原帖由 小花至愛 於 2007-2-14 19:13 發表
Two likely scenario,,,,
1. rise 500-1000 then adjust 400-600,,, spiral breakthrough since June/July,,,
2. down to 18500-19500 zone for +10% adjustment
Bear should be far away and crash unlikely without war or epidemic,,, but really no idea whether 1 or 2 would be coming before or after CNY,,,
If tomorrow can't rise +100, then I would incline to choose option two to cut-win first,,, as swiss bank is projecting 1500 HSI adjustment, and I know they mean it,,,
3 weeks ago I wrote the above, scenario 2 turned out to be correct so far,,, is 18500 the bottom of correction,,, VERY LIKELY with decent HSBC's report and +10% correction,,,,