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My USB Spa Retirement Report (Part 1)

My USB Spa Retirement Report (Part 1)

First of all, thanks for this forum and I have been reading and trying different USB spa for the past 5 years and it comes to the point that I will take a long vacation away from them.  Wish all the Ching good health and joy going forward.
To be honest, I think some reports have been too generous so I guess I will write some of my opinions down and you may or may not agree with me and I am not planning to argue in this active forum.  If anyone does not like it, please consider as a story rather than report.

Let's get started!

情X軒 TST (Arpund 2 months ago)

Environment  : 3/5

Room is spacious But lack of decor, towels are ok but bathroom smell of cigarette
BG Michelle, looks ok, around 33-36 years old, initially body looks good but I felt a bit disappointed  after seeing more
Fup skill ok but nothing suprising Overall

Worth visit again? No unless overall hygiene Is better

More to follow inmy part 2 report

相關搜索目錄: SPA
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 多謝分享 2012-8-28 14:56
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 多謝分享 2012-8-28 14:56
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +20 多謝分享 2012-8-28 14:56


more !!!


Thanks for your late reports and it is a shame
you are not writing more in the future.
As forum moderator I always appreciate reports that do
not agree with how others rate certain bgs but in a gentlenanly
manner. At times we agree to differ and once the
opposing views are shown in contrast we can be assured that
they are respected.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Support. We need more these reports.


Thanks for the report !!!




good observation power . u can tell she is 33-36 .

I can only tell whether a bg is under or over 30 ?Poor me !


loklok1234 CHING, reports should include both subjective & objective views of the threads owners. For services of BG, surely it is purely your personal experiences.

This kind of posts, personally, I totally support as long as thread owners think their comments are reflecting their TRUE & FAIR view.

I hope if comments are good, BG's businss can be enhanced but if the comments are not satisfactory or even bad, the BG should consider what happened (if the BG can learn the comments).
好想同 Lolet 拍拍拍!!!


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thank you for your sharing




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