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[原創] New brother. Hope all brothers out there can give some advice!

New brother. Hope all brothers out there can give some advice!

小弟 is a new brother, only been to NC twice.

1st time was for a pre-wedding celebration for my friend.
2nd time was just with a few friends.

After the first time, I wanted to go again. But I could not find anyone to go with and then I was going out of HK.

I took the first opportunity possible when my friends asked me to go. I think I am additced now. Feeling is good! Heavenly!

First time, she was not very good. Not very professional. Or maybe because she can sense I am 新手.

Before second time, I kept telling myself I need to learn to be better at picking. I asked my more experience friends, but no one can tell me if there's a way to pick better. If any brother have any advice, please share.

Second time, just went for the cute looking type, not very big. Personally I like girls with a curve more than I do "big ball".
Must be pure luck, found one who was slow to warm up, but very nice and sweet to me at the end. Maybe I still appear as 新手, she took good care of me, talked to me a lot, commented on what the other grils think. But at the end of the night, thought she might have been talking a bit too much. But I had a good time.

Now I am quietly waiting for 3rd time. I even have urge to go back by myself. But I think I must be train more before I can do that. I still am very 新手, I think I will be cheated if I go by myself.

I am happy I found this forum. i hope to have good reports for you in the future


So where have you been? HK or Macau? Actually it's quite normal to go alone. Regarding to way to pick girls, there has never been a unique format. It really depends on what individual's preference. For inexperience player, just bear in mind that there numerous fishes in the pond, just pick a different type every time to explore what yourself actually like. After trying lots of different types, you may eventually find out which one is your favourite or you end up realize that you would never settle for just one style, like me, always want to try different styles




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