轉戰江南 2 - 重遇嬌嫩土家
Thank you for brothers giving me marks. It is good encouragement and I will continue sharing my adventures. Wish I can report in Chinese very soon.
I went to Jiangyin again last month. I stayed only two nights there this time but I could manage to find one of my favorite MMs, after more than a year.
The story goes back to Sept 2005 in Jiangyin
One evening there was no appointment. A friend and I went to a K. I knew the Mami well and I told her to get a good MM for my friend first. After 2 minutes, Mami returned with a tall MM, young, and showed to my friend. .
I knew my friend did not like tall and big girls. After a while Mami realized that and she showed the MM away… only then I said “don’t go, come here”, young, tall, big body frame but not fat ..

The MM sit down. Tall, long legs, fair skin, face 70 marks. She was well grown but looked very young. “How old are u” I asked and she replied 18. I said she must be younger, and she said she just celebrated her 18th birthday a few days ago here in the K. Mami nodded.
Mami stayed with us most of the time and played dice with me. We drank a lot. I was quite high because of the beer and of the young MM. She was shy and did not talk much, but okay, I like it. Later found out she was a Hunan Tu Jia minority and her name was Fang Fang, never tried Tu Jia before!!

Mami suggested we go eat and we went to a restaurant, 5 of us. After that We left the restaurant and I stopped a taxi on the street then I found Fang Fang was standing behind Mami. I waved her to come to the taxi but she turned her head away!!!
I was confused and did not know what had happened.. Then Mami came to speak to me that Fang Fang was not going….I knew I could only push Mami to push Fang Fang.. After almost 5 minutes, Fang Fang agreed to go..
In the room, Fang Fang sit on the sofa, very tense. I turned the TV on and talked a little. After 30 minutes, I went to take shower first then I asked her take shower. She stayed in the rest room long time.
When she came out she wrapped herself with a towel and I could see the bra still on, black strap. Could see her shoulders and upper chest even fairer. she was shy. She asked to turn off all the lights, almost totally dark,
I knew she was new to this. When I touched her she shivered. I did it slowly. Very soft skin, firm and hand size breasts, pink and small nipples, and of course tight… just too good. She responded a little and could felt that she was trying to refrain herself.
It was a wonderful night but when I went econd night I went again to the K. Fang Fang sit with me but surprisingly she refused to go out. I felt confused and I though she must have found me difficult!! The third and fourth night I went again and she only sit with me and refused to go out…but when whe sit with me she was okay, happy. Only later I learnt from mami that she seldom went out.. then why she went out with me the first night??
After I returned Hong Kong I phoned Fang Fang two three time a week and she seemed happy receiving my call and talking with me. She asked when I would be back. I said I did not want to go because she did not like me. She laughed and said something else.
After about three months I went to Jiang Yin again. It was close to the Chinese New year. I phoned Fang Fang and she was excited. She told me that her Mom had been urging her to go home for the New year but she wanted to see me first.
It was about a week before the New Year I arrived Jiang Yin. Fang Fang was different when I saw her. She was not that shy and I asked her “not afraid of me any more?” and she said ‘never afraid of you”. We had dinner and we went back hotel and of course….Still shy in bed!!
Fang Fang stayed with me every day. When I went out eat with clients she would wait at home or stay in hotelthen she came to the K I went with clients, we go different Ks.. It had been almost 10 happy days and it was the fourth day after New year, then Fang Fang said she must go home. Her Mom had been calling every day urging.
That was the last time I was with fang Fang. Actually she returned to Jiang Yin once in march and I was there, but I already got another regular MM. She came in the room and we talked for a while and she left. Later I tried to find her but she left Jiang Yin..
It is more than a year then I ,managed to find her again in Jiang Yin. She stayed with me for only one night. I had to return Hong Kong and she also returned home, her father ill. After two weeks I went to Shanghai and she came and stayed with me for two days.
Of course now she will be my regular when I travel to Shanghai area. She happened to show me her ID to prove her name and I spotted that her birthday is Sept 2009. So she is not 18 even now!!