thnak you!
呢個英文字o既意思在 longman字典係
1. a person in a position of command in the armed forces
2. a person who holds a position of some importance, in government, a business, or a group
3. a policeman
official 1
a person who holds an office
adjestive of, about, or from a position of trust, power, and responsibility
Collins concise
1. person in the armed services who holds a position of responsibility, authority and duties
2. Policeman / Policewomen
3. a person appointed or elected to a position of responsibility or authority in a government, society, organization
4. a person authorized to serve as master or mate of a vessel
5. a government offical
6. in British Empire, a member of grade below commander
(Verb transitive)
7. to furnish with officer
8. to act as an officer over some section, group, organization
1. of or relating to an office, its administration, or its duration
2. sanctioned by, organiszed by, or derived from authority
3. having formal ceremonial character
4. a person holds a position in an organization, government department, especially an subordinate postion
因為呢兩個字自從大陸開放改革之後就被濫用為和政府有關, 在internet上私人機構都被誤譯為政府機關. 情況就如去百貨公司見到 "on the bed things" "床上用品" 一樣, 你可以話佢冇錯. 但其實是大錯特錯. 正譯是 "manchesters", "bedroom wares".