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在尋歡或是非尋歡時期, 將會有一類人士, 他們在逆境中鍛鍊, 一個平凡的人將會以不平凡的想法, 去爭取成功. 他與其他傑出的兄弟站在同一邊, 並且捍衛他們的安危與生命. 而我, 就是那一個人.

In times of fun or uncertainty there is a special breed of people ready to answer our call. They will train themselves in adversity, a common man with uncommon desire to succeed. He stands alongside with others outstanding brothers, and protects their way of life. I am that man.

當我踏上回祖國操那些熱雞之路, 我也同時接受了這樣的使命並且將它作為我一生的目標. 這樣的殊榮是我每天必須努力爭取的. 我對於團隊以及兄弟的忠誠遠深於責斥, 我則是要捍衛同使命的兄弟們, 尤其是那些無法自己挑選女孩子的人: 我將會屌撚埋佢果份.

When I step on the road to fuck those hot chicks in our motherland, at the same time, I accepted this mission and treat it as the way of my life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day. My loyalty to my brothers and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellows, always ready to help those who are unable to choose their own girl: I will fuck on their behalf.

我沒有尋找我行動的認證, 我自願接受這樣危險的行動作為我的使命, 我必須視其他人的安全比自己更重要, 我始終保持忠誠之心. 我的情緒以及動作的控制能力, 不論在任何情況下, 都能區分我與其他人的不同. 堅定去操那些熱雞之心是我的標準原則. 所以, 當我看到我心儀的熱雞, 就算我已經挑了一個, 兩個, 三個, 甚至更多, 你都不要妄想我可以把那個熱雞讓給你. 我會全部將佢帶哂上房, 不會放過任何一個可以把那些熱雞操上天堂的機會. 我所說的字就是我的保證.

I do not seek recognition for my actions, I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own, I serve with honor. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity to fuck those hot chicks is my standard. Therefore, even I have picked one, two, three or even more hot chicks already, don’t expect that I can give anyone of them to you. I will bring them all to the bed room, won’t miss any chance to fuck them to the heaven. My word is my bond.

我們期望能夠領導隊伍或著被領導, 在缺乏命令的情況下, 我將會掌管隊伍, 領導隊友完成任務: 把那些熱雞操上天堂去 !

We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission: fuck those hot chicks to the heaven !

對於操那些熱雞的活動, 我將永不放棄. 無論在體格和思想上, 我都會期待自己能比那些熱雞更硬朗, 更強壯. 如果我被擊倒了, 我將會尋求支援, 對這個熱雞捲土重來. 我將會用盡我每一分力量去把她們操上天堂去, 並且完成任務. 操那些熱雞的過程中少不了我.

For fuck those hot chicks activities, I will never quit. I will expect myself to be physically harder and mentally stronger than those hot chicks. If knocked down, I will get back up, and come back to this hot chick again, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to fuck them to the heaven and accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fuck those hot chicks process.

我們要求遵循紀律, 我們亦期盼任何新場的誕生. 隊友的性命以及任務的成功與否將依賴在我身上: 我的專業技能, 安排能力, 對各種夜場戰術熟練度, 以及我對於詳情的注意. 我的訓練從來沒有停止過.

We demand discipline. We expect new place to born. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me - my technical skill, arrangement ability, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.

我們為操那些熱雞而訓練, 為操那些熱雞而爭鬥. 我將會為了把那些熱雞操上天堂去而確立的目標, 帶來滿滿的戰鬥能力準備和她們上床激戰. 當我開始任務時候, 我將會快速並且猛烈的完成我的責任. 在最壞的情況下, 隊友所遺留下的信念, 將會增強我的決心, 並且隱隱的指引我完成每一個行動. 我不會失敗的.

We train for fuck those hot chicks, war and fight to fuck them to the heaven. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of fucking power to bear in order to achieve my mission on the bed. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the very principles that I serve to defend. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail.


The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.
  • anakin 體力 +90 好心機 2012-3-6 21:40
  • anakin 威望 +90 好心機 2012-3-6 21:40
  • anakin 金錢 +90 好心機 2012-3-6 21:40
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


回復 1# 的帖子

明天你的生日 party 怎样安排?你病好了吗?噤多口水嫁!

你改左法国顾佣兵的 oath statement 吗?!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2012-3-6 15:58 發表
在尋歡或是非尋歡時期, 將會有一類人士, 他們在逆境中鍛鍊, 一個平凡的人將會以不平凡的想法, 去爭取成功. 他與其他傑出的兄弟站在同一邊, 並且捍衛他們的安危與生命. 而我, 就是那一個人.

In times of fun or u ...


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2012-3-6 15:58 發表
在尋歡或是非尋歡時期, 將會有一類人士, 他們在逆境中鍛鍊, 一個平凡的人將會以不平凡的想法, 去爭取成功. 他與其他傑出的兄弟站在同一邊, 並且捍衛他們的安危與生命. 而我, 就是那一個人.

In times of fun or u ...
小喇叭,你一定係 short 輪咗!!


回復 1# 的帖子



剛剛下午 5:00 左右退了燒, 多謝各位關心 !!

不過那些藥有些散.... 一陣食多次, 早些訓.....
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


我覺得應該插血為盟吧 ...


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2012-3-6 20:15 發表
剛剛下午 5:00 左右退了燒, 多謝各位關心 !!

不過那些藥有些散.... 一陣食多次, 早些訓.....


原帖由 KMY89 於 2012-3-6 22:27 發表
我覺得應該插血為盟吧 ...
师付话插血為盟我地就砍 ”鸡头“。。。


唔好斬錯鳩頭就得啦, 斬錯無得番轉頭。
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2012-3-7 09:41 發表

师付话插血為盟我地就砍 ”鸡头“。。。

Jack 哥 .... 插血 doesn't mean 插自己


原帖由 KMY89 於 2012-3-7 12:28 發表

Jack 哥 .... 插血 doesn't mean 插自己   


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