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Russian Hookers

Russian Hookers

Is there a Macau Sauna with a wide selection of eastern european / russian (white) girls?  Rio and 18 only has 1 or 2 at most.




Those in 18 don't look good at all. 至尊 russians seem much better (judging from their photos).


原帖由 sawtooth 於 2008-2-11 16:08 發表
Is there a Macau Sauna with a wide selection of eastern european / russian (white) girls?  Rio and 18 only has 1 or 2 at most.
Don't like. Big and wide!


From the white girls I've seen at the saunas, the selection in Macau is really quite bad.


Any report on Russian gals?


原帖由 simplicio 於 2008-2-14 12:54 發表
From the white girls I've seen at the saunas, the selection in Macau is really quite bad.
Looks old, a bit fat and ugly!


I tried once in macau, poor service.


before i went a lot to DD disco, now it's closed. There were a lot of russian hookers/girls hangin over there. Having fun and looking for customers. Sometimes, If you can talk the talk and walk the walk ;) you can take them for free and having a free one night stand . Of course you must can speak English.

相關搜索目錄: Disco


At first I thought maybe visa issuance is tighter now for eastern europeans or something.  I actually went to 18 after my first post on this thread and there were 4 eastern europeans this time and I chose one.  I spoke to her and she told me that all the Russians hang out in "discoes".  She did not elaborate on which one.  And now you say "DD disco" is closed.

I was going to try 至尊 as suggested by 2 people here, and then the friend I went called his friend and he said it was a "rip off".  That's why we went to 18 again.  Maybe I'll try 至尊 next time.

相關搜索目錄: Disco


至尊 has a lot.


PEKING ROAD 呢幾次去 07 年 11月 12 月都冇 see any russian girl in the cafe, last time i see 有.....好似係 06 年

dd disco closed .......咁會唔會有第二間 disco for macau, new 的 ? hooker inside?

emporor  我玩過一件 russian, baby fat , small chest, big ass and leggy around 5'6  118 pounds, tigth wor.......cum very fast

至尊同 emporor 啲囡會唔會來來去去都係果啲? 唔換血?

in my opinion ....i guess yes

點亞, 各位玩開馬交 russian 的高人, 快指點

[ 本帖最後由 John_John 於 2008-3-6 00:17 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Disco


any brother found out which disco do they hang out?

相關搜索目錄: Disco


其實我只係 have a talking and sharing n get info 心態問, 呢1頭半個月都唔去macau 住

講真niki lau 大哥有心去的, 又去開話 ask 的士 driver 就一定知, its easy


I think after DD, there were D2 and then recently D3....differeent name & location but same kind of crowd.

I've not been there but this is what I was told by my friends who live in Macau.




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