原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-7-13 08:55 發表
one man show of 941
1. 成交/新高背馳... 若成交少於 900 億, 要小心小心 (moderately negative signal)
Showing not enough momentum
But other negative signals were not present....
2. 高開低收大陰燭 (+150) 或單日轉向 (very negative signal)... not true,,,
3. 上升/下跌比例 (negative signal if less than 1:1 with record HSI level),,, not true...
4. 老散大接大户派貨 (VERY VERY negative signal)... not true...
只有 0-1 個出現, 舞可照跳

The HSI trading range was moving up to +226xx to 23xxx/24xxx in the thrid quarter,,, I would set 10 day MA as cut-win level and let the profit run,,,
But the momentum is not too strong and the market may need some consolidation next week, but I don't think we have reached 3rd quarter top, index still have room for testing +23500-24000 level in coming 2 weeks....