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Shanghai 名殿会所

Shanghai 名殿会所

yesterday afternoon was boring so I went there for my 1st try.  I did not bother to check the old post as the speed is quite slow to be inside XOCAT in Shanghai via FIREFOX.
Anyway, I was there at around 5:00pm, and found the name is MING TING instead of 名殿. But since already, might as well give it a try.  Then I found inside the sauna its still 名殿会所 , and I saw a guy in the locker room changing clothes after finishing service.  He looked 100% HK guy and so I feel security more or less ensured.
The pool is only lukewarm and sauna room was not hot enough but the shower strength is OK. Overall locker and poolarea looks decent.
After that I ws lead to the the resting room ( no big lounge, only small rooms) where after a few minutes, was led to another room to pck BG.  There was 8 of them and average standard relatively OK, I picked one from Hubei and then the standard procedure.  SInce time was quite tight for me as I had dinner apptmt with friends so I told the BG to cut a few processes.  Everything was standard but BG attitude was with no heart.  Later I found out because she knew I have to leave early, thats why no mood because for whatever reason the customer leaves early, BGs will be fined RMB200 and ended up with only RMB30, poor girl.  ( I spent only 45 mins where regular time is 70 mins) No wonder and I promised next time to pay her back and will "nominate clock" .
The good thing is that I found out when I pay the bill, its RMB550 and after 7:00pm, its RMB670
Hope this info will be useful to brothers in  Shanghai.  Actually its quite convenient even you are in Pu West, just take MTR route #2 take off at Dong Cheong Road




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