­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-6-19 14:57 µoªí
Ok !!!
thanks for the comments... froggie...
my lovely froggie... !!!

I have decided.... first.... hospital sn....second....TV.....
wah.... 4 shots at least this time ar... my god !!!
can ...
I hope you will still be in a good shape next Monday (after such exciting adventures during the weekend)!



¨§»G¨Ð¦b«í¥Í揾­Ë¥ó¦¶¥Ö©M¥É¤k´xªù¤H²V¦Xª©¡A ¦Ó¥B«D±` yummy............ µ¥Ê\¦^¨Ó¦A³ø¾É¡I


who is ¦¶¥Ö ???????

you guys.....closely follow up wor !!!!
hahahahahah !!!


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-19 11:21 µoªí
¤«©³µì¹C踪¤§¤Q¤@ --- P «°学¥Í©f
¦b³s¤é¤j«Bªº¼v响¤U¡A ¯«¦{¤j¦a³£¦³åü¨a¡I 电µøªº·s»D³ø¾É¥ç¦³´£¤Î¹L P «°ªº ¡§¨a±¡¡¨¡F ·íµM¡A ¤Ú¥´­Ì¦b½×¾Â¥ç¦P®É´£¨Ñ¨ì P «°¤ô®ûªº实Ñ ...
Another exciting adventure! Hooray!


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-6-19 11:55 µoªí
¼s萧¾t°¨ --- ¦Ñ¤ÓºÊ?? No Thanks.....
What is time allowed? 2 hours?


§Ú·Q¬Ý¬Û¤ù°Ú  ¥S§Ì  «¢«¢«¢


­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-6-19 17:46 µoªí
who is ¦¶¥Ö ???????

you guys.....closely follow up wor !!!!
hahahahahah !!!
According to the real time report from def_lo via SMS, he cheuked a 23-year  girl in Hang Seng......... she looked like a hybrid of Vivian + Shuqi --- pretty face, big eyes, sexy and thick lips --- and the response was just great!

This aroused my interest of having a ride on her the soonest. I'll be there next working day!~


ohhh...... !!!!

Vivian + Shuqi ......wah.....
how about the body shape ?
is it also Vivian + shuqi  (the sum of their breast size... ) ?
34 + 34 ....

hahahhhahahaha !!


34+34? 68? are you talking about cm instead of inch?

I always believe... big is not an essential... service and heart is the most important... as for old birdies like some of the ching... those actions are kinda routine... but we could always get the most enjoyment if the MM serve us with heart... right?


yes... especially the feeling of ¤p³¾¨Ì¤H.....
once enter into the room.... no rush....
will talk to you......¬D³r¤U§A.....
you won't have the feeling that she is a chick chick....
and the services are tailor made... even she will feel that you like what kind of services.......

This is what we called... the heart... !


¦^´_ #22 jetspermman ªº©«¤l

according to del_lo, she is with Cup Hand Ball..........., upper face an dhair like Vivian, lower face like Shuqi, a 1985 girl................


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