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原帖由 sex1234 於 2009-8-8 13:39 發表

Bg always demand $200 tips and not $100
Any VAS services provided to you then?   

Did the BG ask you to pay for tips of $200
before you left the massage room?   


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-8-8 13:50 發表

Any VAS services provided to you then?   

Did the BG ask you to pay for tips of $200
before you left the massage room?   
no vas provide, bg ask for tips 200 before I left the massage room


原帖由 sex1234 於 2009-8-8 15:39 發表

no vas provide, bg ask for tips 200 before I left the massage room
No extra services provided.      Why she asked for $200?      
Maybe she knew you were new.   
This was then a "BAD" BG.   

As a rule, nowadays, BG should not ask the customer to give how much tips.


I think the BG will not ask for $200 tips unless she has provided VAS.


no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~no vas no tips ~


回復 30# 的帖子

i hate the bad bg, everyone pls don't give any tips to no vas bg ~


原帖由 sex1234 於 2009-8-8 15:39 發表

no vas provide, bg ask for tips 200 before I left the massage room
Thats odd.
Firstly,this place is supposed to be a vegi place,I agree,anything could happen;
Secondly,you pay tips at the check out counter,not directly to the BG,it is up to u how much tips you wanna pay.


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-8-9 03:20 發表

Thats odd.
Firstly,this place is supposed to be a vegi place,I agree,anything could happen;
Secondly,you pay tips at the check out counter,not directly to the BG,it is up to u how much tips you  ...
An experienced but unprofessional BG served
my friend last time.  
Under this circumstance, without VAS, my friend decided
to pay a tip of $50 upon his departure.   

[ 本帖最後由 boot_boot 於 2009-8-9 15:41 編輯 ]


回復 33# 的帖子

you mean a tip of $50/hour?


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-8-9 15:38 發表
you mean a tip of $50/hour?
My friend paid a tip of $50 for two hours
due to the unsatisfactory service of BG.  

[ 本帖最後由 boot_boot 於 2009-8-9 17:58 編輯 ]


回復 35# 的帖子

In this case sisiter Sugar might investigate what went wrong with that BG your friend had......just might(my personal thinking).


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-8-9 21:30 發表
In this case sisiter Sugar might investigate what went wrong with that BG your friend had......just might(my personal thinking).
Sugar might investigate the incident, I believe so.   

However, after massage, my friend had informed the PR in the resting room
of the happening while the PR approached us for comments as a mean of

BTW, how regular do you visit this sauna?   

[ 本帖最後由 boot_boot 於 2009-8-10 09:15 編輯 ]


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