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[原創] A Short clip on Tibet

A Short clip on Tibet

Tibet, the Truth. Great video made by an American


Total playing time : 9 min.
If you agree with what the video says, please share with your friends, particularly those in Europe and US.

相關搜索目錄: Video




原帖由 london 於 2008-5-2 15:11 發表
Tibet, the Truth. Great video made by an American...
What is your opinion?

相關搜索目錄: Video



Will it be more convincing to some peoples presented by a Westerner?


Well, by listening to that, it obviously is a political propaganda and did not correctly state some well known historical fact straight... because that is not in the favor of the Chinese Communist party.

3:20  China isolated herself 200 years ago and as a result she is still an developing country...
---   Really needs someone simple and naive to believe.  He should do better layout rather than making an empty statement like this.

5:04  .... annex the area into new India..
---  No, that area has been reclaim by PRC in 1960 after an Indo-China war, but subsequently deserted for unknown reason...

....... 1950 after ending the Chinese civil war and defeating the Imperial Japanese Army..
The fact is " Defeating the Japanese Army "  and then " Armistice of Chinese Civil War had not been honoured by PRC army" and these are two independent issue and not in that order.

6:20...  Sending Dalai Lamma and his contrual ... into India ever since..
    The central govt had always mantained the Dalai Lamma was kidnapped into India.
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗




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