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[檔案] 中國99式坦克

中國大陸地形複雜, 基本上各種地形應有盡有。 江南地區山水相連, 受到好多橋樑道路負重能力既限制, 坦克最大噸位只可以去到五十; 同樣道理日本亦將自己既主戰坦克噸位定係五十到。

而通常一部坦克需求三種性能: 火力、防護、機動。 火炮口徑愈大所需炮塔就愈大會加大重量而影響機機力, 裝甲愈厚防護力愈好但就愈笨重同樣會影響機動,  愈輕當然機動力好但防護力就愈弱會影響戰場上既生存能力。 因為呢三種性能基本上係會互相抵觸, 故此一部坦克就會係呢三種性能當中取個平衡, 而一部好既坦克就係一部取得好既平衡點既戰車。  而噸位大細會影響到最大平衡點, 當中尤以裝甲防護為甚,  M1A2 愈六十噸既重量當中有一半就係為左副甲。

係火力上125口徑 相對 120 佔有優勢而又唔會加多太多重量, 所以係一個好選擇。 至於炮彈, HEAT 並唔係新科技, 甚至可以追溯至 WWII 已經有呢方面既實驗。 但 HEAT 最主要用途其實並唔係坦克互片, 而係對一 d  bunker、 掩體進行爆破。 相對於 conventional 既heat, modified 過既 warhead 亦只不過係相應防護科技上既發展而進行改進而已, 當中並無全新既意念或威力上既突破。 至於導引彈頭亦唔係 d 咩新科技, 只不過係宜家先至用落坦克身上而已。 原因就只得一個字: 錢。 坦克本身只係一個有裝甲防護既可移動炮台, 造價最多亦不過三數百萬美金;  如果每打一炮都要唔見幾萬美金就算係最肯使錢去打仗既美國都唔制。  其實坦克每次出動唔會只帶一種彈藥、而係會多種彈藥同時備用。

至於裝甲就基本上係一部坦克最唔會對外公開既資料, 所有相關資訊都係外間既估計。

其實 99 最大問題唔係係火力上或裝甲上, 而係副引擎。  受制於整體工業力仍相對落後既情況下, 同大陸所有其他軍工企業一樣 99 既發動機都要從外引進。  徐左烏克蘭既俄系發動機性能上比唔上西方外, 更大問題係戰時供應維護得唔到保障。

一部坦克只有放係佢最適合既地形先至會係最好。  世界上唔會有一部「最佳」坦克, 而只會有一部「最成功」坦克。 discovery 攪左個歷史上最「佳」坦克推選, 而選出黎既最「成功」坦克唔係 吹得好行既 m1a2 唔係質量上乘既豹2a6 更加唔係大而無當既挑戰者, 亦未係二戰威風八面既 tiger 或閃電四仔;   班戰史家一致認為而係平凡得好緊耍既:   T34。

相關搜索目錄: 引擎
  • barbara 體力 +20 我很贊同 2008-5-31 15:26
  • barbara 威望 +20 我很贊同 2008-5-31 15:26


原帖由 大魔神 於 31/5/08 02:20 發表
中國大陸地形複雜, 基本上各種地形應有盡有。 江南地區山水相連, 受到好多橋樑道路負重能力既限制, 坦克最大噸位只可以去到五十; 同樣道理日本亦將自己既主戰坦克噸位定係五十到。

而通常一部坦克需求三種性能 ...
真知灼見,一矢中的 ,佩服、佩服。


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回復 #28 ahui123 的帖子



Support China military


Dont want to talk too much any more.
Too many "left" people here.

If you have a chance to sit inside various MBT, you will tell immediately the different.
The Challenger2 is more like an electronic game cantre, with target accusition and ID devices, tracking and firing resolution consoles etc.  I had a look into T80, and they are way behind, and I believe this 99 is also the same.  This is why M1A1/A2 or Challenger2 can always find the target first and shoot first, and sure to hit you first.  C2 and all M1 all have aircon, and T-80 doesnt. The aircon is mainly for nuclear.

Why NATO changed to 120mm smooth-bore is the re-design of all ammo into missile like.  As I said before these ammo are more like missile now, not bomb shell anymore.  I could lock on the target using any of the: passive thermo imaging, active thermo (ie light them up), lazer ranging, 2nd lazer ranging (eg from foot soldier), or even GPS.  The shell being fired could have around +/-20 degree flight path to find its target, ie it has its guiding system and being "smart".  I believe those T80 would never stand a chance, same as the chinese 99.

Again, dont want to talk too much any more.
Too many "left" people here.

[ 本帖最後由 BenChek 於 2008-6-1 16:50 編輯 ]


For NATO's comment, they arent too concern on the MBT.
Russian never made any good MBT for a 1-to-1 battle basis.
Their MBT design is still mainly supporting infantry and operate in large formation.
Actually Russian IFVs are more theatening than their MBT, eg BDRM and BMP-2.  They can move a large amount of troops very fast.

Also NATO best tank killer is not the Challenger2 nor the M1A1, but the Apache.

NATO's main concern is to maintain sufficient logistic support to delay the Russian.
It is not about who has the best equipment, but who can last longer in the battle field.


Thank you very much. Support China Military...


如果有興趣, 可以去睇睇算係大陸開發而又最為低儅既戰機, 個 cockpit 都已經做到去打機一樣。

制約緊既大陸技術, 唔係 d 乜野軟件研發。 大陸唔係有好多野, 就係徐左人, 只要係用人就可以去砌得到既野基本上宜家你到唔會難得到佢。  剛剛相反, 佢既缺陷仍然重係對上三幾百年滯後所帶黎既困擾, 即係製造工藝。  但隨著大飛機工程既開展, 加埋航母上台,  應該連最困難既問題都可以解決。

咁當然, 係廿一世紀第二個decade都黎既時候如果個認知仍然停留係90年代, 咁就.....

相關搜索目錄: 工程




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