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[疑難] some questions...

some questions...

hi dear brothers,

since I'm a newbe, I just have some quick questions for you guys..

if we go bath house, how long is the service? is the price 1q only? or is it time-limited?

also is it ok to kiss the girl girl? some brother told me not to kiss any part at all...

some brothers mentioned find qq girl girl... or street girl girl... but how do you do that?

Do's & Don't
can i ask for girl girl's personal contact? i asked for her phone number last time but she told me she doesnt have a phone...(will try again for a different one next time)

do you bring your wallet/cellphone to the room?

alright thanks brothers for answering


I used to bring along all my valuables into the SN room. Some girl would give you her nos. if she wanna to see you (or earn some more $$ from you) again. Not all the girl let you kiss her but some would enjoy kissing all along.





oh ok i see i see, thanks brothers

how about the service time? is it base on q or base on time?




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