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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ sl886 ©ó 2008-9-4 13:02 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: °s©±


­ì©«¥Ñ sl886 ©ó 2008-9-4 19:35 µoªí
¤µ¤é½Ð¥ª¥b¤é°²¡A¥»¨Ó¤U¤È¬ù¥ª­Óqq¤k¦bù´ò¨£­±¡AÂIª¾¤ñÊ\©ñ­¸¾÷¡C·Q°_ icheng609 ¥SªG­Ó´åªa¨Ï¤H°·±d§A ...
Exciting report and nice find!


goood report





But LoWu EST used to be 100-120 only...

Checked yesterday, still a dead city...


­ì©«¥Ñ sl886 ©ó 2008-9-4 19:35 µoªí
¤µ¤é½Ð¥ª¥b¤é°²¡A¥»¨Ó¤U¤È¬ù¥ª­Óqq¤k¦bù´ò¨£­±¡AÂIª¾¤ñÊ\©ñ­¸¾÷¡C·Q°_ icheng609 ¥SªG­Ó´åªa¨Ï¤H°·±dªºreport¡A´N¥´­Ó¹q¸Ü¤W¥h°Ý¤U»ùÅo¡AÂIª¾¹ï¤è¸ÜµLvip©Ð(¨s³º¬O´åªa¨Ï¤H°·±d§ï¨¸Âk¥¿¡AÁÙ¬O­n¤W¨ì«e»OÊ\¥ýshow¤ñ§A ...
Good experience bor.............

Please PM her contact to me. I feel that this lobster is also MCOT.


thanks for sharing




Sometimes.. searching in a mess and finally found out a good one... the satisfaction is higher than fking a top class model... haha


Totally agreed with Bro "RETAV" but for "STEAL JUMP¤@±Ú" we cannot waste our chance to seach in the trash as most of the result are not good !!!


That's why we need to build up some relation with those GT... when you got their trust... they will bring you some good stuff from time to time...




It is very good ,can take a lobster in Da KAR Lok 's quick lunch


­ì©«¥Ñ maksc ©ó 2008-9-5 09:46 µoªí
If you don't negotiate, of course, they will charge as high as possible. Anyway, $150 for a lobster is a bargain!


­ì©«¥Ñ ESTIMAV6 ©ó 2008-9-5 14:18 µoªí
Totally agreed with Bro "RETAV" but for "STEAL JUMP¤@±Ú" we cannot waste our chance to seach in the trash as most of the result are not good !!!
I concur with you.
The percentage to pick a good one in a trash is relatively low!
Don¡¦t save a few buck for just a pig. It will spoil your appetite.
To have a good meal in steal jump, generally, you have to pay for high cost!!!


¦^´_ 1# ªº©«¤l



very good report, thanks.


Me too, §ÖÀ\³£­¹¨ìÀs½¼ last night
Location: Tak Hing
Time: 10:30 pm
Price: 130
The GT told me normally MM will be taking breaks after a long hard weekend.  It is hard to find MM during this time.  I waited for 10 minutes and only one showed up and no good so I declined.  Then the GT said there is one pretty MM on her way home and if I wanted she can call her back so I waited for another 10 minutes (watching TV).  She finally showed up and my eyes almost popped out.  165 cm, 34C-23-32, beautiful face, well dressed (not like normal MM).  Initially she was very quiet and only gave one word answers to my queries.  I asked her why don't she worked in Karaoke and make more money, where is she from etc.
After shower I tried to break the ice and make a comment on the fake LV bag she has.  I said "wow you have a real LV bag".  She started laughing and she said she wished the bag is real.  And I saw her having a real diamond (very very small)necklace.  I intentionally said "then the diamond must be fake too".  She laughed again and she said she will kill her bf if it is fake since that's a gift from him.  Once she loosen up the main course (that's her) will be more enjoyable to me.
I didn't expect any service from her but to my surprise she gave me very good service, tender blowjob (like a gf not those mechanical one) and didn't stop till I asked her to.  The ML was excellent too and she did not rush anything.  She just lie there with her eyes closed with a low moan (not the loud and fake ones from MM I got sometimes)
Afterwards she said she had to leave first.  I asked for her number and want to take a photo of her and she declined as expected.
I think she is already taken care of by c-hing and just make a quick buck.  Whoever c-hing you are, you are a lucky man.


good job..........


¦^´_ 19# ªº©«¤l

Not only lobster, but abalone.................!

This kind of experience is ideal for a steal jump!


C HING¦n¹B, ­¹¨ì¦n³¥.


­ì©«¥Ñ CPKTVman ©ó 2008-9-8 17:35 µoªí
Me too, §ÖÀ\³£­¹¨ìÀs½¼ last night
Location: Tak Hing
Time: 10:30 pm
Price: 130
The GT told me normally MM will be taking breaks after a long hard weekend.  It is hard to find MM during this time.  ...
¤S¤@°¦³Q¯Tª¯ÄFªº¤pÂû, ­ü


­ì©«¥Ñ hongkonger ©ó 2008-9-9 18:31 µoªí

¤S¤@°¦³Q¯Tª¯ÄFªº¤pÂû, ­ü
©O¤@Ãþ "¿N¬KÂû"¡A ¬Û«H§A¤]¦Y¹L¤£¤Ö..............


­ì©«¥Ñ CPKTVman ©ó 2008-9-8 17:35 µoªí
Me too, §ÖÀ\³£­¹¨ìÀs½¼ last night  ...
What a great meal!


CHing can you give me the phone number of  ªü­»? I shall call her girls for a few times and see if I can get a better price from her. Will share with brothers.


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