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CP special report: lucky you lucky me, good fuck is real luck

CP special report: lucky you lucky me, good fuck is real luck

hi brothers, this is not a seductive report, but something that might be shared by most of us fuck-fun-riders

you see, good chicks are hard to find. yes, pure luck.

a good looking lady maybe very lazy
a big tits lady may have bad breath
a wild fucking lady may be fucking you just like a cold blood machine


a small little girl might turn you on by her innocent look
a shy girl might be wet wet wet and feeling high, yes, real high
a fat girl might shake her fatty tits like AV fuck, up and down, in and out

you can't really deny, luck is what chick-fucking is all about

yesterday, i went to cp. you know what, it was long timg planning
very busy these days, very difficult to find a weekday off
i had been dreaming all about it a week ago
of how to pick an OL at KY, of fucking her with her OL uniform on
of bathing and pussy rubbing on the water bed
of enjoying naked dancing with her black lingeriee ( the black silk see thru sock covering her long legs but not her pussy)

i was imagining the best fuck in my past experiences and wanted to find another horny chick this time.

yes yes yes. i imagined. i dreamt. i hoped i can pumped into a hot chick.

but, even in KY, the DG ISO service
it has been said that KY has top quality control

but as for me, my experiences there had been 50 / 50
lucky me lucky you
good fuck is pure luck

there i was, cp ky sauna, at around 2:00 pm. checked for three rounds. hey brothers, how can you "fall in love at first sight?" it is difficult to see through the ladies and be sure whether she has real tits and big tits just by looking. it is even difficult to be sure whether she performs super wild in bed.

i picked a very pretty nurse. very very pretty. look like 丘淑貞
but she was disappointing
acting (and you knew she was acting)
a cold and dead fish
my dick was hard on when she spreaded her legs and revealed her t-back and a bit of pussy hair.
but just that
the whole 1 and a half hr, my dick was soft. and she was soft too.

damn it!!! i worked so hard to steal a day off my tiger and my work
and i was very tired travelling all the way to CP.

what a disappointing day
what a disappointing report
but i guess
it is a common expereince of all of us fuck-seekers


Seems like KY is way too popular to have many good and bad comments.

Lately we just heard so much bad things about it.

Good luck


yes. KY is so popular.
when it is popular, it starts to >>>


Bro, as you said, I was lucky one than u yesterday. I picked the chick at KL that have good feeling. Thx for the super give me comment at selecting section. So that I had a happy Tuesday.


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2008-4-16 01:33 發表
hi brothers, this is not a seductive report, but something that might be shared by most of us fuck-fun-riders

you see, good chicks are hard to find. yes, pure luck.

a good looking lady maybe  ...
brother,  do not set your expectations too high....  It happens once in a while. When you have a lower expectation, you will always find yourself happier.   Besides, having a high EQ is important. At least, you get a good-looking girl like Yau Suk Ching..  

Good luck to your next trip...


I hope luck willbe with us when we next visiting SNs in CP.


Yes... it's always luck control your whole experience... even you could spend big money... it does not gaurantee super service...


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回復 #1 messykitkit 的帖子

C Hing; Your experience not just in CP, it can happen everywhere, we can meet a good chick just luck only!!!


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2008-4-16 01:33 發表
hi brothers, this is not a seductive report, but something that might be shared by most of us fuck-fun-riders

you see, good chicks are hard to find. yes, pure luck.

a good looking lady maybe  ...
What a FUCK!!!


回復 #1 messykitkit 的帖子

Can understand your feeling...
But would like to say that you cannot expect that much in SN. Understanding that a SN MM does some 5 to 10 rounds a day how can you expect them to enjoy sex with you.
We can expect ISO service but may be difficult to have fun sex in SN, especially SNs in CP...
Like MM in any place, you need to go see them often before there is any chance to have fun, she sees you as friends. The chance is slim you see the MM first time and she has feel on you!!
( I did get SN MM as good friends and have real fun but it takes time and patience)


Bros,  plz give me their number for discount room.. I'm going there this weekend. thousand thx~


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[worked so hard to steal a day off my tiger and my work...]

無自由..我.失自由 ∼∼∼痛心傷心.我眼淚流∼∼∼


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2008-4-16 01:33 發表
hi brothers, this is not a seductive report, but something that might be shared by most of us fuck-fun-riders..
I hope I can do a bit better.




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