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(MK) Kam Ho Wah Report

(MK) Kam Ho Wah Report

Date: Yesterday
Time: 1:30pm-2:45pm
NC:  Kam Ho Wah

Taipan: Ah Kin (Mr)

I arrived at this NC (I played there from time to time) yesterday when I had taken my lunch. Because "my little brother" was very hungry, I called Taipan Ah Kin to give me not-bad local girl. Kin said  last time that girl A whom I had sat with was there, and there was 1 to 2 new girls called B and C I might try try. Good. So I replied to try the new girls first, and then may sit back girl A.

Girl B came into my room. I saw her face....looked dull (singled-line eyes)and moodless and felt familiar, while she insisted as a brand-new girl just joined the NC. 15 minutes of chatting had gone. I tried to touch her, she refused and refused in a style very familiar.....arh~!!-- I was suddenly reminded of sitting her once in that same NC Kam Ho Wah a few months ago. What a liar ! ! Afterall, she confessed everything and disclosed to me that the Taipan Kin taught her to cheat customers wor !!

SHIT~~~~ Cut her clock at once.

Asked for another "new" girl C la. But ...this time Ah Kin only said the girl had not yet returned to office to work!! ...and I had to wait not more than 5 minutes because that girl was on the way now so near wor.Ok...trust you one more time la-

I did nothing but wait alone in the little room which was quite smelly (maybe someone had vomitted not long before in the same room!!)....

5minutes....10 minutes....13 minutes were passed...and I almost fell into sleep, so I pressed the button.

All still silent. No one cared of me~~

So I only went out to check if there was really few girls working there

I seareched and searched...only found 1 Northern mid woman sitting in a small room watchng TV...while another girl..oh no a mid-aged woman (at least 32 years old??!!) sitting alone in the hall sofa.

I felt I was cheated once again.

OK....called Ah Kin in.

Ah Kin said the girl C was really really coming back and he was annoyed by the young girl's poor manner wor....

Trust him again???...or totally BULL-SHIT at all~??

Ah Kin suggested to sit back girl A whom I had sat last time.

Alright, try your integrity the last time.

Girl A came into my room. Her face was quite common as you might find a dozen if you walk on MK streets. But last time her manner was quite alright, so I ticked her finally la. She sat on the sofa with a deep sigh and kept silent and cool ...with her legs crooked up and feet stepped on the edge of the wine table. No talk !! No mood~??

I started to try to cheer her up.
But all in vain, she only said her $$ was all stolen by a man customer yesterday. 10 minutes passed, she still quite cool to me--absolutely different from the last time sitting ar~

Even I touched her, she kept sit still and speechless like a log of wood. I suggested her to take in a "safety-bag". But she suddenly stood up and replied : " No way...I'm no mood today ah~"

I uttered so I would have no choice but called Taipan Kin to come.

"As you please La." She coolly said.


The end-- I think no need to mention la.

Kam Ho Wah's service is going down and down nowadays. Good girls are less and less today. I went there for a couple of years...so disappointed.:(

But this is not the worst.

The worst is a friend has become a liar.
A taipan has become a "tai pow yau" cheating his loyal customer!!.....incredible.

Their golden days have gone.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Girl not a good service...just chart your money!  



其實唔需要太失望,因為香港地跳舞,大部份時間都會係咁。 以為上次好玩既地方, 下次就會ok,呢個想法太樂觀了。

好明顯個場係極度無女,但呢個鐘數好多地方都會無女,毋需太 surprise.

d 女臭寸既,可以早 d 截佢檯,費事眼冤,並可以同大班反映。但大班聽完,下條女都係臭寸既,便知道佢係「無能為力」, 可以即走。

Loyal customer 又如何呢?生意淡薄又無女,唔通你一o黎到就叫你即刻走咩?人地都要搵食嘛。

食得鹹魚抵得渴,玩香港 nc,係咁架喇。 Maybe better luck next time la.

相關搜索目錄: 跳舞


我有時去一d新場探險, 成日都有呢d經歷, 唔通nc係香港真係冇得玩?


原帖由 netken2003 於 2006-12-31 03:47 PM 發表

其實唔需要太失望,因為香港地跳舞,大部份時間都會係咁。 以為上次好玩既地方, 下次就會ok,呢個想法太樂觀了。

好明顯個場係極度無女,但呢個鐘數好多地方都 ...
Kam Ho Wah is at Fife Street, Mong Kok.
Last time I had not played there very happily, but just OK.
I think you are a well-experienced playboy (??)
Thank your advice very much.

相關搜索目錄: 跳舞


原帖由 wormworm 於 2007-1-2 04:11 PM 發表
我有時去一d新場探險, 成日都有呢d經歷, 唔通nc係香港真係冇得玩?
I played less and less in local NCs.
They are really SUCK.


It's heard always warrant search by police early in the afternoon.
anybody knows that??


究竟係咪叫金豪華?? 定金好華??


咁早去跳舞想食野? 不如去K壓, 快, 睇唔岩又唔駛俾錢就走得..

相關搜索目錄: 跳舞

My new target!!


I have been there several times before because I know "Lin Ma" ages ago before she working on KHW. The standard is solely depand on the day of your luck. Not much girls around normally less than seven in any time of the day.I hardly to go there anymore since the standard of girl getting worst and ugly.





原帖由 九九 於 2007-1-26 12:37 PM 發表

你唔好成日打"~~~~~", 係咁撩起我跳舞意慾!!!!!

相關搜索目錄: 跳舞

My new target!!


原帖由 細摩 於 2007-1-26 07:44 發表

你唔好成日打"~~~~~", 係咁撩起我跳舞意慾!!!!!

相關搜索目錄: 跳舞




原帖由 chiwanw 於 2007-1-29 14:08 發表
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
妹妹, 唔好做"嫁兩" 喎!!!

話時話, p.m. 我, 你係邊個場返工呀~~~

My new target!!





回復 #14 細摩 的帖子





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