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[原創] San Do Sauna at San Do Hotel

San Do Sauna at San Do Hotel


I went to SZ last week with my friends.  We went to San Do Hotel after we took breakfast at Dan Qan Hei Chinese Restaurant.  We went to the San Do Sauna at the hotel.  The manager told us that the service was around $250 for 2 hours.  We said that it was too expensive.  It was because the opposite sauna "Yuet Kong Shing Sauna" was just $100 for 3 hours.  The manager said that it was totally different.  It was a hotel.  The service was different.

We left away as we thought the service was too expensive.

Brothers, do you think that it was worthwhile for nearly $300 for 2 hours service.


Actually the cost for 2 hours massage is $108 x 2 , plus 10% service charge, plus $50 tips per hour for the bone girl. The total cost for 2 hours' massage should be $390. In addition, 1 hour is 45 minutes in this sauna and therefore it costs $390 for 1.5 hours massage.  

It will be a bit cheaper if you buy a set of coupons at $1800 for 22 hours' massage. But the tips for bone girl is still $50 per hour.

So it is the most expensive sauna in SZ.  If you like this sauna and able to pay at this cost, it is worthwhile. This sauna has many regular customers.


C Hing, what's special about this sauna? Considering that it's much expensive than the other 5 star sauna such as Royal Holiday...What makes it still popular when there are too many competitors in SZ.


I never try this sauna as I have heard it's very expensive


[quote]原帖由 qwergh 於 2006-12-2 02:21 AM 發表
I never try this sauna as I have heard it's very expensive [/quot

Is it any special for this sauna?  It is more expensive than "Lan Kwa Fong Sauna", "Royal Holiday".

Is it worthwhile to play here?


原帖由 c0179614 於 2006-12-2 11:43 AM 發表
原帖由 qwergh 於 2006-12-2 02:21 AM 發表
I never try this sauna as I have heard it's very expensive [/quot

Is it any special for this sauna?  It is more expensive than "Lan Kwa Fong Sauna& ...
睇你點睇, 假如你是有點咸濕的骨友(好受力,對正骨按摩有要求, 但又有玩邪骨的習慣), 呢個sauna可以去, 因為裡面的BG是需要提供很認真的按摩之餘,又會例行為客人提供"按袋"服務的(有D會做埋鬼鼠機)

但個人認為,是去唔過的,2個鐘是350蚊有找[唔係390, 係(108*2, +2*50)*1.1]

但這個SAUNA的hardware絕不值得, 休息室好細, 迫迫夾夾, 按摩房好舊(傳統的骨房), 無電視, 而且去玩的多數有米之人(好多個樣似果d大爛/大哥,即成身金鏈,幾部手機隨身,好寸好大煙果隻), 氣氛唔好(對我來說)

你話求dup個好正既骨咩, 深圳有好多正規骨場平好多而骨技可以幾好(盲人按摩)
你話求dup個飛機骨咩, 深圳最豪果間都平過佢,hardware跟它差不多的, 好多都收188(而且一定有得出野), 呢個sauna的BG唔係個個會給你飛機, 只係有十零分鐘例行的按袋(前列線按摩)

呢間場幾乾淨,但由於有固定客人, 新人入去會唔多LIKE(D服務人員也幾寸,等於你去源記食甜品般, D員工招呼普通了)

我就一定唔會再去, 你喜歡就去試試囉!

相關搜索目錄: 手機
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2006-12-2 12:03 PM 發表

睇你點睇, 假如你是有點咸濕的骨友(好受力,對正骨按摩有要求, 但又有玩邪骨的習慣), 呢個sauna可以去, 因為裡面的BG是需要提供很認真的按摩之餘,又會例行為客人提供"按袋"服務的(有D會做埋鬼鼠機)

也多謝師兄提點我計錯兩個鐘的收費, 但我印象中小費$50 per hour 是不加一的, 買coupon 埋單也 是不加一, 所以兩個鍾收費該是 $108 x 2 x 1.1 + 50 X 2 = $338






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