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KY 還是人山人海

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-22 06:25 發表

個別 CP 的場的確是有點令人失望。。
最不喜歡的是媽咪太 HARD SELL。。一次去一家頗熟的場。。
我晚到。。媽咪一進來就說留了兩個正野給我。。朋友說 你都吾知他來。。留什麼給他呀。。
媽咪﹕ 我識他呀。 ...
I support you. This report is nothing like an ad..  

I also hate hard-sell.  Besides, even if the mami wants to hard-sell, they should find some more different reasons, like what the "TV-food show" Wong Lei Mui does. She has done the show for >10 years and everytime she tastes the food, she says something different. Mami should learn from that and should not say "good service", "just arrived", "good tits", etc.   Let's be creative..  "she blows well", "she has a slim waist and could ride you like a mad horse", "she has a shy attitude but has a big appetite". Inside the K, men's brain are functionless and being overruled by the didi, say something to please us and we will accept...  At least I will.


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-5-22 13:54 發表
I support you. This report is nothing like an ad..  
I also hate hard-sell.  Besides, even if the mami wants to hard-sell, they should find some more different reasons, like what the "T ...
The day I went there was a weekday and altho I was late, almost 9 pm, but i still expected to have some choices. But the Mami was hard selling two MM, her group must be, and forced me to take one of them. Actually Mami just send one MM sit down by me and ask me to take/try her. I was very angry and I asked immedaitely for other MMs to come in for further choosing. I picked a MM and immedaitely sent the MM out, she was surprised. Not her fault and actually she was quite good and if she came in for my choosing I might hv chosen her...

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2008-5-22 16:36 編輯 ]


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-22 16:34 發表

The day I went there was a weekday and altho I was late, almost 9 pm, but i still expected to have some choices. But the Mami was hard selling two MM, her group must be, and forced me to take o ...
咁嘅話, 被 reject 既 MM 嘛好無辜?


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-22 16:37 發表
咁嘅話, 被 reject 既 MM 嘛好無辜?
我都系甘覺得﹐ 但媽咪的做法太令人反感所以決定彈她的女。。

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2008-5-22 17:10 編輯 ]


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-22 17:02 發表

我都系甘覺得﹐ 但媽咪的做法太令人反感所以決定彈她的女。。
下一次要揾番佢先至啱數........... 而且佢会感到意外和感動!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-22 16:37 發表

咁嘅話, 被 reject 既 MM 嘛好無辜?
You are right but they have to be prepared for rejections.  When you select the girls from a row of 8, you have rejected the other 7!!  That's life.. In fact, the girls have to get a high EQ about this..

The rejected MM should think positively..  may be she may only get sit table $ with Dai Hoi gor but since she was rejected, she may find another table who go for overnight with her and earn more..


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-5-22 17:06 發表

You are right but they have to be prepared for rejections.  When you select the girls from a row of 8, you have rejected the other 7!!  That's life.. In fact, the girls have to get a high EQ ab ...


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-5-22 17:06 發表
You are right but they have to be prepared for rejections.  When you select the girls from a row of 8, you have rejected the other 7!!  That's life.. In fact, the girls have to get a high EQ ab ...
But it was already 9pm and not likely too many customer wll come...
I thought that the MM thought I was okay with her, actually she was quite good, and it was only the Mami that made me reject the MM..
Frankly the MM I picked was not as good as her..and it was part of the reason she was surprised...




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