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全新Accord 2.4

全新Accord 2.4



本田 2.4 公升 i-VTEC引擎及五前速機智邏輯波箱,迸發160匹動力及22.3公斤米扭力,表現傲視同群。無論加速、換檔都更順暢,反應更靈敏;再加上獨一無二之五連桿雙搖臂懸掛系統,及低至0.30之極低風阻,行車更添穩定舒適,輪胎牢牢地抓緊地面的質感, 正是享受駕馭的真諦。

簇新佈局內外俱備,The new Accord 2.4 Supreme 新添多項豪華設備,包括全新車廂桃木紋裝飾、前後擾流器連運動型排氣喉、門邊冷光腳踏及電動防曬簾,豪華感受無限提升;車廂內飾造工細緻,質料講究,頂級原廠真皮座椅,加上先進隔音裝備帶來的超寧靜空間,配以左右獨立自動恆溫冷氣系統,於微細處,更顯匠心獨運,充分體現一絲不苟的造車理念!

安全設備方面,除了ABS及EBD外,前座位智慧型四安全氣囊、安全帶提示器及Alarm Parking Brake警示器等全力沿途護駕,行車自然倍感安全。

The new Accord ,售價為 $205,880起

相關搜索目錄: 引擎 運動
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有沒有美國版的engine, 行 3, 4, 6 缸


Crown主力都吳係賣Camry,corolla la...
你見到幾多新 camry係街呀?


日本新ACCORD係甘架WOR: http://www.honda.co.jp/ACCORD/
Accord   "ATTAYA"  special ???? wondering:

[ 本帖最後由 polonixm 於 2008-1-19 17:24 編輯 ]
Life 's a box of 豬菇甩


The new Accord 哪裡制做 ??


原帖由 gy4470 於 2008-1-19 18:23 發表
The new Accord 哪裡制做 ??



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I like it 好車一部..想買


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accord 有很多傳聞, 正式國際版好似會用北美ge concept, 日本版就順住上一代accord演變. 仲有人傳會承上一代euro出歐洲版. 所以會有三架唔同型ge accord. 香港會入邊一架呢 ?


回復 #1 車行初哥賣車人 的帖子

In Australia, they are selling two different types of Accord. Feel free to go and have a look.

One similar to the 2.4 Supreme mentioned, probably one generation behind:

   http://www.honda.com.au/wps/wcm/ ... me/Showroom/Accord/

Accord Euro (probably one generation behind the Japanese version mentioned by "polonixm"):

  http://www.honda.com.au/wps/wcm/ ... owroom/Accord+Euro/




My car is 5th generation Accord SIR (H22A engine, 190ps, 4AT). Acoord is really reliable. Although it is 12 yrs old and has run 140000 Km (I am the 5th hand owner), the engine and gearbox still smooth to run and still powerful. Other than routine maintainance of parts, it nearly nothing need to repair. So, I pay much attention about the new generation of Accord as I love its best quality and unique driving experience (balance between sportty and comfort).

For the size, no one will doubt that it would provide u  a most comfotable compartment compare to Camry, Cefiro and Mazda 6. But it will make u a little bit difficulty in parking inside a narrow space  or old car park eg. Shatin Centre , some car parks in Causeway Bay etc.

For the engine and transmission, it would be provide satisfactory performace only as it would be a little bit "under power"  with its over 1500kg weight. Of course, it is enough of daily use if u don't drive fast.

Actually my concern is about the driving experience. This new generation of Accord is focus on Carmy and I feel alittle bit disappointed because it loses its own personality. If u buy a Accord, u will expect that it will give u a more fun and excited driving experience but less comfortable and less quiet environment than Carmy. At least I thnk it should have +/- selection of gearbox and a civic type of internal speed and engine revolution display to increase the fun and exciting element to the driver.

So, I will wait to see whether the Honda HK will have any special editon to this New Accord. At least I think it should have a "sport" version to use 18" alloy wheel, lower  and more sporty adjustment suspension and +/- selection to fulfill different taste of driver. (Just like Golf, it has FSI, GT, GTI and R32 version)

If no new edition of the new Accord, I think I will think of having a new Carmry if I want to change my  SiR becasue of its same reliablity, similar driving experience (tend to comfort more than exitied) and more important, better 2nd hand price!

相關搜索目錄: Driving Golf


我以有架1983年 accord, 因為車身生鏽太嚴重, 過不了驗車就報消了. 之後用 1992 lancer, 駕駛感覺沒有 accord 好, 之後都換了一架 1995年 accord, 用到今年想換車了. 最近同 beast哥睇過新accord, 不過並非上面的美國版, 所以等等再買.


原帖由 saltiwet 於 2008-2-19 19:14 發表
我以有洵馬悄郊苃瓣蚅Y重, 過不了驗車就報消了. 之後用 1992 lancer, 駕駛感覺沒有 accord 好, 之後都換了一架 1995年 accord, 用到今年想換車了. 最近同 beast哥睇過新accord, 不過並非上面的美國版, 所以等等再買.
我 細 佬 係 NZ arm arm 買 左 新 Camry 3.5
因 為 識 人 差 唔 多 平 左 成 皮 野
又 快 又 細 食 係 NZ 楂 幾 好


Camry 好似是澳洲造的, 對鬼佬的功夫沒有多大信心. 而且和他吹水得耐左唔係 Honda 就係 Benz, 令我對 Toyota 失去興趣. 而且現在油價已經 1.70 (HKD 12),  Camry 3.5 應該比不上 Honda 的 v6 省油.

因 為 識 人 差 唔 多 平 左 成 皮 野

去 Toyota 買車可以講價, 他們的 mark up 都比較高, 好像四個月前買車比我個仔, 去睇 Civic 同 Corolla, Corolla 價錢貴 3000元, 但是設計和 科技就沒有 civic 好.  標準 civic 有 stability control, sport shift lever, ivtec,  和 7 airbags. 反觀 corolla 只有 abs, +/- 波, vvti, 2 airbags, 其他windows bags要加錢訂貨.

Honda 無價講, 3萬1, Toyota 3萬4 講價後3萬1, 有 gst account可以代扣 gst 12.5%. 用一分錢一分貨比較Honda就買多了很多設備, 在心理上覺得 Honda 比較安全d 和 salesman 比較老實. 同日我地睇了 Benz C-Class, 對我來說太貴了.




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