Go far - 有成效,成就
With plenty of natural talent and persistence, Gina went far in the entertainment business.
put one's money where one's mouth is - 身體力行,講得出做得到(錢代表實際,口代表吹水,引申為以實際行動代替吹水)
If people are really interested in helping the earthquake victims, they should put their money where their mouths are.
come clean - 坦白交待
The president of the company finally came clean about how much money he stole in the past two years.
shed the light on - 提出新見解 (把光照在...,引申為使人睇得更清楚,用吓用吓被解作提出新見解
The article shed light on some of the causes of global warming.
wine and dine - 請喝酒,吃飯 (動詞)(多數用在為得到好處而請人吃喝)
Edna wines and dines her prospective business clients
Wheel and deal - 要手段 作動詞(多指商場或政治上)
The soccer manager wheels and deals when recruiting new players for his team.
get/be in over one's head - 超出能力範圍
John got in over his head by agreeing to plan her sister's wedding.
to the hilt - 到極限
The company is up to the hilt in debt after acquiring several smaller companies.
Sell off - 賤賣
top-notch - 頂尖的
Vincent works for a top-notch advertising firm.
live by the sword, die by the sword - 水能載舟,亦能覆舟/蒙其利,受其害
Tag is it - 我們兒時的集體遊戲 - 何濟公 ,即捉到人,該人就要走去捉人,而原本的人就轉為被捉者
succumb to - 屈服於
Rita's garden eventually succumbed to the hot weather and lack of rain.
相關搜索目錄: Wine