多倫多 - 骨精難忘極品 Judy
I also left this on some other forums, just in case people think I'm copying or the other forum has someone copying.
I went and tried today, I never had this kind of massage before this afternoon, usually maybe 1 or 2 minutes from the girlfriend but wow this was very different and relaxing.
Did not go in expecting the full service but the last part of the massage made me almost explode, so I just went along with the rest of it. Experience overall did not disappoint at all. I usually take forever to finish, but Judy made it easy. One part I did not like was the bed sounds, maybe I'm just too cynical and cannot just believe in it.
I remember when I first came out to hunt, the first MM did this and I said to her, "You know you don't have to fake it, I know I'm not THAT good," then she told me, "We're human too you know, we can enjoy sex."
I know the brothers here like Chinese version too, I had to translate word by word.
進去前無念個做全套, 但係揼到最後個部分幾乎爆, 從未經歷過, 撻著吧火不得不能解決.
整體經驗非常好, 但D床聲有小小過分. 過唔到自己個關, 知道自己無可能gum犀利, 無可能犀利到好以生仔.
我記得第一次出來玩第一個囡囡都係gum, 我告訴她不必要假裝, 但她告訴我儘管她是出來做的, 她都係人都會享受.