上海 桑拿 -delay live report
happened last week..
Many SNs in Shanghai were still closed , including Hot wave and tong xin yuan... I was in Pudong that period and did my quick research, located this one called 东X 928 club。 I had never been to there and theexperience of hunting a new place was always enjoyable, like being aboy scout searching for the destination with a compass and map in theold days. After making a few turns and discussing with taxi driverswhere it could be, I finally decided to get off at an area to find itmyself.
My wolf hunting sense worked as the SN was just 2 min walk from theplace I got off (last time, I had to spend 15 min!). In Shanghai, youhad to take off the shoes at the reception and no nice looking ladygreeting you. Ran to the 2/F, quickly changed over to wear thebathrobe only, I was brought to a rest area.. Took a dip on the greentea, I was brought to a place , the selection area.
I was told by this lady that this place practice was 70 min , 1q, for600/650 (600 before 7pm). It was 6pm and I thought, while I could rushto finish the service, forgot about the 50 RMB difference and enjoyed.
The room was dark. 4 girls wearing bikinis to select.. all 4 were ok,not striking beautiful but no pork chops.. I saw one who was a bit shy,but I could not see her clearly. I walked in front of her and she gaveme that innocent look. Oh, I took her la.
Brought to the room, no water bed, just an ordinary sn room. Had aclose look on her , oh, she looked more beautiful than I saw (2 minago). Very teacher feel. around 23 (again, thisis the average age for sn girl in shanghai, never got a 16 or 17, 20will be lucky)..
We hugged each other and she told me it was her 1st day of work (as asn girl) and therefore, still not very familiar with the process. Oh,that's great news (I tended to believe what she said) . She was about1.65m tall, slim, but muscle was tight, 32B/C natural, light colornin.. Her eyes were watery as well..
After shower, we returned to bed. In fact, the procedure was quitestandard, except that there is oil BM. Her BM is ok, initially withsome eye contact. I was imagining it was choi yi lam (I like her). Ienjoyed watching her body throughout the process then the actualphysical contact as her body was so good and if she was taller, thatwould be a perfect 10..
We then started what we needed to do.. I then started to service her,with my licking, she responded heavily with mourning and irregular bodymovements. I inspected her engine... Clean and still tight (not pink,or the light was too dim)...I fingered her, hmm, very watery alreadyand her innocent teacher feel turned me on. I started to do hermissonary. She was holding me tight, seemed enjoying.. her facialexpression was good.. I then switched positions, and always enjoyedthe doggie on bed, sideways. I really penetrated her deeply. I heldher ball ball from behind, and my body close to her. That was a eroticposition i liked. I did not stop for 5- 10 min and she was sweating alot.. Finally, I exploded. I stayed inside for a min to rest.
A perfect encounter in a sense that she got a body that I liked verymuch and that' why I had to see her again the day after as she mentioned that her M could come anytime..
The 2nd time I saw her. OH, she was in air stewardness uniform... As auniform sex supporter, I asked her not to take off her uniforms and bjme... I sat at the edge of the bed, and she knelt down between my legsto give me a BJ. She stared at me during BJ, and I was fully excited..I slipped my hands between her white shirt (braless already), feelingthe warmth of her mimi. I unbuttoned the 1st 2 buttons and now, i couldsee her nice mimi moving slightly up/down /left right when as she wasbjing me.. The scene was wonderful. I could not wait and undress her.,removing her blue skirt and white shirt.. In front of me was thefamiliar body (as I saw only 1 day ago), and the heated exchangesstarted again. This time, I also had tried more postures and she was screaming hotand loud. Since her muscle was great, when I doggie-ing her, thebounced back action was fantastic. However, I still wanted to see herteacher's face and insisted on cuming while on missionary, face to face..
We lied there for a few minutes and she took a shower and changed backto her uniform. In shanghai, the norm is 1Q only and we spent the restof the time holding each other (with her uniform on though). My 2ndencounter with her done... 1 day after, she SMS me saying that her Mcame and would rest for a few days. I made the right choice ofre-visiting her today...