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今日在維港見到佩里級戰艦   A位少了mk 41 飛彈發射架,改為76公里火炮,唔知後面會唔會加公羊導彈?

而原本76公里火炮又會改為什麼?   有無師兄知道?


Also a Spruance class destroyer as well.


thx for sharing


If you are interested:

The original O'Perry class frigate is 3600 tons single shaft design. Main duty is to escort CVBG as anti-submarine.
Main gun is OTO Melara 76mm/62 Mk75 at mid-ship location, which is an odd design.
A position, as you mentioned, is armed with Mk13 launcher for Harpoon and Standard
There are also 2 Mk32 triple torpedo tubes and one Phalanx CIWS at the back just before the helicopter hanger.
The helicopter hanger provide the main teeth of the ship, 2x SH-2 LAMPS anti-submarine helipcopters
This ship is fair small, but housing 200 staff.

Since it is a single propeller shaft design, one hit may disable this ship so it is not meant to be engaged under heavy fire or to defend close air attack.  The Standard is only for fleet air defense.

I do feel it is very sensible to deploy the RAM, as it can defend against anti ship surface skimming cruise missle.  That OTO gun is totally useless at the mid-ship location.

[ 本帖最後由 BenChek 於 2008-3-21 20:41 編輯 ]


On the other hand, the Spruance destroyer is a totally different ship.

It is much larger, 8000 tons, and packed with some of the best sensors in the world.
The main duty is to provide air and anti-submarine defense and can engage threats under heavy fire.
It is designed with 2 shafts with two totally seperate engine rooms. ie it is very battle damage resistance.
Almost all of them are now fitted with Mk41 VLS (vertical launch system) which can launch TLAM (Tomahawk), Harpoon. SAM is the GDC RAM usiing armoured Mk29 launchers.
Therefore it has land attack capability as well as anti-ship.

But the key of this ship is sensors, tons and tons of it.
I have been told it can "hear" someone sneeze inside a submarine over 50 miles away.

In a CVBG, this ship will be deployed at the edge of the fleet defense screen to provide maximum sensor coverage for early warning, and to engage any enemy submarine which is trying to get into torpedo range.  Since it is armed to its teeth, so it is very capable to look after itself.

Of couse, it is all about money, and it is very expensive.

[ 本帖最後由 BenChek 於 2008-3-21 19:40 編輯 ]


ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


thanks for sharing





1. Perry級A炮位原先是安裝MK13發射器, 而它只能發射SM-1及Harpoon飛彈. 而目前美軍海軍的神盾系統的防空飛彈主要為SM-2 Block III/IV, SM-1沒有對付低空掠海飛行的反艦飛彈能力, 但現代反艦飛彈多俱備掠海飛行能力, SM-1等如沒有防空能力, 所以要予以淘汰.

2. Perry級是快要到達服役年限的老艦, 與其花大畢錢去升級MK13或者保養過時的SM-1都不划算, 所以美國海軍乾脆把它拆下來, 省了費用, 只保留Perry級的反潛能力作為艦隊警界之用.


I heard US wants to sell the O'Perry to Taiwan


台灣現有8艘成功級就是Perry級的改良型, 台灣自己能造, 為何要買?

而且面對解放軍新型反艦飛彈及海軍飛機, 台灣需要的是更先進的防空系統, 而不是Perry身上那套快要被淘汰的裝備


Hehe, sounds like an under table deal .........




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