let's save our world
I have designed 3S system to save our world, what is 3S? it means 3 STOP
stop shopping that mean stop buying anything, do you know that everything you have bought in the past like cell phone, ipod, computer and digital camera after a few years of use it will tranform into e-waste and end up in land filling, this is not the end, it will toxic land, the underground water and flow back to the sea, and toxic the fish the star fish everything, and guess what, wewill eat these sea food into our mouth.
stop eating animals. do you know why we have so much disease? because we eat too much processed food and too much animals, we should only drink water and eat only flesh fruits and flesh vegetables.
stop using paper, thats inclube the free newspaper you get from mtr everyday, do you know thattrees produce air for human to breath? and it help to cleanup dirty air? imagine one day we used up all the world's trees to make newpaper, advertise, magazine, where comes the air?
be yourself have your thinking, when you start consuming, you are damaging our earth, and your money will endup to the richmen, this is why rich people are more rich poor people are more poor