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[原創] is there Real firearms forum in Hong Kong?

原來SIG 也是影友, 正!!!
我最近玩正片負沖,set channel 出黑白, 好高contrast , 又吾貴

here is what the reply I got from Macau IPSC which I would like to share with bros. who are interested in shooting here.

Thank you for your interest  in IPSCMACAU, here is the answer of you questions:
1.)     Accept take Hong Kong Resident as member?

We can accept HK resident as member, but we cannot endorse him as a qualify shooter, for he/she is not Macau resident.

2.)     Allow members to purchase firearms of their own and keep at the gun club? ( provided that member has enough training and knowledge in firearms handling )

All the firearm must keep in Police Station, purchase a firearm must have Macau ID.

3.)     How much is a standard 9mm bullet cost at your club?

Most of Macau shooters is using .40/10mm, it cost Mop$3.8 for 1 round.

4.)     Any charge for using shooting range i.e. any lane rental fees?

No charge, no extra fee, only monthly fee.

5.)     If I want to purchase a firearms through Macau IPSC club, how much would it cost me in general in respect to the price offered in United State? For example, how much would a Glock 17 cost me from your club?

It depends on you, you can buy from any  firearm dealer, if you don,t know the dealer, we can provide to you for free.

6.)     Can I resale my firearms to other Macau gun club member?

Of course you can resale your belonging.

7.)     Is there a rifle range at your club?

There,s only one Police shooting range in Coloane, we can use it in saturday(full day).


Where do those HKRA member practice and polish their IPSC skill when they don have an IPSC range?


原帖由 SIG 於 2008-3-10 15:06 發表

Both model is restricted to sell to LEO (Law Enforcement Only), howcome the old surplus gun store in NZ able to sell those used one to the public??

你講得冇錯, 槍舖條契弟呃q我, 果d藍色ge glock 係 made in japan, 整到殘殘地抄真 glock 17t. 佢老闆話, 除了 model 之外就不會在槍店買得到17t. 新 glock 17 要訂貨, 太約港幣六,七千元.


原帖由 saltiwet 於 2008-3-15 11:26 發表

你講得冇錯, 槍舖條契弟呃q我, 果d藍色ge glock 係 made in japan, 整到殘殘地抄真 glock 17t. 佢老闆話, 除了 model 之外就不會在槍店買得到17t. 新 glock 17 要訂貨, 太約港幣六,七千元.
請問條契弟標價幾多賣支 Glock17 玩具槍呀?估唔到賣奇異果嘅人都咁衰格,BB豆玩具當真槍賣!

Glock17 你個便太貴,返黎香港買好過∼∼

相關搜索目錄: 玩具
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


原帖由 BenChek 於 2008-3-13 12:24 發表
It fires 7.62X51 ammo.
Using some really good ammo like Norman Maxima you can achieve a muzzle velocity at Mach 3.

I can confidently shoot a figure-11 (man size) target over one mile with a reasonsable grouping.
But I dont believe there is any fullbore shooting range in HK to fire my Swing..... SIGH  
多謝 BenChek 兄賜教,小弟較少用 Norma 子弹,多數買 Winchester, PMC or Remington 。

97以前我地槍會可以租英軍羅湖或者大嶺靶埸打rifle,最遠只係 300M,回歸後就唔使旨意!

其實到現在,重有一個民間槍會個場可以打 full bore rifle,就係香港義勇軍運動射擊協會(Royal HK Regiment Shooting Association, formed and run by those retired HK Regiment members),佢地個靶場位於邊境附近,叫做桌山靶場 (Table Hill Shooting Range)。

不過呢個槍會成班委員又係玩政治嘅 Talk Gun (not top gun!)人士,山頭主義行先,唔係自己友想加入都幾難!

再者,雖然個場可以射擊 full bore rifle,但最遠只能夠打 50Meter,係呀,BenChek 兄你冇睇錯,maximum shooting distant 距離係 50M,是關班大帝都係打手槍多!

你想像一下,full bore rifle 射擊個 50M target 感覺就十足要閣下去尖沙嘴厚福街裡面駕駛部法拉里或保時捷跑車一樣!

相關搜索目錄: 射擊 運動
窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


原帖由 nikilau 於 2008-3-13 18:43 發表
原來SIG 也是影友, 正!!!
我最近玩正片負沖,set channel 出黑白, 好高contrast , 又吾貴
小弟家貧,只係用 35mm菲林SLR機。
Thank you for your interest  in IPSCMACAU, here is the answer of you questions:   

1.) We can accept HK resident as member, but we cannot endorse him as a qualify shooter, for he/she is not Macau resident.  
Fair enough!
2.)    All the firearm must keep in Police Station, purchase a firearm must have Macau ID.
As what I've expect......
3.)     Most of Macau shooters is using .40/10mm, it cost Mop$3.8 for 1 round.
跟某 d 歐洲國家一樣,民間唔准使用擁有軍用口徑子彈 (e.g. Italy, where 9X19mm is illegal and they have to shoot 9X21mm),所以澳門方面 .40/.45/.38 Super 較流行,1999 回歸後近年就唔同左,9X19mm is getting popular recently。
5.)    you can buy from any  firearm dealer, if you don,t know the dealer, we can provide to you for free.
He he, Pxxx in Hung Hum......
6.)     Of course you can resale your belonging.
That is indeed a reasonal answer as compare to C.......
7.)     There,s only one Police shooting range in Coloane, we can use it in saturday(full day).
Never mind, that's a nice place to shoot, just remember to bring your own mosquito spray/defense patch!
窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


原帖由 nikilau 於 2008-3-14 02:46 發表
Where do those HKRA member practice and polish their IPSC skill when they don have an IPSC range?
因為場地限制,HKRA IPSC qualified 會員只能夠係靶場度練拔槍、換彈匣、立射轉跪射等嘅基本動作,想要跑動中射擊當然冇可能,估計佢地多數係屋企或者 BB gun IPSC 場練習卦?

其實,同奧運個類須要作極為精確(precise)射擊技術有所分別,IPSC 運動只要求射手可以於最短時間內準確(accuracte)擊中目標,除非你係職業選手,有各手槍、子彈或者射擊用品廠商 sponsor 嘅職業射手,否則對一個業餘 shooter 黎講,能夠掌握到各種基本技術,同埋可以應付臨場出現之各類狀況 (e.g. jam槍),克服到心理壓力,就會得到唔錯成績。


我曾經回答呢個 forum 一位經常跑馬拉松嘅兄弟,IPSC shooting 係一種 mental game,physical practice 係重要但更重要係臨場心理狀態,呢點所有打職業賽嘅外國頂尖高手都認同。

[ 本帖最後由 SIG 於 2008-3-16 19:33 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 射擊 運動
窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


Shooting 7.62 in 50m range !!!

You must be kidding.......
This is rifle, not pistol. The bullet can go through 2 layers of bricks easily. DANGEROUS


Just realized I actually need to be proposed by 2 HKRA members to get into the club, and I know I would not enjoy CGC unless money is nothing to me. HKSA SAYS they are a body which promote shooting to general public , including clay shooting, and they would introduce the general public to join HKGC when they can pay "500000HKD". Yeah right! promoting shooting sport. A tax payer should also note, the Hong Kong government do sponsor this organization.

Seems like we had more fun under British occupation, and Macau is a one big gentlemen club.


HKD 500,000 !!!  

Why everyone so RICH !!!


hkd 500,000

如果只射 rifle, 我會買張機票去外國射到夠, 我re度十年牌都係 hkd700. 可以存放在 gun club 或家裡的槍櫃. firearm officer 好少查 rifle, pistol 個牌就難d, 要係本地槍會的active member至可申請 b endorsement, 而且成日會上門查槍.

相關搜索目錄: 機票


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