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KTVs in Zhuhai. Please HELP!!

KTVs in Zhuhai. Please HELP!!

Can anyone please recommend me any good KTVs in Zhuhai where i can find lots of pretty girls? Thanks!!


Just go through the posts here and you'll find some nice tips.

How much are you planning to spend? For how long?


I'm planning to spend 2 nights in Zhuhai. Budget is not a problem. Do you know any KTVs in Zhuhai where I can pretty girls?


[size=-1]Suggestion 1: The hotel KTV referred in my post "ZH YD K Model"

Suggestion 2: Across the road from the KTV I reported is a old but well known disco club ccalled "Yesterday", you can book a room there and they have MM work there  just like KTV, decoration of  the club is close to LKF's stadnard, software is  inconsistent, but I've seen some real hotties there.

Suggestion 3: Zhu Hai Holiday Resort KTV, I've not been their but someone told me it is one of the best (and most high price).

Hope it helps, & report back when you come back!size]

相關搜索目錄: Disco




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