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What is Forgiveness?

What is Forgiveness?


I'm a PhD student at Victoria University Wellington in New Zealand, and I'm very interested in forgiveness and its meanings for people around the globe.

I'd like to invite you to participate in this study as your opinions and experiences of forgiveness are highly valued for my research.

The purpose of this study is to look at how people conceptualise forgiveness and which situation they experienced may require forgiving. This project is supervised by Assoc. Prof. James H. Liu at Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand.

Your responses, as well as your identity will remain completely anonymous. Your personal identity will NOT be recorded at any stage of the questionnaire.

Please click on the following link (or copy and paste it in your browser) to access the questionnaire:


Please note that this link is not spam or for any commercial purposes.

At the end of the questionnaire you'll find further information about my research project.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail (katja.hanke@vuw.ac.nz).

Thank you very much for your help and cooperation.

Katja Hanke

Katja Hanke
PhD Candidate
Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research
School of Psychology
Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand




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