#2 is easier than #1. As I don't really know the taxation arrangement after u earn something in shares in Australia. So I am thinking of #2 insteads of #1 actively.
But for #2, there should be a min entry amt (I don't know the amt) for each acct, which is reasonable for trading oversea shares. If one has only few hundred thousands $, then one should concentrade on HK local shares and don't think much la, right? I guess the entry amt should be around $200K to $500K, which is far less than the Private Bank of USD1M.
Also, I find there is #3, which u open the Prestige acct in HSBC, which can allow u to buy Aussie shares (or other countries' shares ?). But the response is slow and thru human order and don't expect u have a real time quotation and response.
#2's entry amt should be less than #3.
Overseas shares should be for the rich.
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-6-22 16:27 發表
#2 is not for everyone.
本帖最後由 b4321 於 2007-6-22 17:00 編輯 ]