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[原創] cp blues

cp blues

hi brothers, cp is now hong kong men's den. it is very likely that you pump into friends when you stay in cp fooling around. but anyway, cp, the dream land for us poor souls. very week you are thinking of getting there and enjoy the pretty face and the erotic ecstasy the girls offer you.

i'm contemplating, now, june 8, in the middle of the night, calling the cp gril from hk, my home, where my wife is sleeping right beside me. yes, you know, i love my wife, and i wish all the best happening to her. but, we secret side just want to have sth wild away from my marriage love bed at home. men are very strange creatures, they can love their loving wifes and at the same time think of some chicks out there at cp.

that is me. in my early 40s, my dick is not preforming well. teen men in their 30s can fuck 5 times a day. i can only get my dick hardened every now and then. and i am not that confi in my poor little brother when i make love with pretty ones. this is life. when you are young, you don't have money and you can't fuck around. when you are old, you have money and your tiny dick is not in your command.

now, what? i plan to call my chick at cp tonight, ask her to dine with me this thursday, when i lie to my wife and tell her that i have a meeting in bj. then i can jump to cp a night, dine with my dream girl...

tell you the secret, she is a lady from ky sn, i toe fucked her the other day and she sucked my dick real hard. a very wild girl, heavy make up, smoky eyes, office lady look, very very horny. her short and tight mini shirt reveals her pussy in black panty and as if it is wet wet wet all the time, opening up her pink littly gap for you to penetrate. yes, mini skirt, tight panty, and pussy hair staring at you.

i called her just now, asking her to dine with me. i imagine, on thursday, both of us are dinning at 'pak done', central cp. we order steak, and a bottle of red wine, and the singer on stage mumuring a love song, i hold her hands, and she show her nipples to me in public, and talk dirty as if no-one s there.

is this is fantasy? my sex life in cp is no fantasy, been there for 2 yrs. have tried the most extreme. but the truth is, the most memorable sex iis not the extreme sex tricks whatever, like joy trip on chair and big fuck on rope. it has been the very tiny bit of love and surprises. (brothers coined this as sinking ship)

but memorable things are rare. very often you find emptiness and sex-machine kind of love-making. high this time, down the next. there is a psychological truth behind all these. when you are thirsty, one bottle of coke is a gift from heaven, but when you have a demishing return of many many bottles of coke, the soft drink will become a very nasty drink with too much sugar and calorie. too much cp sex make one dull...

two weeks agp i went to cp and fucked three times in 24 hrs. 3 times. the 3 ladies were great! pretty, active, and hardworking. but what happened to me was that those were cp-standard-style-fucks as usual and i couldn't even recall anyting after the back to back fucks

yes it is a note of blues. you go there and seek excitment. you be there. and you suddening think that there is nothing there you want to be excited about. addicted you are, never fully satisfied, keep on going, but rarely you get the effect. like drinking, one cup of pioson, then two, and a dozen, red wine or whisky. but you can't get the original first drunken thrill. it is not whisky you had, but risky and riskier you are heading to a road of no returns.

life is going down hill for us middle-age, i have money, i have a caring wife, i have two loving sons, they are now in their university years. i am not a rich man, but i have enough money to get by. but fucking young chicks doesn't make me feel satisfied. i know i am in trouble, i am now sinking myself in faked love-relation wiith pretty cp ladies whose age could be in the age of my daughters. but what the hell

i called her. the me-sinking lady, i will be in cp this thursday, holding hands with my enchanted cp girl. dine, drink, disco, dance, and back to hotel room and suck each other's soul out of the miserable life in this fucking 21 century.

wish me luck!!! brothers!! the fast train to cp wonderland this coming thursday. there, i will french kiss my cp blue.

相關搜索目錄: Make up Dance Wine Disco


communicate more with your wife and separate sex with others from real life. otherwise you will be in deep shit


Love is one thing and sex is the other. Don't sink the ship Man! At least, think about the 2 sons...


You've Got It, Man!

You've got all of it. What else do you want?

Think about it. If you keep a mistress in sz nearby, can you spare time between two homes? Do you want another child from your mistress? I guess you got the clear answer.

Enjoy while you can, after a few more years, it may take more than an hour to get your first shot out. Then you will feel miserable. What then? Cialis/Viagra? Well, if you like to feel super, then once a while pop a pill makes you feel invinsible. You can get it from the doctor or some back street stores in HK/Macau. Some say half a pill will do the trick. At your age, a little side effect ( and only maybe ) won't do much damage to you would it?

Wish You All the best Girls Your Wallet could Buy!


very well written. No, I don't think you have any problem in your dick. It is just that you need excitment and response and wild sex from the girl rather than the passive, timid type. It is all in the mind. Keep going and enjoy.


C Hing, Love include many things like caring, responsibility, sharing, fate, sex...etc
Sex is only sex and only part of love. Of Course you will never satisfy with only the excitment of sex only.
Think about the meaning of Love and Sex...don't "sink"


Brother, just go and enjoy it while it won't affect your family. No need to tell others all the truth as truth always hurt.


True, sometimes you fark so often that you want new excitment. I also demand those gals to wear lingerie, try different thing to spice up. I bet my didi can't stand also if you fark in the same manner day in day out. it's normal.Anyway, i have avoided going to Cp. too commercialised!


原帖由 spencerktlee 於 2008-6-10 03:03 發表
C Hing, Love include many things like caring, responsibility, sharing, fate, sex...etc
Sex is only sex and only part of love. Of Course you will never satisfy with only the excitment of sex only.
On the other hand, love is not completed with sex unsatisfied. It is always the pitfall for man, especially for those mature guy, just like me.


This is typical middle-man crisis. You have a decent family life and you are longing for more sexual excitment to satisfy your quest for youth. You want those wide sex, you want the tight legs , you want those pink nipples and pussy lips, you want those perky tits...... all these you have never have the chance to pursuit when you are young. Now you have the $$$ and the time, you want to find the excitment of your life. Cheating on your wife seems fine and reasonable with your own logic. That's exactly why many bald headed middle age guys driving bright yellow open convertible sport cars. They want to tell the world that they are still young and energenic even they know their little dick may not work as they hope for. Here comes the Erectile medicine-Viagra, cialis, etc.
I more or less in the same boat but I am not inmmue to sinking but I set the rule to only make friend with MM. not close girl friend relationship. I have been back to China for last 6-7 years now and more I play, the more realize the golden rule Iset is the correct one. I am not here in China all the time and can't afford to keep one for privatization. I will be a fool to think the girl will stay true to me all those time I am not around. This is business for them, they only have the young body and face for short period of their life and they need to make the best out of it. So all know it is all of game only but some guys think differently. Tjhey really think the girls are falling for them. Come-on be real. Even if the girl really likes you, can you afford to keep her for good??? what you find another one ven better than her later on, would you dump her???? vice versa, if they don't feel secure enough with you through tieing the knots, they will jump ship too. IT IS ALL JUST A GAME FOR ADULT. play it, enjoy it while you can.
Like the Steve Miller band say; I am a looker, i'm a lover, I'm a deamer, I'm a joker..........

相關搜索目錄: Driving


原帖由 doubleOO 於 2008-6-10 14:31 發表
This is typical middle-man crisis. You have a decent family life and you are ,  ...
My experience too!


errrr...i got nothing to say really....since im still in my 20s...
but what i dun understand is that....if you r trap with ur me-sinking lady...will u get tired of her just like u r tired of ur wife's body again ??


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2008-6-10 03:20 發表
suck each other's soul out of the miserable life in this fucking 21 century
although your write-up shows that you are in a mixed mood, it is a nice reflection of yours and many brothers who are reading this forum.

Instead of encouraging you not to sink, I would say first of all, you should be grateful you have a loving wife and 2 kids that you love and they love you. It is not easy since with possibly close to 20 years of marriage, you might have lost all feel on her (and vice versa) . Therefore, you are not that bad.  

Regarding the sex part, try to think this way.  What would you expect from it?  a pure fxx or a lunchbox experience? It seems that you are also looking for a good fxx but just feel lonely or empty afterwards.  Then, think positively about either appreciating the girl you had just tried and thank God, you did it again...   Of coures, you will feel hollow since it is a pure fxx, you think you betray your wife and the family, you should NOT blame yourself sinec it is human beings/animal instincts and do not tie yourself to the social/moral vallues that much.   The more you blame yourself about this habit, the worse you will feel.  

It may not be a good analogy but difficult to find one..   Imagine that you do not have this habit but get another one, buying expensive stereo. You pay 20,000 getting your 1st hi-fi, think it is not enough and trade-in for a set costing you 100,000. After 1/2 year, you think the speaker sucks and pay another 50,000 to buy a new one. After and after, you pay over 1 million dollars buying something that you spend 2 hrs a week... Do you feel lonely after hearing that classical playing on your damn 1 million hi-fi? I think you will.   Men at our age are lucky to feel hollow.  Imagine if we are all dying from hunger, our stomach will feel hollow instaead.  Having said that, try to balance your life with some other hobbies, sports, watching movies, etc.  YOu will continue to enjoy the pure fxxk,  but may spend less time/$ and less dependent on it.  YOu spend your spare energy and time to do something else may quite balance your non-work life..




原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-6-11 08:46 發表
More challenging?


That's because I can !

I can think of one more reason, that is because "we can".  It is not about purely physical joy anymore when we go out to have fun.  I think for most of us, spending extra bucks in SN is not an issue nor a worry, it becomes clear to us that because we can, this sense of power and control (that we can "Cover the Sky when Crossing the Ocean !") is the excitment behind the fun.  I sometimes argue with wife on how to raise the kids as I tend to spoil them with toys as long as they are not too expensive and violent.  THis is because when I was a kid, my family was poor and cannot spoil me like that.  Now that I can, I feel happy to be able to spoil my kids, the same way that I can have some fun without ruining the family.  I guess as ong as you can draw the line there that there are things you won't even contemplate wihile having fun, you are at least trying to protect your family.  But at the, we all know we are making excuses to justify our action !


原帖由 TaiChiSword 於 2008-6-12 20:21 發表
we all know we are making excuses to justify our action
ya, and we are very good at making excuses for ourselves, but could not tolerate others...


does anyone have think of "escape from who he is"

we, middle age, middle management, foundation of the family have to be behaved as a role model in many parts of our live, but those activities will get you very tired and sick.

my way to release (or escape from) the pressure is to go wild once in a while, but i have to make myself very clear that what is done is a quarterly bonus to myself (that will make sure i wont go very often)

i dont know is what other bros doing, kindly advise


Totally agree !  I think this is a good way by which we can be "devil" in a confined environemnt, much rather than becoming a real devil.  There is no such thing as a Mr. Total Good Man !


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dear all,

thanks for sharing. i was a bit drunk when i wrote that little confession earlier. when i woke up the other day, i had a clearer mind and didn't call that wild cp girl to start my ship-sinking trip. Good for me!!

yes, guys, you are correct. we need to contain our little devil inside a small room of our life. tame that devil so that it won't become so big that fuck up my life, my family, and myself. release that wild side of us a couple of hours only, a day or two, it is enjoyable.

i actually went to cp yesterday nite. did the usual thing, and try not to escalate my fantasy. yes. ship-sinking is no good. it hurts more that it excites in a long run.

i went to ky. terrible. a full house. the managers were shouting at the walkie talkie. clients were asked to sit on the big round sofa at the 4f entrance. a dozen brothers were there. the staff were running up and down the corridor.  occasionally, we could saw chicks walk by: nurses with pink panty, super sexy skirts, OLs with stick out bra in black.

i talked to myself, how many hk men on earth are regulars in cp--- hundreds, thousands!!!

i picked a tall OL, skipped all those very mechanical eroticism, just talked to her when she massages my legs, arms, and dick for 1 hour. The lady told me that KY is packed with guys. Girls are being fucked all day, and they have to visit doctors quite often.

Finally we make love. Really slow, I didn’t want to abuse her or make her feel painful, my dick was inside her for a long time, I was very very gentle and we enjoyed it for more that 15 mins. I could felt the warm sensation inside her tight pussy.  Quite satisfied. No tricks. No very very excited. But ok for me la. She was very gentle too.

It was almost mid-nite when I left KY.  I went to my favorite restaurant, ordered a small steak, a cup of whisky, and enjoyed myself, sitting there for one and a half hour alone.

Yes, sometime I need to walk out of my normal life and become a stranger in a strange and promiscuous town, just for a while.


Woke up today. Inside a hotel room. Previously, I would fuck the second time at around noon before going back to hk. This time I try to learn the lesson of being a mild pleasure-seeker. Go for a pure vegi massage before leaving cp. This is a wisdom worth learning, to be mild and go for the middle of the road.

When I left cp, it was raining cats and dogs, in Cantonese, dog shits dropping from the sky. Flooding. Water all around. Traffic was a mess. Cars dead in the middle of the road. I got onto a tri-cycle, it was pushing head on to the rain by real muscle power : the driver was trying very very hard to peddle me to new century, where I could take a bus to “wong kong”. (Shenzhen was flooding like hell)

In fact I enjoyed all the trip, including the tri-cycle in a flooded city under the rain. Surreal. Chaotic, yet peaceful. Away from the suffocating routine back in hk.

相關搜索目錄: Dog


The problem with us, Man, is that we are all physical animals.  We are easily stimulated by physical objects, sport cars, pretty faces etc.  Sometimes, our mind drifts around our body moving from the top to the lower end, and that dictates our action, and women just cannot understand !


Brothers, I got exactly the same feeling as I am also in my 40.   Similar to Messy, I sometimes went CP years ago, but already tired of that.  I just be CP with friend for drinking purpose two to three times per year.   Now I just got several girl friend that I still have some connection with showing the power of myself. But they are not those one time shoting.  I feel that is too dirty.


I am in my early 50......my excuse of going to CP for the 1st time (3 years ago) was that I owed it to myself..............I've been a good husband and a great father all of my life.............I just want to be bad for once..........yes, I said it to myself, just once.............but since, I've gone back again and again..........about once every 6 months (because I live very far from China and HK) for about 14-21 days at a time.

Unlike you, I will never fall for a MM............because I understand perfectly that it's a business transaction..........my $$$ for their youthful body and pretty face...............and the fact that my wife and kids are too important and meaningful to me.


Man are born to be with spirit to conguer. However, as time goes by, his power deteriorates when he grow older. In order to show that he is as powerful, or even more powerful than before, he will try every means to demonstrate his capability. Going after MM in China, thus, is a true reflection of his manhood.

For the mid-aged/old man, mostly they are financially secured. They have adequate extra money to spend for pleasure. That is why they used money to buy back their youth. They try every means to "please" the MMs and as a risky outcome, they will get "sunk" if they have lost their orientation and direction.
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


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