原帖由 mochacha 於 2007-3-1 06:13 發表
To : Mr. Moderator,
This what I am referring > the message from "Fierce Fire" (sorry I cannot type Chinese)
But why Mr. Fierce Fire can't continue with her ?
(Mr Moderator: Shall I try this?)
Brother Mochacha (or should it be called Mung Cha Cha?)

That lady wants a prolonged, formal relationship, i.e. getting married. And Mr Fierce Fire simply cannot divorce his wife to marry her, although he still misses her a lot.
You have to grow much older and mature before you can appreciate this kind of short-lived, complex and yet twinkled,touching, most enjoyable and memorable relations!

We all envy Mr Fierce Fire to have that kind of at-least-once-in-a-lifetime encounters, but wish him good luck to move on because once if they had got married the twinkling-stars-like relation would become dead fire sooner or later as a result of the daily tedious matters.