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A room with a view (HDR)

A room with a view (HDR)

The difficulty in taking a photo in a room with good outside view is that it is impossible to get the right exposure.  You get either dark interior with correct outdoor exposure or right exposure for interior but white out exterior.  A solution is to use HDR - somedays call cameras will be able to handle this but right now you  need to take multiple exposures to combine the shots.  

Here is one experiment that I have done, three shots in a room on a nice sunny day -2ev, +0ev and +2 ev.  Tone mapped with photomatix (you can also use photoshop).

The only thing that I don't quite like about this shot is that the current technology cannot guarantee natural blending, as seen by the exterior - althoug this can be salvaged to a slight extend.  (I have tried that but it is not shown here).

Hope you enjoy.


thanks for sharing


it's the limitation of the dynamic range


the automate in photoshop CS3 is not bad, and easy to use~




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