QD is a very pretty costal city where air is fresh and clean, a lot of beautiful and stylist old buildings, and the people there very easy going.
stayed there for about 10 days, the first few days I got a QQ gal staying with me all the time.
Then she gone and at the last night before I left QD, I wanna have some fun. Because I was alone, KTV is out of the question. There aren't many FL there and I dared not to go. Therefore the obvious choice was sauna. The only thing bothered me was, to find a reputable and reliable one. Heard too many times of brothers got robbed so needed to be cautious.
Since I got no such info on hand at that time, I could rely on my judgement. On the way of taxi journey back to my hotel, I noticed a lot of so called "bath centers" concentrated at a particular road. I asked the taxi driver and he told me it's Zhenjiang Road (鎮江路). Then I went out again with only some cash. I reckoned that if there are so many "bath centers" it should be safe - common sense hopefully.
So I picked one relatively well decorated, a medium sized, "Tai Hao", at around 00:30. A locker boy quickly briefed me about what the service there:
A. Simple full package: $268
B. Deluxe full package: $368
C. Overnight: $4xx or $5xx, I forgot
D. Double fly: forgotten.. $4xx or $5xx I forgot
No room charge, yeah there is no room charge, so $368 for DG style is a bargain!

Almost too good to believe.
I ordered set B, the locker boy brought me to change clothes. Like in most places they will sell you $10 or $20 for new clothes - which I rejected firmly, asked them for recycled bath robe, free of charge. Inside the room, the big TV was alreadying playing cat IV jap movie, but of VHS quality

. It is very roommy as the land there is so cheap. The decoration is so so but the bed is really big. Again they tried to get $ from me, asked me to order drink, so I again asked for free drink.
Soon they sent in the gals, the first one was

, so freaking old that she could be my antie

. REJECTED, then asked for young and pretty. The next one was moderately good, I actually got a glimpse of her as I walked into the room. ACCEPTED.
So she served me shower, used salt and milk powder to wash me (so called salt bath and milk bath

). She is a gal from Black Dragon River, quite young, around 165cm tall, pale skin, a pair of still developing boobs, pink lin, few pubic hair, one line gap...
The rest are all the familiar DG style service, and I exempted her from all backdoor jobs since I dont really enjoy. (silly me, I should pick $268 then

The service wasn't very professional but I felt she's quite enjoyed and treated me like her bf. This is important coz I hate SN gal faking orgasm.
After we were done for we talked a bit. She revealed that she's only 17... no wonder.
Another surprised await me as I stepped out. Yeah $368 included an hour of free foot massage. It was very enjoyable as I was tired. The BG worked on my head, shoulder and hands as well.
Leave the sauna after paying $368 exactly to cashier. No tips needed for BG, locker guys didn't R me for tips. Cashier even gave me a discount card. (12% off)
The most important thing was, I returned to my hotel safe, enjoyable and satisfied.

本帖最後由 lone_wolf 於 2007-6-10 21:45 編輯 ]