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[灌水] Ydort小弟@天津~正骨记 (賞花and惜花) blow water, not report

Ydort小弟@天津~正骨记 (賞花and惜花) blow water, not report

after reading giovanni and dw78 C-Hings' discussion about 賞花與惜花, 小弟just want to share some stories i have, this has nothing to relate to the services or report, so i apologize for anyone who are looking for report or info

before 小弟starting to go on battlefields in March, 小弟always go to a local 正骨 place for foot massage and I meet 3 girls over there.
they are all around 20-22age, and we always chat for a while. to be honest, some 正骨girls are really good people, all 3 of them got different character, although i canl sense that they want $, but they only want it from the proper way.  it is true that we have huge culture difference, and our visions are absolutely not the same.

小弟 is not trying to be proud or anything, but 小弟 does sense that all 3 girls are some what being interested in 小弟, but I dont want to take advantage of them... haha they have even cooked dinner for 小弟 to eat (yummy it was funny because other customer thought i were a massage as well when they saw me eating with them at their store ) and 小弟 sometimes will bring cake and takeouts to them. i think i appreciate the friendship with them more than the battles/fun
we talked about a lot of stuffs, like gf/bf, friends, marriage, complains for life, singers, food, tv shows, etc... just really casual talk, and they never asked for tips or tried to get anything from me

I dont really understand the 賞花 惜花 idea, but 小弟 just think that if the girl is good/innocent , i rather be friends, or, at least i shall not be the one to play them because i know how much it hurts when someone's playing with your feelings...

haha 小弟 just want to blow water with some C-Hings, thanks for listening

[ 本帖最後由 ydortj 於 2007-4-8 23:18 編輯 ]
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


在外浮沉了一段日子,見過無數光怪陸離的事情,看到不少朋友慘烈沉船的悲劇,算是悟出一個笨拙而簡單的預防方法,就是靈慾分家 。


brother,you are really a good guy!


原帖由 woman 於 2007-4-9 16:07 發表
brother,you are really a good guy!
哈哈thanks woman, i am not a good guy anymore though haha
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115




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