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sex addicts



The report is not that hard to understand but you read through the line to understand the feeling in between. Bro Messykitkit who wants to have more action while worry about the relation with his wife/girl friend once been exposed. Don't do we all have the same worry???
Hell, you only live once and missing all these fun will make you kicking yourself later on in life. You don't want to try to screw around when you are 70' or 80' yr old. You do it when you still have the URGUE and energy. CP is always a heaven for pooning men.
You log-in this web with security question etc to protect your identity??? then you shouldn't be too worry. There are a lot threads are in English only. Just aviod names or exact places , date etc to confuse the thing a bit to hide your true id. Have Fun.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-26 20:53 發表

6 times in 2 days!! You two really did not go out and did only one thing...  Is she the "small eyes, big nose" hungry type?


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-5-27 08:58 發表

6 times in 2 days!! You two really did not go out and did only one thing...  Is she the "small eyes, big nose" hungry type?
We have been to quite many places ! 6 times in 2 days. 1 in Friday night, 1 in Saturday morning, 1 in the Saturday afternoon. 1 in Saturday night, 1 Suinday morning, 1 at Sunday noon after Breakfast before checking out.


回復 #1 messykitkit 的帖子

Hey brother I think you have the symptom all man have...probably you are too much into work or too much pressure from your
boss or family, and once in a while when you go crazy afterward you will start to think: what the fuck I am doing?
Don't worry too much, I have the same experience that I go 3 places and fxxk 3 girls a night from 8PM to 8AM, free + paid, in the end you still got to go to work, then go home the next evening...no mater what, enjoy life and enjoy every fxxk before you can't do it anymore.....you should be in your late 30's or early 40's, making a good pay and have a family, am I correct?


回復 #30 paopaopao 的帖子

I practically goes to having fun everyweek. After I unload all my saving during the week. I feel even more energetic and work even harder. My efficiency is much better. I usually work 4 days a week, but the efficiency is same, even not better, than 6 days works.




原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-27 11:44 發表
I practically goes to having fun everyweek. After I unload all my saving during the week. I feel even more energetic and work even harder. My efficiency is much better. I usually work 4 days a week ...
if you unload more, you may only need to work 3 day a week.  hehe


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-5-28 17:06 發表

if you unload more, you may only need to work 3 day a week.  hehe
I an over5-unloaded every time !


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