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massage info for Shanghai

massage info for Shanghai

For those who are so incline to know more about Shanghai pooning screen, here what I found in a local Enghlish nwspaper ad for massage service- a take-out service you can call up to your hotel room. It is a convient reference for someone just arrive in Sh and have no time to explore the sauna screen. It works for a quickie.

Randomly listed, no particular order , quality or sequence:

Yuki- 138-1898-3400
Magic Touch -misty 136-8198-0570
Lov of Crystal 139-1729-4844
VIP -jessica -138-1898-3317
Relaxing massage- 138-1832-3771
Massage- 159-2175-7770
Top oil Massage Linda139-1729-4840 $188 YMB 60 min. $258 YMB for 90 min.
Paradise 136-1188-5387
emeral massage 138-1700-5765
Aroma mo-mo 137-9521-3289
Perfect Healthy massage 139-1649-5633
Grace massage 137-6106-6775
Emperor's Delight 159-0075-2536
Good massage 138-1832-0301
Eden massage 138-1832-2139
Hoilday massage 136-2160-5684
Mandy Service 135-8563-2221
Sweet Dream maggie 136-8198-0517
Judy's massage  136-8198-6750
CoCo Thai massage 139-1729-4745
Sunshine Massge  133-7007-5069
VIP international  139-1664-3647

All the above are just regular ad from the newspaper.They all can speak English and you have to phone them to find out the speciial cost?? they all quote the massgae cost but I don't think you will only interested in Massgae only. I have used it before a few time ( it costs me $500 a pop- of course the girl wants more, it is better to confirm the price before they come over. so no surprise.)when the time is in pinch and you are tired of going out but want to it deliver to your bed. here are the choices.
Enjoy and I hope it will be useful for someone.
My X'mas gift to all.





可以一試喎,不過要佢同酒店登記穩陣 d 。

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


I was in Shanghai about 6 months ago and the list of massage page did not change much. So I presume it is kind of regular supplier for QuaiLo. I did use it last time but not this recent trip. I like to read newspaper but the Chinese ones are very dry, so I read the English one instead. At least i find out what the white guy getting their fix. You don't need to inform the hotel. All you have to do is make the arragement and meet them at lobby. If she looks alright, then let's go upstair. Last time I did not bother, I just ask them come directly to my room. I see them through the peek hole on the door. It is alright and just presume you are white and demand good qualty service from the girl and I don't think they would Fxxx around too much with foreigners.


Thank you so much! It seems your contact is even better than the agent I used to contact in Shanghai.

Yes, I agree. I never inform the hotel about the girls I bring to the hotel. Of course, somebody did that because, in case the girl did something bad or steal something from your room, you can ask the hotel to chase to girl back. But I never did that.

I also like to ask the agent to bring girls to my room instead of the lobby. I don't like to act like a stupid to wait for girls in the lobby.

I once put on a bathrobe after shower, and nothing inside, wait for the girl in the room . After confirmed with the agent and only me and girl in the room, I asked the girl to suck my cock for a while. Then we went out for dinner, that is funny.


Thanks for your info. I have a business trip is comin' in next week. I will try your list, and see how the magic work. hahaa.


I am not a frequent traveller in China but Ihave been around for different places. Main thing is to play it safe and do some adventure. I did venture into a new highend body/foot massage in Pudong area and having great fun to tease and play with girls that not suppose to provide extra service. I like to break rules and get the girl at the end. May be it is just part of the pooning fun.
Hey Doer, you are pretty good to get some head to wet your appetize. That's great way to start a beautiful night. You know she will do things for you from the very beginning. Start with the right foot

Don't be affraid to explore new places. Sometimes I found it more fun in finding out than just banging the girl. It is exciting to know that you found someone is good and fresh and it is amost good enough to keep for yourself. I would to explore the non-pro or semi-pro because it poses more challenge to me.




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