God's message about masturbation
My wife and I have received a vision from God (Jesus) through our prayers about His standard on the issue of masturbation. I have summarized His message as follows. Please freely discuss on this sensitive but important issue in our Christian life. Please if anybody can translate this message into Chinese so that Chinese readers can also understand. God bless you all !
“You have been put to no test but such as is common to man: and God is true, who will not let any test come on you which you are not able to undergo; but he will make with the test a way out of it, so that you may be able to go through it.” - 1 Corinthians 10:13
God (Jesus) states that masturbation without lust or evil thought is acceptable if a husband’s wife is not convenient for sex. God (Jesus) states that if a husband is alone and feel desirous, he can pray for Him. When he wins over the temptation, he will be much more powerful and greatly affect the others. God (Jesus) states that His standard is very high because He wants His people to live an excellent life for which His people can become more powerful and affect the others.
God (Jesus) states that if a husband’s wife is sick, tired, pregnant or has menstruation, he may masturbate if thinking of his wife or not thinking of any woman at all. God (Jesus) states that if a husband’s wife is healthy, he should sleep with his wife instead of masturbation. God (Jesus) states that His will is that a wife and a man should be in one to pursue happiness and bear more children so that the next generation will worship Him and serve the world. Therefore if a husband’s wife is healthy, he cannot simply masturbate.
God (Jesus) states that for a single man with a girlfriend, he may masturbate if thinking of his girlfriend. God (Jesus) states that He permits this because He understands that a single man has a strong sexual desire. Therefore a single man may masturbate in this way out of love to his girlfriend (and so long as no violence or rape is in his mind).
God (Jesus) states that however, a single man shall not masturbate by reading pornography or thinking of any other woman not being his girlfriend.
God (Jesus) states that for a single man without a girlfriend, he may masturbate if thinking of nobody but just for sexual pleasure and orgasm. God (Jesus) states that He permits this if the single man can really be this holy.