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It was last June I first met this Henan MM in a SN in SZ. When I do not travel I would go to some SN and fast food in SZ by myself, hard to find brothers. Usually I follow the info from the thread.

The MM is about 20, tall 5’6”, big body frame, 36C. long hair, face okay 70 marks, her name was yang yang I like tall and big MM and I went to see her about 3 times a week when I stayed in Hong Kong. I only saw her in the SN. She did not know much service but I like her.

After about two months, she had to leave SZ because business was not good. She said customers usually did not pick her because they do not like tall and big MM, (brothers is it true??)

She then went to Shajing then Tangxia and stayed there short period of time. I went to see her on Satuday or Sunday, because it was too far. When it was a Saturday or Sunday and she was off, M, she would come to SZ and we went to places like little world, the beaches etc.

Yang Yang told me she did not like to work in SN, also she could not make too much money there. She said she needed some money to bring home the coming new year so she continued working in SN. She had not been home for years.

She did not ask me for money altho she had said that after she returned from home she would work only in massage palour. Is it a form of hint to ask me to keep her?? Actually I had no intention to keep her as my regular but I told her it was okay for me to see her often and give her some money.

When I saw her in SN in SZ I just paid the exact amount. When I saw her in Shajing or Tangxia, actually only 2 times and one time respectively, I tried to give her more but she would refuse to take it. When she was off and stayed with I did not give any money.

Towards the end of the year I traveled a lot and had not seen Yang Yang for almost two months. The last time I saw her was in Shekou. I had to go stay there for a night and I called her if she would have a day off and come to see me. She said she was was not working and just about to go home the next day.

Yang Yang came to SZ from Tangxia and together we went to Shekou. It was Feb 7, 07. She stayed till evening and she left, saying that she had to pack for the train the coming day. I gave her some money and she refused many times before she accepted it.

After Yang Yang returned home we exchanged messages and sometime I called her. She seem not happy at home. She had mentioned her Mom was forcing her to get married. Just after the new year, her phone was not working any more…

In around Mid March I got a message from Yang Yang, the message mentioned that she was not able to see me, but she missed me. I phoned back and she said she could not see me. I asked if she had married and she said no.

About every week she would send me a message but she used someone’s phone and I could not reach her. Then suddenly on April 22 yang yang phone me and said she wanted to see me. I could not go that night and I went the second night..

Yang Yang was still young and beautiful but looked a little thinner. She told me she had now a fiance, living together in SZ and he just went to Longhua to look for a job there. Now she was free, for a while. Her fiance was one year younger than her, from the neighbourhood…her mother would not let her come out again if she not get engaged..!!

Yang yang stayed with me in SZ for almost two weeks. I went the SZ almost every night except for one day Yang yang had to go to longhua to see her fiance.

One afternoon I got a call with China number. It was a man there and he asked if I owned this number and I said yes. I phone Yang yang immediately afterwards and she confirmed this was her fiance’s number

That evening I was with yang yang in SZ and her fiance had called her a few times asking where she was…

After two days, I could not contact Yang Yang anymore , (I bought a phone and number for her) I anticipated this. I called her friend’s number and my number was blocked…..but I know Yang Yang is still in SZ.

Brothers …. What do you think what have happened??


Not sure - but I like to share my story about a girl like this in Shanghai.

I am in SH for some projects from last year till maybe mid of next year. I knew her in SN too, normally I don not go that place but there is one time I felt so lonly. I went a SN and picked a girl as MM took to me - I think I like her so I kept her.

After that, I was in travel and back to Shanghai after a month - for some reason I wanted to see her again. I did see her and she still remember me. At the end of that day - she gave me her number and tell me her real name. Maybe I just too tired to be a homeless guy - I sometimes sned her messages to chat a little bit.

Then I have to travel to FR again for anoter month. I bought some gifts for her in FR and when I landed in SH - I called her and asked her to see if possible for her to come and meet me. She was happy and accept that - that was our first date, we were out dinner and seeing movie and that is it. I feel good to be like that and I thouht she is same.

Normally I go to work early and back home late - I will messae her when I back home. It is funny as I normally don not like type messae at all before - but I think the SMS is good. I remember there is one time I told her that I think I like her - she did not rely untill half an hour and said : She does too, but she does not tare to do so. I told her, I just wnat to be a friend to her and won't hurt her, and I will help her as long as I am in SH. Then she told me that it just makes her change her "like" to a deeper level, but she does not dare to either.

I feel comfortable to be with her, show her arroud and dinner, take her some places she may never been before - but I don't know how she feels - maybe good maybe not. But she never say no to me or asking for any money even though she got criticized a lot from her boss. We talked a lot about her hometown, family and mine when we are together - it is good!

I am not really sure what I am suppose to do as I don't know what kind of relationship - we are just like boy and girl friend, go somewhere and sometime kiss each other at a right time. I think I am lost here. I travel a lot and I really worried about her - but she does not want me to do any further. Ans she told me she will do by herself. I really want her to go back to a normal life when the day my leaving comes. Wish her the best.




i have almost the same when i was in shanhai, staying with a local who i first met her in the night club. when i revisted shanghai, she has quit and work as an ol. since i am alone and we went out together and sometime she stay in my apartment overnight. she knew that i was married and got girl friends in hk. during weekend i bring her along to visit some other places near shanghai, i.e. hangzhou for the weekend.
time flies and i need to leave shanghai and when i returned to hk, she told me that she got another taiwanese man as her new boyfirend. i can understand her income is not enough to support her living since i used to give her some money when i was in shanghai.
last thing she want me to give her a few ten thousand to aid her father's business which i rejected and relationship comes to an end.
women in china cannot make too much and sometimes need to rely on her boyfriend, till now i will rather pay and go, dont want to get involved in love affairs since i know that i can't afford to play this game since i might 'boat sinking'.
Never look back and no regret


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原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-6-15 17:41 發表
It was last June I first met this Henan MM in a SN in SZ. When I do not travel I would go to some SN and fast food in SZ by myself, hard to find brothers. Usually I follow the info from the thread. ...
Like some brothers said in other threads, women in China need financial support.  
It is a dlilemma in life that love, like plant, cannot thrive on dried soil.
I think that your MM was really fond of you.  But for many reasons, her self-esteem, respect to you etc, she would not ask for your help.  At the same time, you did not offer shouldering all her need in the near future.  In other words, staying with you means no future.
So she is caught in a crossroad  --  You or her future spouse?
She might have made a decision.  She would stay with a husband but enjoy the loving feel while she can.  This is why she spent a couple weeks with you.
Now she may have come to a critical point.  Maybe there are external factors.  But she chose to stay with her so-called husband.
However, I still think that she made that decision with a mixed feeling.
So don't be surprised if she shows up later.  But be prepared.  If you feel that she worth something to you, offer her something, on top of sweet words, that can carry her life for the next 6 months.
Then you can keep enjoying her company.  And I trust that you would not "SINK" in the end  --  GOOD LUCK!


Noted Brothers have similar experience!
I also think that MM is at a cross road and in reality she must stay with her fiance. This was a forced engagement arranged by the parents. MM told me her fiance has a girl friend in Longhu and that is why he leaves MM in SZ and work in LH.
Actuall I just refloated last year, after a few years, and I do not want to sink again. That is why I told MM I could see her more and give some money but not that kind of relationship.
so even MM shows up again some time, I will just keep my stance. I'd rather keep this kind of semi-sinking way, quite nice,  with different MM and in different places!!


to sink or not

Sometime to sink or not to sink is beyond reason. I was proud of myself being one night kind of guy but last year I was almost sank my boat. It all because the girl was so darn nice and emotional. She was a KTV girl and very fresh at the trade. I was her 5th lover in her life and I was the first one to make her come in bed. She found me so adorable and feell attached to me that kind of make me become reciptical to her feeling. After I left CP and she kept email me and sent pictures of her. I feel panic for a while because I don't want this relationship to develop into a stage of too serious. I started to back away and not replying her emails etc. She can feel my stepping away from her approach and she started to cool off as well. I felt so releave that the hit is over.
My friend has a girl friend for last few months and the girl starts to ask him to support her family to build a house in her hometown. We are talking $150K. Of course my friend backs away. I think almost all the girls are like that. May be the insecure feeling being unskilled and the only asset is her youth. The youth will start to fade away once she become twenty some and her body is start to worn out. However most girls I talked to don't want to improve herself or to acquire more skill. They all wanted to make a quick buck and go home. This is their mentality if they are in the sex trade.


"to sink or not to sink is beyond reason"
Agree!! When I travel in China, I go to K almost every night and most often I change MM every night. Sometimes I keep one for the 2nd night and that's it. But you never know when you meet a MM you really like, and most importantly you feel the MM also likes u. Then something is going to happen!!
Now I do not want to sink with one boat but rather semi-sink different boats different places!!


Hi, brothers, I got amost same feeling with your "stories". I am now feeling well with a lady who was also a "friend" of Kou Ki C_Hing.

Hi, Kou Ki C_Hing, how are U, long tiem no see U here ! Please response


so shes getting married, leave her alone, plz, for ur own sake and hers


原帖由 panda99 於 2007-6-18 01:13 發表
so shes getting married, leave her alone, plz, for ur own sake and hers
I agree with you brother. But i know if she calls again I will go to see her


hey brother, do not see her again, if you not really love her and want to have a future with her
just for your security


u seem in love, i mean, true love, with yang yang.
whatever, good luck, C hing!


原帖由 jan73 於 2007-6-18 11:50 發表
hey brother, do not see her again, if you not really love her and want to have a future with her
just for your security
Thank you for your advise, Brother. Actually security is one of the main concern. Only when I know she breaks up with her fiance I will see her again.


really fantastic

so many brothers here share each other's opinion, really helpful, when we face the feeling, we should know that there is not only love in the world, there are many others thing we should consider, so we have to say goodbye to many goodliness thing


原帖由 hikerb 於 2007-6-18 12:49 發表
so many brothers here share each other's opinion, really helpful, when we face the feeling, we should know that there is not only love in the world, there are many others thing we should consider,  ...
Quite right but it is this 捨不得  feeling that is so nice and keep you there


I did not expect these two long stories got that much attention from brothers.

I think I will not go out to play any more - I should back to my normal workin days. I will leave to ingapore for a few days and my girl will go back home in ChongQin to attend her sister's wedding. I planned to talk to her after both of us come back.

I don't know - but she told me she knows as she should not expect too much. I thouht she is a good girl - and that is why I don't want to hurt her.

I don't think I am boat sinking, I will take it as one part of my life that I should remember. I want have a final saying of this emotional game - if we can.


I did not expect these two long stories got that much attention from brothers. 香港討論區3_;Nmv7Q L:G.~
forum 論壇 討論區+}pBV(\/JI3mN(Ya
I think I will not go out to play any more - I should back to my normal workin days. I will leave to ingapore for a few days and my girl will go back home in ChongQin to attend her sister's wedding. I planned to talk to her after both of us come back.
KB m|-Jxocat.com香港討論區,eB.Blrm
I don't know - but she told me she knows as she should not expect too much. I thouht she is a good girl - and that is why I don't want to hurt her. forum 論壇 討論區2iS,Ku%w        j

1j0|Q)g],x$D9Ixocat.comI don't think I am boat sinking, I will take it as one part of my life that I should remember. I want have a final saying of this emotional game - if we can.
  • ComeOn 體力 -16 惡意灌水 2007-6-19 08:31
  • ComeOn 威望 -16 惡意灌水 2007-6-19 08:31




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