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[原創] 奧克蘭巴打!!又係我出Report...


好耐冇上黎! 都成三四個月冇出去玩,巴打們好嗎?

前日去我個"飯堂" (美麗宮), 上左個馬拉妹叫 "Tin Tin" (甜甜 or 田田?)

$140 half hour....

今次玩得好高危, 真係自己都驚!!

田田細細粒,睇落大概廿歲頭,身才就走肥, 波仔啦,樣都OK,夠cute...


上床訓底,佢就除Bra/Unde, 錫Lin Lin,面,耳仔,跟住俾佢一野車埋落嘴,打哂車輪...(好多巴打一定已經話我高危!不過真係正), cc, 真係錫到塊面都濕哂...

然後一路錫落去 Lin Lin, 袋袋, 再錫細佬, 全程冇帶 dom dom....(巴打又會話我高危..), 爭D俾佢吹爆, 幾次要叫停佢...不過真係超正..!!

我對手都好唔得閒, 隍i波, 再摸佢妹妹, (我每次摸都會問囡囡先...), 摸到佢D水慢慢出黎..越黎越濕...(自然水...正!!), 跟住我大膽問佢可唔可以插手指人去, 佢含住我細佬"唔唔"聲..我當佢答左,跟住手指插入狂"了"佢, 另一隻手就搓佢C眼, 佢就係咁淫叫...(真假叫都好,真係交足戲...姣得佢...!)

玩多陣就帶袋入閘...佢背住我於是我由後入, 好緊!! 郁多幾下頂唔住於是叫佢轉身, (順便回氣..)
再插插插插....過程中再車輪左好多野....跟住細佬真係快頂唔住於是加快衝...佢都好配合, 叫得好淫..

訓底回氣佢就訓向我手臂上面,女友feel....傾下計問我再黎唔黎多, 我話年紀大回唔到氣 (況且就夠鐘..)
跟住我話不如我用手同佢細妹玩多陣,跟住佢即刻話YES!!! 結果手指 "了" 到佢同搓到佢叫到High High...個身係咁擰...
如果佢真係做戲,咁佢D戲真係好, 最後仲叫我吐D口水去手幫佢搓豆豆...High到佢最後臟礂盚鴾漭s停...反反地眼....哈哈...好好玩, 搓到咁上下我自己都硬番!!

最後咱羌\電話,不過肯定唔會call佢, 我仲未想X家剷住...不過我好肯定會再上佢!!! 正!!!

都係補句,此地冇銀三百兩...我絕對唔係賣廣告, 況且美麗宮都一樣有女唔掂....

[ 本帖最後由 K20A 於 2008-9-19 04:52 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


  奧克蘭... 唉!



Totally agree, DFK 正

[ 本帖最後由 rtsang88 於 2008-9-18 14:18 編輯 ]


Hey, just saw an adv from newspaper and I've sent email to them ask for price....
bloody hell... NZ$350 per hour!!! really expensive!! The most expensive one I try so far is only NZ$200!!!
btw, here is the reply....

hi! thanks for email!!
our service is full service. we have combined japanese style and new zealand style. we dont use condoms for blowjob,only for sex.
we want the customer feel as they are couples during the service.
we charge $350 one hour.
i understand it is not cheap but we have a room in 5 star hotel and all our girls is full japanese! and we will give you best service in auckland!!
im sure you will not regret!!

we are fully booking, so if you would like to book please contact me on my mob 021-xxx-xxx. (***brother can pm me if you want to know the number, I don't want to make it like I'm posting an adv....  )
also i can send you photos of the girl if you would like to book.

If any brother try it, pls report!! thx!!!

[ 本帖最後由 K20A 於 2008-10-1 05:25 編輯 ]


尋日去左間未去過o既Massage店, 地址係 2XX Campbell Road...(PM me if you want address)

打電話去問Check下有冇囡囡,話有8個, 中,韓,泰,港 etc...

問有冇全套佢就答得有D含糊, 話o黎到自己問囡囡... 估都係無雞竇牌啦....

淨massage $30 half hour, $40 one hour...

去到叫左個肯做全套o既好似係河南囡囡叫Stella, 有波, 35C?? (小弟唔識度..總之大,好好手感,真波...)
佢條腰都好幼!!!不過中女喇, D裝有少少厚....但樣OK o既....

一開始先講全套價, 佢冇開價淨係話公價, 我自己諗 33 Salon half hour $115, 美麗宮 half hour $110 to $130,
馬拉就$140 half hour.... 其實中國囡囡公價大概 $140 to $160 one hour la (Depends on location too)...

我就話$130 one hour 連 massage la....搏佢呢D場冇o甘貴...佢又肯播!!

先 massage 大半粒鐘, 手骨OK la...(最少賺左 massage).

跟住就吹一陣然後仆野啦...冇乜特別, 都係活塞運動....不過要強調佢對頭燈真係好好玩.... :-)

或者會再去,試下其他囡囡....或者淨massage 加個HJ la....Stella 手骨可以啦....仆野就好似鬆少少, 可能我
細細佬細啦 (笑)...

巴打去o既話注意講價啦!!我諗$120 per hour 佢都受....
我最後加多$10 (total $140), for佢手骨, not for 仆野.. haha!!

其他囡囡未見過, 聽到應該忙碌中...

中段都有唔少客出入, 生意好似唔錯...

相關搜索目錄: 運動


Thanks for sharing.

Is that the one at the corner, 2-storey house? I went there once,waited for 15 minutes but still no luck, because all the girls were busy.

Did Stella let you 打車輪? I like 打車輪 and fuck at the same time 正!

Please post more reports.  I may try again and share my experience.


原帖由 dannz016 於 2008-10-2 19:32 發表
Thanks for sharing.

Is that the one at the corner, 2-storey house? I went there once,waited for 15 minutes but still no luck, because all the girls were busy.

Did Stella let you 打車輪? I like  ...
Yes, its at the corner, 2 storey house...
haha... dannz016, u really like to  打車輪!!!.... but I didn't  打車輪 with Stella... i didn't ask her at all... but I do agree  打車輪 and ML together is damn good!!!

Like I said in my first post, 田田in  美麗宮 can give u a super wet kiss if you like 打車輪... btw... i may go visit her later today... haha...


Hi K20A

Please post report.



massage at Campbell Road


Telephoned Campbell Road but Stella wasn't there that day. They honestly told me that they didn't have anyone that have the figures that would match and suggested me to come the other day.

I tried the other one on the other side of Campbell road, closer to Royal Oak. Good figure but little older than I thought. Only have hj for $80. (Full service is $120) Her name is April, smooth skin and very good attitude. Initially did not let me kiss but once she became wet, she then let me kiss. She was from China and worked in HK for 1 year.  

I will try Stella next time.


原帖由 dannz016 於 2008-11-2 12:24 發表

Telephoned Campbell Road but Stella wasn't there that day. They honestly told me that they didn't have anyone that have the figures that would match and suggested me to come the other day.

I try the one close to royal oak last week. But they told me Apirl no longer work there. ( not sure true or not). So I try another one call Yuki. She said she is Japan mix China but don't expect too much. You can only see "Chinese" on her face.

For massage, ummm.... I guess Stella is better than Yuki. I try $80 HJ only. I ask how much for Full Service and Yuki said $140. I said should be $120 only, but she said she always charge $140. Therefore I said nothing. She's not young face anyway so I'm not interest in Full Service with her.

Overall service is average. nothing special.

btw, been to any new places recently?




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